So the Jinn is electrifying Africa..........for who? Africans?
George Obama exists in a hut with no water, so that means no need for a water need for a television, radio or computer as they cost money and Dinesh D'Souza only after making millions off of George, "donated" to him 1000 dollars to live on, as everyone knows the rich donating 100,000 dollars is out of the question, as what would Lame Cherry do with that kind of money as she is only a dog for my amusement and only I know how to spend that kind of money on cars, cut flowers, servants and tax deductable donations so I can get my face in the media.........
Sorry, that should have been George Obama and not not know what I was thinking as all the rich pew sitters would never treat me like a nigger slave..........
Where was I?
Oh yeah, Now the Jinn, Barry Hussein Jinn, BHJ, the Blow Hard Job, is trying to be the LBJ of Africa in turning on the lights, but the thing is with LBJ in Texas doing that, the white poor people there actually had a Government in the Rural Electric Association that KEPT ELECTRIC RATES LOW FOR ..........well country electric rates were low to cooperatives until Obama was installed, and now electric bills for American poor have risen 300 percent since 2008.
Yes we never hear of things like that from Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and the rich who do not donate to this blog, because.......well they have no idea how hard it is in poverty and in real America, as they are too busy doing charitable work for know pets which are deserving, as who cares about millions of poor rural people being destroyed by Obama as now the Jinn is turning on the power in Africa where none of the Negroids can afford it.
So why turn on the power?
The Jinn is turning on the electric for the Roman Empire managers who from Europe will need air conditioning as the Nigs do what Nigs do in Africa in watching their resources all flow out as they die of AIDS from contaminated medical stuffs all spreading it................
That sounds like a conspiracy.
Meanwhile, I see Joe Biden is still tits horizontal, and all of that in saving his life, although I never intended to, was just posting about that plot to replace him with Hillary Hamrod Clinton, so they could be rid of the Jinn.
I guess old Joe didn't have the extra sugar on this Fruit Loops this morning and Elvis II did not leave the building.
One would think a donation would be some gratitude in not waking up in hell today or one would think MIC would just buy this blog and then all there planning could be "natural consequences".
Where was I?
Oh yes donations.......
No that was not it, as rich people tire of hearing about how they do not donate here, even though I found that 100 multi millionaires do visit this blog.....and they do not donate. Amazing is that what not eh?
It does look like MIC and the Control now are giving up on things, and Hillary will have to pack her pretty dress away and bring out the work clothes after Jeb Bush pins the jewelry on her.
Just think if Joe had just eaten the forbidden fruit, Hamrod would be one Jinn beat from the Oval Office now, but now all sorts of other things are building to next year.
Where was I?
Oh yeah the Jinn lighting up Africa...............yes the offering of dead Mandela and now the Jinn can return to rule from the Oval O, with Rubio and the Mexicans forcing it up the arse of America in a sodomization sure to please.
You know if all these Nigs in America do not want to move back to Africa, maybe there should be some program where Americans can just go to Africa and take some desolate wastes and turn it into the Garden of Eden like they did California.
There is electric there now, and like the Germans at Odessa, they will have one good generation before the Czar tells them they can now all die.
Funny thing about that, what not eh, in no one ever brings up the Russians lured Germans to the Krim to develop it, and then tried stealing their children, making them slaves, so all of them had to flee to America in the 1880's, while Stalin murdered the rest later on.
Sounds like genocide, but that is never brought up, nor how the American elite used the Germans from Pennsylvania to the west in developing hostile lands, and then confiscated all their children to be shot in European wars, and now Obama wars, as Obama is stealing their lands and jacking up the electric..........
But never mind, no rich people donate hundreds of thousands to this blog, as their pew in Church means God loves them, and God hates me and the poor........but Africa has lights, which Africans can not afford nor can afford anything to plug into it............
Joe Biden lives........we can all be wondrously grateful about that as he did not partake of the forbidden fruit.
Let's just all be happy. The poor are poor like me. The rich will not stoop, from being outed in not caring to being like Obama in there is a caste of Lame Cherry to bow down so they can walk over on her while they pat themselves on the back how Christian they are, things will get worse, but the lights are on in Africa for when the lords of Europe come to manage it all.