That Lame Cherry is so impolite always asking for money.
It is of note how interesting it is in those who view money as the validation of who they are, in tempting others with it, as they delude themselves into believing that others actually like them and it is not because they entice others to affections due to their bank accounts, that the wealthy actually think they are good people.
"Oh LC do not do that, or you will not get the big donations".
Ah, my children, I'm not receiving the big donations and that is why this reality check is here, as part of what God works through here is bubble bursting in that delusion of "mirror mirror" does not have you as the fairest of all, but just ugly wickedness that you will face now as your last opportunity, as Christ's Judgment is coming and in that, you rich people are not going to be in Heaven unless you can put a camel through the eye of a needle easy.
I know the rich. I have rich relatives. My siblings are rich and got that way like all the rich in going off and living their lives while stealing from mine and my Mom's.
I have mentioned this that my old man was a drinker, a mean bully of a drunk and a sadistic psychological torturer when sober. See I know all of you, as I had first hand tutoring by a sociopath with delusions of grandeur and obsessions, schooled in the Karl Marx Ashkenaz course of using the Bible to control people.
I knew Obama as I know what he was. I know all of you as I read you for the book you are, and I know when you are trying to manipulate me, and I respond, just to watch your reactions in being idiots in thinking you pulled something on me.
My siblings like sitting in Church and thinking their money makes them better than me, but they need me poor to have somone to piss on, to make them feel like they are not the low dump on the toilet flush.
Yes, is that not just Christian in those who inform others of their goodness in helping others, and going to Church....hell have a preacher as friend, but somehow when my Mom went down, they wanted to murder her by putting her into an old folks home, instead of being children in caring for her at I did with respect as this was the Lady who hauled my ass around when I was almost dead a few times as a child and it is what one does for family, unless of course you are rich, then you just hire the executioner in a state run institution as you convince yourselves, as you go on vacation or disappear, "that you did all you could".
Sure I got that too, in both sisters, left Mom in the hospital in with only me to keep an eye on her, as one just vanished and the other had to go on vacation as her little brat said she had gone through enough.
I guess having a half a million in Stocks while your Mother is fighting for her life in a hospital is no comparison as she was old and going to die any way........yes the other sibling told me that on a drive back in which she asked "where I got gas" as she was trying to get me to fill up 100 dollars worth of gas for giving me a ride......or selling me a ride, as amazingly her fuel tank was almost empty after a 50 mile drive.
It is all those amazing things, like a brother "who lives too far away to help" and how they all disappeared when Mom's meds were 1000 dollars a month. Yes he could come home to put a tarp on his boat for "Mom's birthday" but when he was not allowed to stay here and be waited on by us and had to stay in a hotel, suddenly Mom's birthday was not important and he left the day before.........after he tarped up his boat.......the boat I got this brother in a great deal, and a boat I doubt he would sell back to me ever at that I only allowed him to keep it here rent free for 5 years.
So I know all of you rich people. I know you as the Uncle and Aunt who raided my Uncle's home as he as dying and I was sitting with him in a hospice, as they sent me away that day for that job so I would not be around.
I have heard it all about how you rich people do so much and yet every one of you is the one who killed your parents and left the good child home to deal with the drama as you stole other peoples lives to build your fortunes.
You really think all that money is yours don't you. You thin that somehow that accumilated wealth just happened fair and square don't you. You never think about all that money comes from poor people's pennies, as that is where money is gleaned from in capitalism is the mass market as there is not million dollar profits on Tupperware.
Yes it is slave labor somewhere and the economic rape on the poor masses in America. That is the reality of all of "your money" that is God's money, and the day you die, is the day history proves time and again, in no one visits your grave as those ungrateful brats are out whoring that money.........and then the dregs go to the grandkids, and just a few years, all that wealth is setting in some other barons accounts who thinks they too acquired all of that fairly and only they would know what to do with large sums of money, as poor people can only handle rationed starvation.
No please no, never consider how insulted you would be my rich readers if you needed on an American scale 500,000 dollars for a life to do God's Work, and such wonderful people like yourselves think they are "giving" me money, when in reality that 10 dollars is not given.........AS READING THIS BLOG IS SOMETHING YOU ALREADY TOOK AND NEVER PAID FOR.
It is all the price of a soul. What price would a person give for their soul? The few donations that end up here are interesting in how the troubled are moved to some amounts, how some think they are doing you God's favor to the world in a donation and own you, and how some never donate at all.
I really do look forward to be there among the Saints listening to Christ in asking what all these rich people's souls are worth, and how confused they will be in have Christ name off 100 Jesus did state in you did it to the least of my brethern you did it to me.
So Jesus is worth 100 dollars, God's Work is worth 100 dollars. Your life in millionaire accounts in how this blog tries to save you is worth 100 dollars and the price of your soul is worth 100 dollars.
None of that sounds like a soul Christ would care to put 50 cents toward nor one drop of His blood.
It bothers me greatly in a man like Joseph gave 5 dollars in not having a thing in going through the worst time in his life. For a Limbaugh type that would be like 40 million in a donation. The poor always understand money better than those who have it, as they know the value of a dollar as they always have to figure out what to live on when gas goes up 20 cents a gallon.
I honestly have begged, humiliated myself, ridiculed, chastized, mocked and whatever could be written to get one multi millionaire or billionaire who is on this blog to donate a sum they would never miss, and none of it phases any of them.
That money is their validation and they hide behind it as they know without it, they are exactly what they are in having fed off of other people to get where they are and no matter what lies they tell themselves, they are going to hell as their crumbs and dogs licking the poor man's sores just do not add up to anything but the reality that they think they are better than different than feudal times as what would a poor person need with half a million dollars, as how could they operate a business or mow a lawn at their home, as they are too busy serving my business when I'm socializing and mowing my lawn.
Yes the reasoning of the children of this world is always justified by their own mind in putting them first as Jesus said, as Jesus was a sinner and John nuts, but people doing the same things were all going to Heaven in being just popular or pious.
For your own sakes, you rich people, can you not just after talking to God, pick out some poor Christian family, ask them if they would partner with you in some franchise to run it for you, and divide the profits for 10 years, and then sell it to them AT START UP PRICE.
You will have made your damn money back 10 times over, and some poor family is going to be able to afford a life, and you will at least did something good in your life. As you sure as Heaven are not donating here and existing in your delusions living out the Good Samaritan story, in you are not the people stopping to help, but those passing by the other side on your way to hell.
Alms to the poor...........yes it is as that song I was forced to sing in Church long ago said,
"You've got my sympathy. What more can you ask of me. If you'll excuse me I'll be on my way".
Odd part is none of you ever go away, but keep feeding from my table and think all of this Spiritual working has no price in killing those who do it as it drains. People are not meant to do this non stop, but I keep trying in the hope that something would budge, but God for His reasons will not get you rich to part with anything.
Enough of this witness as it was nothing but a waste of time again and I am through wasting the time God afforded me.
Go walk on someone else's back.
In three years time, all of you rich people are going to be poorer than me.
This is from the same Lame Cherry predicting droughts, market rises, market stagnation and regrettably saving Joe Biden from a fruit loops overdose.
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