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The Facade Peels Away


NYTIMES: President reaches for 'hidden hand' approach in second term...

It is too late Mr Drudge to give belated kudos to this blog even in picture form. Silent approbation does not speak louder than cash donation reparations for what you stole and what you attempted to silence in distracting the chatter in Kenya disinformation.

However, doing the work of the Drudge Report as well as informing those who read the Inspiration found here... if one zooms in on the face of the Jinn it appears there is a greenish blue bulge on its right front forehead that is jutting towards the camera... perhaps a glimpse of its true facial color? Obama would never stand with his right vulnerable side facing the other person on the stage, but would want his dominant hand/side towards the enemy and right hand facing the crowd. (It appears i have company. Hello, illegal spy hackers and minions of the syndicated online papers paid to steal the things found here. Six figure donation would be helpful to continue the blog and your job security to hack away in peace.)

This Jinn knows it has displaced those who have authority due to principality government which of course pissed them off in the Rockefeller Bush Clinton leagues and thus it stands as far away as possible from the wrinkled dude and reaching to the back of Herbert Wheelchair with its dominant side towards the enemy...but not Obama's dominant side. (Interesting, apparently "Obama" is not any longer an autocorrect suggestion...wonder what Baby is hinting at. Rhetorical.) Geezer HW is also at dominant hand facing the Jinn in these two are at odds and not at all comfortable with each other.

Does not the Jinn look like it desires to give the senile mismatched sock wearing tie askew former Pres a hand into early room temperature status in giving his wheelchair a good shove off the ice floe? This "helpfulness" is what all free healthcare will be paid for in rainbow bridging the old farts straight to Heaven or hell in a do not pass go, do not collect 200 in social security as we will need that for the anchor baby illegals on the fast track to American jobs in voter cell block 1600.

In Inspiration and inquiry am going to do a quick summation, so you get this.

What you are looking at is an unholy alliance between the sub reptilian head and the Jinn.

You children do not know the rules and you brats are ignorant of the game. The lords and the priests do not allow this knowledge to be written. This is beyond the satanist meanderings and the warlock covens.

Bill and Hillary Clinton, appointed by the European by the Ashkenaz Rockefeller order for the aristocracy of Europe, were in alliance by the American principalities....prince demons. Why Clinton got away with all that crime stuff.

They are moving at odds with the "anti president" order...think of it as the anti Christ of America which is the Rovian cult.

Fang Jinn is under increasing pressure, from sources which will be written of here, along with work others are doing. Joe Biden is acting Prez and he has his own demons, but all of these combined are leveraging the Jinn.
Even if Biden is the Jinn's boy, the Jinn was put in place by satan to assist the anti Christ. There is another order though in the Rovian's who are sub European order supplanted into America by the anti Christ demon...same group that stuck Hitler in power in that manifestation.

George H. W. with the festooned clown socks, which are on display like garters BECAUSE THEY ARE PART OF THE PRIESTLY ORDER, has made covenant with Fang Jinn, in return for Jeb to once again be President of the dead United States in 2016.

Recall the when a demon is cast out, it goes to the dry places to seek rest, and then returns and finds the soul ready for occupation again, and it goes and takes other worse demons with it, so the end of that person is worse than what originally was possessed?
You are looking at a power alliance between two non American demonic enhanced factions, because other factions which are in power in America, along with ...unnamed people are weakening the Jinn, and this is the "will field" which will stand against being supplanted.

This is not satan's house divided, but as was exclusively written of here, in this is how satan gets the most destruction in competing forces.

The same Obama who had George W. under house arrest in Texas and the same Obama who was trying to blame Gabby Giffords and a Sarah Palin termination on the Bush family.....and the same Obama who dosed HW with a Mandella remedy, in having scorched earth W for 6 years....and the old man is just going to show up with clown socks and let by gones be by gones?

Even a rich non donor is not that stupid to not see the handwriting on the wall in this being this obvious, of course exclusively pointed out here, AGAIN.

This is Fang Jinn in covenant with the anti president powers at odds with the principalities in America.

The Rovian Reptilians of Europe help the Jinn, and the Jinn who promised old Joe the same Oval Office slot, is promising Jeb the same chair.

Now you know what you are seeing is a public display of the rites in covenant was made and.......

I will state it again, only from TL and myself do you get the analysis of what it all is about and not the Mockingbird or the ignorama crap you are always spoon fed.

It is tiring being poor......I wonder for the rich non donors who think hiding will not bring the curse, if it is just as difficult being rich not donating money to keep matter anti matter exclusives appearing.
No one else would dare speak of these things in fear of being mocked or terminated. Then again no one who is chattering at you has any idea of what the lords and the priests manifest.

The enigma has produced the code again.


Ted Nugent - Wang Dang Sweet Poontang (studio version) - YouTube

Feb 22, 2011 - Uploaded by lulizin
Always looked for the studio version of this song on youtube but could never find it... then decided to upload it ...

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