In Scripture, there is an exact time period which the Archangel Gabriel in Daniel chapter 9 revealed for a connected time period of Jewish exile, return, the Messiah come and the final 7 years of this "age" which is the End Times, Day of the Lord, Great Tribulation or Jacob's Trouble as they are defined in Scripture.
Jacob's Trouble is a definitive term, as Jacob was the Namesake for Israel, the people, and when he places his hands on Joseph's two sons, born of the Egyptian wife given him there, Jacob places his name upon the sons of Joseph.
So in Prophetic terms when Jacob's Trouble or House of Israel is mentioned, it is speaking of those two boys and their decedents in the forefront.
This blog has explained that in Moses and Jacob's blessing on Ephraim and Manasseh, that in one being the greatest commonwealth of nations in colonization, and one being the greatest single nation in world history after breaking off from that original group, that this defines the British peoples and the American peoples as the sons of Joseph with Jacob's name upon them in blessing, cursing and trouble for sin.
In Daniel chapter 9 verse 24, Gabriel speaks of 70 weeks determined upon the Judahites which is 490 years. The entire period is sentenced for the purging of sin, a reckoning for that sin and an ending of that sin.
The time frame is broken up to 3 periods. 62 weeks were for return of the Judahites from exile in Babylon and at the end of that period the Messiah will be crucified as Jesus was.
The time then shifts to a final week or seven years, meaning that of the 62 weeks, the Messiah was murdered, and then 7 weeks followed for 69 weeks, at which point history shows that Caesar Titus in 70 AD destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple.
This final week which is set aside for the final End Times 7 year cycle is spoken of at different times in the Scripture, and in each time it mirrors the original blasphemy of the Syrian Greek ruler Antiochos Epiphanes in his making war on the Jewish faithful, and then offering swine to Zeus on the Temple altar making it desolate as sexual rites were performed in orgy in the Temple.
"In the midst of the final week" or 3 1/2 years a like event takes place in the Temple that Ezekiel was showing in Prophecy in great detail which is to be rebuilt before Christ's second coming.
That is what is Prophesied for the last Advent of Christ in Jesus came to fulfill Passover in the First High Day of the Israelite feasts set by God, as the Lamb which takes away the sin of the world.
His pouring out of the Holy Ghost by the Father on Weeks or First Fruits, was the Second High Day fulfilled in Pentecost.
The third High Day is the Feast of Booths, Tabernacles, Trumpets or Indwelling. That takes place in the autumn every year, around the American Thanksgiving, as it is harvest, and it is then Jesus will return for the Spiritual harvest of the Faithful, who have not bowed to the anti Christ, which is Prophesied to come, and is the person Gabriel speaks of in verse 27 in Daniel 9 in this "covenant" or false peace treaty and repeats the abominations of Antiochos Epiphanes, the illustrious one.
This 7th week has yet to be fulfilled and it is the or 7 year period when literally, 98% of Prophecy that is yet to be fulfilled will take place. It is what the Revelation of Jesus the Christ to St. John focuses upon, and what Matthew 24 and Luke 21 are in synopsis, and what the last chapters of Daniel focus upon.
It is a time of false peace and hope that shatters into persecution and despair on a global scale. The very percursor prototype of this false John the Baptist in Birther Hussein Obama in making the straight path crooked is what will take place on an amplified scale as Obama was awarded a peace prize and all he has brought is burgeoning war, as Obama is a shadow of that darkness to come in the anti Christ who will lead a neo Roman Empire.
That is the 70th week, 69 weeks have been fulfilled in the past 3000 year periods, and one is to take place, and when that final week begins, nothing will stop the events from taking place in sequence until it is all fulfilled as God spoke it, and the last moments of that week Christ returns and ushers in His millennial rule where satan is bound in the pit for 1000 years.
This should cover all of this now in study and contemplation. These things must be kept in mind in preparation so Faith remains not weakened in knowing what is to come so no one doubts or falls in those troubled times.
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