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The Great Apostate


There once was a man named Nimrod who ventured out into the Plains of Shinar, by the Tigris and Euphrates river after the Flood of Noah and covered the entire earth........

So begins another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This Nimrod was of the sons of Ham, cursed by Noah their father for being lewd in looking upon the drunken state of Noah as he lay naked after coming off the Ark.

Nimrod founded the first empire in the world and this was pondered in my thoughts by the Holy Ghost.

Genesis 10

He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD.
And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.
And Resen between Nineveh and Calah: the same is a great city.

This is the story of Nimrod.

Nimrod would rise to the status of sun god and his wife Semaramis would join him as the fertility goddess. From them would be the bastardized "birth without father" in God's Promise of Christ, as after Nimrod died, Semaramis became impregnated by another male, but it was stated the child was an immaculate birth beyond human conception.

Not one of the cities Nimrod founded survives. Some are lost and some are great mounds of earth that still amaze visitors by how all of this was constructed so long ago.

Nimrod, in being a mighty hunter before the Lord, did not just hunt lions and bears, as prowess was given to the kings of the region on hunting abilities.
No Nimrod, also hunted men.

His style was an extroverted contest to the Roman games in the Colosseum. For Nimrod, he would arm a dozen people and send them out into the plains, where the peoples of his cities could watch the contest for entertainment, as Nimrod in chariot chased down his armed prey.
He would use bow, javelin and sword. Actually leaping out of the chariot for actual combat with the armed people he was hunting.

Nimrod was white skinned and Semaramis was brown skinned. He did not hunt the Shemites nor the Japhethites, but he hunted the sons of Ham, but unlike him, he hunted the children of Put, who were black skinned.

He was upon the stage of the world and it was an amazing theater of control, as it both entertained the masses as it awed them, because here was a ruler who not only could kill the worst of wild beasts, but he also killed armed people. It was a psychological conditioning that not even armed struggle could overcome the rule of Nimrod.

This was the reign of terror which Nimrod founded the world system which has never departed and still infects humanity in it's world regimes
Nimrod would be killed by his Uncle, Shem, the lineage of whom the Christ would come.

This Nimrod and all his incest with his "mother wife" and the false Christ message of "tree of life" in the groves being honored in paganism is the story of the anti son of God which Jesus the Christ fulfilled.
Nimrod's empire is mounds and heaps of  testaments to satan's consumptive force. His empire was eaten by the Assyrians who are modern Germans, which was eaten by Babylonian Chaldeans who are modern southern Italians, which was eaten by the Shemite peoples of the Persians and Medes of Elam, who were eaten by the Greeks, who were eaten by Rome, and Rome like the snake eating it's tail arises in reincarnation to feed upon itself to it's own destruction, which will arise the anti Christ, the false prophet and satan's rule before Jesus returns and shatters it all.

From one, Noah, would be brought forth three offspring in Shem in the sons of God, Japheth the carnal sons of this world, and in Ham, the sons of darkness.

These are the additional revelations concerning Nimrod and the children of this world in further Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusives.

agtG 239

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