I monitor things from the brier patch and when I note trends or hear things that will send Homeland into a spin, I cringe, because I have started to hear something on the edge in North Dakota which has caught my attention and if I'm noticing it, then the entire Obamaland apparatus has it's sights set on this Tea Militantism.
What you need to understand is like rural Georgians, West Virginians, west Texans, Nevadans, there are groups of people in America who are really Americans. You never notice them like the people in parts of Pennsylvania, because they are always quiet, but for those who know what to look for, these people are always cocked unlocked, but will nod as state troopers rob them or the government hounds them over permits.
They are waiting for things and they have their fingers on the trigger.
It is these peoples who end up on Homeland watch lists, as these Americans scare the hell out of the cartel elite in they know what they are capable of if uncorked.
North Dakota for all it's oil rapine "boom", which is nothing but Buffett and the one formerly here as Obama, using oil tycoons to take a lions share of profits out of a rural state too stupid to know it is being plundered.
With all that money in North Dakota, not having an Obama Super Depression, it allowed them time to become political in the Tea Party and attempt to overturn the DC structure. Problem is they had foisted on them Hoeven, Kraemer and Heidkamp, who are pure feudalcrats and the North Dakota populace is vocalizing over this.
You must understand that region to know what vocalization means. For the most part, North Dakota is Norwegians with a German base. Minnesotans are Swedes with German base. South Dakota is German with a Norwegian Swede base.
These are the people who the Obama regime tried to bleed off in lunatic war ads to get young hot heads to join the military to get them weeded out of the voting base which was covered here exclusively and has now stopped.
The Norwegian is the same stock which bred the Viking. It is also the same stock that one seeing and listening to them, thinks that rocks really do live among us, as there is not a great deal of annimation in them.
These Israelites though in that base produced the most efficient warriors and killers to win wars. They do not quit once started. They have a nuance about them in being slow to anger like God, but they never forget a wrong done to them, and they will kill you when they have a reason as easily as a chicken for Sunday stew.
I ponder this region which is not vocalizing a revolution, as that is the phraseology coming out of these people now. They speak of meltdowns and things not being around for 2016. Those are the things which really get one popular with Homeland.
I believe that Homeland would like to thump North Dakota, but if they did not do it right, they would start a revolution as if this mass became welded together, the entire ire would not quit like the Colonials against British occupation.
Scott Hennen who used to be Mr. Tea Party, until his big oil roots and his ability to find revenue sources to purchase up North Dakota media, now has a fixation on animal rights with 5 rescue pooches, making people wear helmets, more drunk driving laws, and making certain that border busters suck off the locals, is an interesting study, in he appears like most of these types to be a local cork to keep the lid from blowing off, in promoting liberal Obamacrats like Heidi Heidkamp to standing up for these Rhinoids in Congress.
Is an amazing transformation, and makes one ponder how all of this has North Dakota in the spotlight in will the ghost of Gordon Kahl arise to another generation ready to throw off the bonds as was in 1776.......and what were bonds in 1776 are a million times more in the 21st century under the feudalcrats.
Do not overlook that Michele Bachmann, while being from Minnesota was a feature in North Dakota, and she has been neutralized. There is a major coup taking place in this region to cleanse it of leadership so that these people are kept in the villages and farms.
Gordon Kahl was an American Patriot. He was one of the first to speak out about taxation rights for Americans. He was then targeted by the federal police, who set him up for an ambush on the highway, where the former Veteran, fired back and saved his life.
He subsequently fled to Missouri, where he was hunted down and murdered in a most brutal way by federal police in information pointed to he had broken bones in the bunker he died, as in the federal police smashed his limbs with stomps before he was dispatched.
This region has groups of minders and election riggers to keep the sheep bleating in the pen. The sheep though are making noises and when that is Norwegians, it is a danger signal, as Norwegians are like rocks in seen and not heard. These people are making sounds and that is something when backed by a state having some money and allot of firearms, which spills into greater Minnesota and those cow chips of South Dakota who are led by mutants named Daugaard.
The North Dakota oil boom though has a bust in it, and it also appears to have a smouldering fuse in a revolution on the lips of the local bleaters. That is interesting and the troubling part as the photos of Gordon Kahl reveal, this was a good man, who was murdered by the cartel standing up for America, before most of you children were not even born or watching Hawaii Five O live.
When the fight does come, they will do in mass to what they did to Gordon Kahl. Examples will have to be made, as the Branch Davidians and Ruby Ridge were the feudalcrats moving the goal posts in the game to buy time until the Obama years manifested.
I believe the masses will arise too late and it will be drone insects which kill them and not a fight.
Think of what they did to an American Hero like Gordon Kahl, a Veteran, Farmer, Patriot, peacefully living his life, and they made him a criminal and hunted him like an animal when he fought back to save his own life, and then brutally murdered him.
The cartel did that when not all was in the balance. What do you conclude they are fixating on with all these people being tracked in North Dakota speaking of revolution.
Yeah we'll get back to you on that.