I recall a number of years ago when my brother had come for a visit and for several days, I kept witnessing the number 21 kept appearing before me on digitals etc... I knew that this was going to be the Power Ball number in that week's lottery and as we sat watching I informed him as the numbers were drawn, that 21 would be the Power Ball, and sure enough 21 was the Power Ball.
Realizing that the dollar spent then was a dollar returned, as what good was one number when 5 others were necessary, I did not bother with purchase.
I have had numbers come up in other instances of my life, but as I pay no attention to the lottery, it is one of those things that what good is a number without it being numbers.
I have studied this as of late, as I need money in sums now, and it is an interesting situation in what will and will not be revealed in predictions.
God and mammon do not mix and in that I recently attempted the lottery numbers, after reading of people who did come up with certain numbers based upon conjuring methods, which I would never employ.
Number are not people, in that numbers can be influenced by wills. People can be influenced by wills, but their will is what is the deciding factor in what they are prejudiced for in good or evil.
Think of numbers like guided missiles. The number 6 is launched days away from the lottery, but with wind, humidty and other factors a missile attempting a bullseye might like darts hit a 13 when aiming for a 6, because the eddies and currents of will do affect those numbers.
I know there is a Book of Truth where all things are recorded. I know also that the dice is cast, but it is God who brings about the results.
Recall Haman in the book of Esther in he invested a great deal of time for the best day to exterminate the Judahites, Levites and Benjamintes in Persia, and ended up by God's direction hung on his own gallows. Haman had the best day for genocide, but it became a day in which his entire family was slaughtered instead, as God's influence overrode the natural progression.
That is God stating He declares events from beginning to end. God deals with all sorts of wills and events, of different people and demons, but in the end it is His Word which accomplishes what He wills accomplished.
I know that a Holy Angel could pick the lotto numbers and bring them up. Somewhere in this, it must be a reality that there are newspapers and broadcasts which do indeed show the lottery numbers. The mystery though is in viewing those numbers, because in certain realities, those numbers keep generating until they are actually thrown as forces prevail on them.
I shot an arrow into the air
Where it struck I do not know where.
A simplicity in this, and yet a complexity as the Holy Ghost provided me the winning loto numbers, but satan was involved in a Job trial and God was able to see what this vessel would do with God after this type of event.
There is always more being worked out about me than I care to have worked out, as I prefer simplicity, but it always becomes complexity expounded upon.
My being clever though is never clever enough in what is taking place in the emotional wave which becomes the physical reality of this dimension.
I certainly do not have money to waste on the lottery, and even in predictions one can find past events cemented to be revealed and future events still fluid in either becoming projection points or vanishing points. I though have not been shown the complete key in this chaos which forms an order.
I would that I was this advanced, because in analyzing all of this, it is a monumental thing to be a part of in knowing things before actual events or know the event, based upon scientific study which fascinates me personally.
It is puzzling as Edgar Cayce had a shelf life of approximately 30 years and then his projection points became vanishing points. Nostradamus seems to have had success in major events to the latter 20th century, but he too became vanishing points in that period of the age of change.
I once inquired of a buried treasure in my vicinity which was rumored here from a military payroll. It was an interesting exercise, as while the pay roll did exist, it was apparently in a rotting metal box and the money was not silver and gold, but paper currency rotting too.
Needless to point out I did not waste my time on such a thing. I do believe though I know the location of a buried treasure at least in directional point....problem is I could not afford to travel nor have the time for searching to pinpoint it.
It reminds me of the Prodigal's Good Brother who God told that all things were always his for the taking. I have not had a satisfactory answer in all things are God's, and how if I just took them, that I would not be accused of robbery, as the world operates under a different script.
The answers are always there, but at this juncture I have not been provided them.....or God has other ideas He is working out for me.
I do not konw how people can be bored at work, unless of course they are not working and being paid to do nothing. My work pays me nothing, but I'm never bored as it is always an adventure of discovery.
It is like I needed a mouse and God gave me one for a dollar......cool little USB device that glows and everything like some alien mouse.....must be infrared tracking instead of the ball.
That time I just sort of decided I needed one, and thought of it in yearning, but no praying and voila there it appeared. I do receive a number of things in prayer that way, which is again another dichotomy as my proper prayers do not perform very well. Must be frequency and will of course as prayer has that mustard thing going on that is amplified by God's Will a prayer is sown into.
That is about enough pertinent information explaining cause and effect and how God affects outcome on things relevant and things Spiritual.
Odd thing today too, in I was invited by two neighbors to some shindigs they were putting together.....odd in both were moved to do the invite thing and sought Mom and I out with verbal show ups.
Right now I'm looking for the raccoon eye girl to see how she is progressing in the experiment. Will post her if she appears, and if not, I will take a second choice that is not raccoon eye ill doing perverted things at work.
Oh for a dollar I picked up a Coleman stove. All it needed was a little oil on the leather pump and away it went. The carburetor though has some little flame coming out of the nut juncture which is not anything really dangerous to explode.
Still informed God in His great deals that I require the dollar.
Women bored at work seem to fixate on their cleavage. The human animal is an odd sort.
I must have scared the raccoon chic off.
Oh well Angela Lansbury first season DVD of her series is a wholesome alternative.