Hmmmm who knew that in order to make the zoo keepers jump in giving me my own cage with private phone, all I had to do is mention something about the Elvis VEEP exiting the building.
It was quite interesting to see TL's phone get completely wiped today at noon, and loosing all access in a tower zone that would never lose access.
Very scientific all that, as the phone did a hear disconnect on my land line again, but this time it made a high pitched whine for several seconds.
Was very nice though, as there were not woodpecker sounds afterwards, not tapping on keyboards, no beeps like on Star Trek and no more phone disconnects as has happened in the previous period after June 13.
Nothing like being in the big show in an entire surveillance arena was set aside just for me in all being politely quiet and none of that psyops stuff.
The Elvis impersonator apparently was pulling his hair out in OCREEP was really interested in the building exit.
It just occurred to me that I should work according to what I was paid the day know like fuel in the gas tank. If the Paypal donors who are millionaires and billionaires get off their Wall Street bribes which stole from all Americans do not come in to the 500,000 dollar range, then I do not work very hard.......never has happened so I think I will not work hard.
If I get in a big donation, then I will post a complete thing.
If it is the poor giving pennies, then I will just post something like this..........
Hillary Clinton has been told to make herself available tomorrow, because she will be summoned............
and it will be left at things like that to sort out and not explain the congruences and incongruity of the nuances of vanishing points.
Seems only fair, as if a BMW driver only sucks a pint of gas out of his poor neighbor's Ford, they should not be wondering why the BMW is not taking them where they want to go.
Once again, I do not want poor people donating. This is about the rich who will not miss it and think they can play here and look smart at home.
Am at least getting rid of all of those pictures in archives........did look for raccoon girl....hope the medical information helped her and she is not bored at work any longer, even if I was looking forward to the progression of the Pavlov experiment.
nuff said
Oh yeah, that was part of my crappy ass Sabbath day that might have me putting a goat to death as she is going down hill and something else pissy I have forgotten about as the regime pisses on me some more.....oh yeah, satanic disturbances of ill will from no doubt asses on this site, brought in a fox that killed a brooding hen in my yard......murder and sickness from ill will is always such a pleasant thing to deal with.
How the hell was your day counting your pile of money eh.