The appearance of the Virgin Mary in Catholicism is one of most interesting necromancy, in the romantic conjuring of the dead, because the reality in all of this is, this stems from Semiramis worship who had the first "virgin birth" after this fertility wife of Nimrod, had her sun deity husband die, and by "miracle" she conceived in satanic staged comedy.
Mary appears in the catacombs first in the burial ground of Simon Pater, the Simon the Sorcerer of Rome who the Vatican deceives Faithful with in attempting to make him first Pope of Rome.
That is key in this, as Vaticanus or the hill of oracles, was where this Universal religion appeared incorporating all pagan religions into the Vatican to gain power and public acceptance.
Early veneration of the Blessed Virgin is documented in Roman Catacombs, underground cemeteries, where Christians hid in times of persecution. In the catacombs paintings show the Blessed Virgin holding the Christ Child.[35] More unusual and indicating the burial ground of Saint Peter excavations in the crypt of St Peter's Basilica discovered a very early fresco of Mary together with Saint Peter.[36][37]
As this degrades to outright Marian worship into converting her to immaculate conception to be venerated as Jesus "Queen of Heaven", one sees the incorporation of a female diety of pagan demonic practices.
I will not say that all Virgin Mary appearances are demonic, but I will state that the Mother of the Son of God, is not about to be leading people away from Christ's Salvation for her own veneration in people focusing on her, as Mary could not save anyone as that is only Christ's Office.
That being suspect, I do wonder of the manifestations of perfume to bleeding to crying, that this assembled "saints" provide for those who follow them. It though in examination starts bringing about a reality in can praying to the dead Saints affect things and could it conjure them?
We see that Samuel was conjured by the Witch of Endor for Saul, and Samuel was not pleased in the least about being disturbed.
We can not Abraham's bosom in Lazarus being there. Outside the Bible Joan of Arc mentions King Louis and Charlamange in praying for France.
The reality is this necromancy is a power structure and I suspect that after Simon Pater was given the kick to the curb by the Apostles that he returned to his rites and rituals, and that his followers did the same, which including romancing the dead, because the Holy Ghost was not having anything to do with them in miracles or revelations.
That is not to state that all Catholics are apostates. It is to point out that satan can deceive many people, and the luciferans are a segment of the Vatican control as much as sodomites.
We can trace this fringe movement of Mary, to starting out in honoring the Martyrs of the Saints in the first centuries of the Church, but by the 4th Century it had turned into full blown Mary worship and veneration. The female diety had been reborn.
This is fascinating as one tracks down this necromancy, as it is non stop in the Catholic icons, as pilgrimage worship was more followed than actually the Salvation of Christ, in when it was that this Mary first started appearing.
Liturgical venerations of the saints are believed to have originated in the 2nd century and in the first three centuries, the emphasis was on the veneration of martyrs, as a continuation of the yearly celebrations of their death, e.g. as noted in the early Christian text on the Martyrdom of Polycarp.[45] However, in the early part of the 3rd century, Hippolytus of Rome recorded the first liturgical reference to the Virgin Mary, as part of the ordination rite of a bishop.[41] Marian feasts appeared in the 4th century, and the feast of the "Memory of Mary, Mother of God" was celebrated on August 15 in Jerusalem by the year 350
The earliest known prayer to Mary, the Sub tuum praesidium, (Latin for under your protection) begins with the words: "Beneath your compassion, we take refuge."[89][90] The artistic depictions of the Virgin of Mercy portray the role of Mary as the protector of Christians, as she shelters them under her mantle. The Virgin of Mercy depictions sometimes include arrows raining from above, with the Virgin's cloak protecting the people.Mary would become protector in the Church. This is far different than her last appearance in the Bible at the cross when Jesus commits her into John's care as his mother. She is not recorded at the death of Christ nor the viewing of where Joseph of Aramathea had laid the body of Christ.
I maintain that the Vatican worship of Saints has more to do with God's refusing to hear the Vatican and her priests in their practice of necromancy, their teaching that the Pope is the way to Christ, the priests taking on sins in Communion in only being allowed the Wine and the veneration of Saints.
Why should Jesus appear and work for these people when they are off praying to dead people in Heaven in begging them to "pray for them in their hour of need".
I do not discount those who have had manifestations. I myself know Joan of Arc. She has been part of a series of events as definite as the paper which blew against Mark Twain's leg as a child so he would write the book I was led to.
That does not mean I worship to Joan nor do I pray to her. I talk with her as a family Saint in who we are. She is surprising to me in all she is, but then she is a Spirit of the highest order in completed martyrdom.
I can only vouche for Jehanne and my personal contact. The rest of these situations in even doing good, in a miracle I know of in an American actor by the Padre Pio and a rosary, are things I would need to prove as we are ordered to prove the Spirits.
The term Marian apparition is usually used in cases where visions of the Virgin Mary are reported, either with or without a conversation. There are, however, cases (e.g. Saint Padre Pio or Sister Maria Pierina De Micheli) where visions of Jesus and Mary and conversations with both are reported. Well-known apparitions include Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of Guadalupe and Our Lady of Fatima.
This brings one to proving things.
The first apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary would be in 40 AD when she appeared to St James the Greater. St James had traveled to Spain to convert those he encountered and became discouraged. During this time, Mary the mother God appeared to him and presented him with a small wooden statue of herself and a column of Jasper wood. The city was Zaragoza, Aragon Spain. The Basilica of Our Lady of the Pillar was built in Mary's honor as a result.
The above first appearance is one which has a teraphim or house god being given to St. James. The column would be the same type of structure of pagan worship.
In those facts, I doubt this was Mother Mary, and doubt that St. James the Greater was St .James the Greater as he would not in Jewish or Christian Faith succumb to such blasphemy.
See when things are tried in violating the Commandment against Graven Images, then it is suspect we are dealing with someone in Heaven, who God is allowing to teach the breaking of commandments.
To make the point, a great deal of what Islam is based on is contrary to Scripture in what Muhammed saw or came up with.
You will never get a real straight answer on the dead Virgin Mary, as the Vatican has this assumption dogma going on clouding the issue which of course takes away from the main issue of Christ's Salvation.
Can satan perform miracles? it certainly can show itself an Angel of Light. The false prophet will perform miracles the Bible states and his source is satan.
"Say the Rosary every day...
Pray, pray a lot and offer sacrifices for sinners...
I'm Our Lady of the Rosary.
Only I will be able to help you.
...In the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph."
—Our Lady at Fatima
Only Mary will be able to help the children of Fatima? I know that is a lie as Christ is the Way with the Father.
See when things like this come out, it is as I term them the Catholic oracles as the oracles of Europe are notorious for being gifted demonic entities showing future events.
Big problems in all of this and yet it is what is the protocols of all of this in chants. Note I defined this as CHANTS.
Steps to Praying the Rosary
(click on the prayer titles to go to that prayer)
1. While holding the crucifix make the Sign of the Cross. and then recite the Apostles Creed.(click on the prayer titles to go to that prayer)
2. Recite the Our Father on the first large bead.
3. Recite a Hail Mary for an increase of faith, hope and charity on each of the three small beads.
4. Recite the Glory Be to the Father on the next large bead.
5. Recite the Fatima Prayer "O my Jesus" on the large bead.
6. Recall the first Rosary Mystery and recite the Our Father on the large bead.
7. On each of the adjacent ten small beads (also refered to as a decade) recite a Hail Mary while reflecting on the mystery.
8. On the next large bead, recite the Glory Be to the Father, the Fatima prayer.
9. Each succeeding decade is prayed in a similar manner by recalling the appropriate mystery, reciting the Our Father, ten Hail Marys, the Glory Be to the Father, and the Fatima prayer while reflecting on the mystery.
10. When the fifth mystery is completed, the Rosary is Customarily concluded with the Hail Holy Queen, and the Sign of the Cross.
As one can note, there is vain repetition which the Bible warns against. What this all is, is a spell principle being cast and a force being conjured.
This is akin to divination and dowsing in technique.
The end result or advisement is that one should stay away from this dogma. One should pray to God the Father in the Name of His Christ, with the Holy Spirit guiding.
Looking to Angels or Saints, is taking things away from God, as in praying to them or honoring them as all Glory and Honor belongs to the Father.
I worship and pray to God. Joan is my Friend. There are special circumstances involved in this from the time before I came here. I did not seek her, but events moved me to the association. She never does anything, and to the extreme in keeping me focused on God and mission. She never says she is the only help or other such nonsense.
All of these Saints are things which children should not be involved in, as the Saints are one person like you, and they can not as humans deal with 500 or 500 million people asking things of them. That is what makes God God and Saints not God.
I'm protective of Joan for reason as she was not helped by her visitors in her hour of need. There are lessons in that and as I was locked in time and could not rescue her as I had not appeared yet, that is something I still grieve over.
If Joan of Arc, the Christia of France could not be saved by her voices, then what makes you think that you are going to be any more a match for satan.
Do not make the mistake in thinking you are me. I make enough mistakes about what God accomplishes in me and it gets me in upheaval by this vortex of wills and matrix as this is all a hurricane of emotion no one is prepared for.
You should rely on Christ and invest the time in pleading His blood, confessing your sins to Him and begging for His Mercy to carry you safe each day and finally to Home.
The Vatican has been of this world and too lustful in it's power. It has been deceiving people for centuries. It is what it is and having the above expose realities, should probably have on examine if they are dealing with a Virgin Mary the Mother of God or a Slutty Mary the whore of babylon.
You have been warned from the wall.
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