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A more productive Breed


Jim Crowe never died. It simply evolved to the Age of Obama.

As Star Parker points out, the disarming of the American Afriod in their ghettos is the incidence of the greatest predation of the same race of peoples from criminal class to welfare class.
It is not that large of a stretch to conclude the dope, welfare, prostitution and guns are a trade which someone is making a great deal of money off of.
As the Afroid does not own the bank, then looking to who owns the bank and those who are donating to the liberals in charge of centers of Negroid populations, are the sources behind this, and unleash the police to brutalize these impoverished communities to keep them a voting block of one to keep this criminal enterprise in charge.

In Jim Crowe, the Ku Klux Klan did effect a martial law upon the Afroid in lynching several thousand blacks. That mass statement though is the same as saying Hitler holocausted the Jew, in some of those Jews were despots in the Slavic nations who the native populations cheered the Nazi liberators who shot the despots.

To state that all lynched Afroids was not deserving is to neglect realities of out of control black males who went into white communities and were verbally abusive to white females, and when told to leave, they would not leave. The rememdy was to hang the Afroid.
It is easy to blame the white man if one is black and if one is white to blame the black, but let us examine a reality in this, that it was a federal system exacting revenge on Southern whites who were States Rights advocates, and that infliction included Sherman burning the South and looting it. It included Lincoln setting at large an entire terror mob of freed slaves who desired in minority to exact revenge on white people in murder, robbery and rape.

In examining that reality in the South's valiant majority laid dead from war, and the remaining population was at home hiding, one had an enslaved white group by Washington DC, with armed federal troops inflicting on them and placing the Afroid in charge of them in choosing the South's leaders.

That reaction of course would bring about Jim Crowe as the majority attempted to protect itself from the minority. The culprits inflicting this race war though never faced responsibility any more than the predatory group who has been engaged in the profit structure of looting welfare from blacks, profiteering from drugs and human traffic in black communities and from the reality of aborting the Negroid fetus is worth hundreds of millions of dollars per year to this same structure which has always been using the Afroid as a terror agent inside America.

Barack Obama is a revolutionary in the truest sense. Mr. Obama Chin in not having a  black experience, but an Asian experience was perfect in organizing the black community to communist revolution under his liberation ideology.
The Afroid though was in a structure which was only a stepping stone for Mr. Obama Chin, as all across the globe Mr. Obama for his Berlin cartel backers has been engaged in removing the Castro and Khadaffi types for more profitable organized crime types.
Cuba is engaged in capitalism and Libya is now undoing Khadaffi's financial structure assisting Libyans, all for greater profit and control.
Only this blog has exposed exclusively a reality that it has been decided that the Mexican will replace the black as a low end revenue producer in America. Blacks will be marginalized and in the rate of extermination from bullets from criminals and salted fetus from abortionists, the black structure in America will be genocided out in a generation as the more productive Mexican gains population power to be exploited by the cartel which Obama represents.

The reality is Barack Obama has presided over the genocide of the nationalist Muslim and the American Afroid, but people have not yet realized the numbers yet in what his policies actually are accomplishing in advocacy of a better mercantile deal in the human caste.

The propaganda creates a diversion to what is really taking place in "whites" blamed for the Afroid woe or the CIA charged with running guns into black American communities.
The reality is this was not Republican, Christian, Patriot or even KKK America which ruled from Detroit, Philadelphia, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles etc.... This was feudalists mandating from the Godless left which created all of this, and the reality is, the Afroid in their chosen herders like Jesse Jackson, who was a minder of the feudal state to keep the revolutionary fires from igniting, actually were the voters of their own imprisonment and demise.
The black too the handout offered in the city and then desired no enforcement of law codes in their clique, which enabled their full exploitation which has grown into even more immense proportions under B. Hussein Obama Chin, as the Afroid is unwilling to admit they were wrong, are wrong politically and they are being betrayed by their own Designer Negro.

All of this is the reality of the black structure in America. Lincoln freed them to be terrorists in the South, and the KKK executed the terrorists and created Jim Crowe laws for societal protection.
The response was the Afroid fled back to the federal plantation where their cotton was picked by welfare checks and they were checked by self predation on their own communities to keep them from overbreeding.

The greatest threat to the black in America is the Afroid themselves. Their nature is one which Star Parker is the exception and the rule is the 98% Obama voter who would choose a genocidal slave master over freedom.

Obama Chin's mission was not to bring the Afroid to the Martin King's promised land, but to bring the Afroid race to the promised cemetery as by numbers in time, they are negated out of existence in favor of the Mexican.

The America Afroid has always been fooled in concluding they are more intelligent or gifted than they ever were. The "shining examples" were products of whites who were "helping the Nig" to perform better than what they were capable of to give the illusion that the Afroid was worthy of the vote and the power the rest of Americans enjoyed, when it was known that vote would be used by Republicans first and when Democrats offered up welfare, that vote became Democratic property in feudalcrat manipulations which tailored policies to that vote flip knowing the predetermined herd status of blacks to follow one of their own, as long as the one of their own had a white like Hillary Clinton or John Kerry guiding the little nigger how to rub master's feet.

For those ignorants, that last line is a quote from the Annenburg Project from FDR during his reign to record former slaves in their outlook of life.
Yes blacks enjoyed being slaves, because they did not have to work a great deal and they enjoyed rubbing the master's aching feet as he called them "his little niggers".

The American left recording black history just like the American left manipulates the black future in America, but never receives the blame as they do the thinking for blacks in making certain they do not protest the burning of Chris Dorner in California, as it is the Obama left doing the lynching.

All of this is taboo as all of these facts buck the propaganda, and desire not to hurt the feelings of blacks in defining their self extermination ignorance is by their own voting hand and their own inclination to keep a foreign born despot of Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin in power "because he looks like one of them"........if they do not look too close as his Asian mouth and his yellow skin tone.

The American Afroid must be challenged and must be humiliated, as by only this sound remedy will at least give them the opportunity to not be exterminated under Obama Crowe.
That is the reality backed by the facts.

The American Afroid was bestowed emancipation to become terrorists and their most violent predators were lynched which left a more sedate group which enjoyed the benefits of slavery and readily accepted welfare status to return to the plantation.
The black has been cropped for two generations in crime and aborticide. Their assessment in being non productive compared to the Mexican on welfare has brought a feudal remedy that new stock from Latin land will replace the Afroid whose time has come like when the Rhode Island Red was replaced by the Cornish Rock cross in livestock.

Until the whole starts realizing that they are not viewed by the elite as humans, but instead livestock to be culled and farmed, the process will repeat.
White Irish Scotts as indentured servants were replaced with the Negroid which became the Afroid in America.
The Afroid not being productive in this neo feudal age is being replaced with the more productive Spanish Indian peon, known as the Mexican.

It is all the Age of Obama and is taking place across the globe as liberated feudal lords are replacing the old feudal lords, and new species are being brought in to be farmed, so more competitive species like the white Israelite, the Assyrian German, the Filipino etc... are being neutralized lest they raise up and start another series of revolutions.

The psychological conditioning is so in place that none of this can be noted or discussed, as institutional funding, political monies and of course Mockingbird financial rewards censor any such education on a subject as this.

A world of slaves, a world of debtors, a world of self predation within groups. This is the world reality and extermination of races will result passively in political aspirations and result aggressively as wars are constructed to remedy the said groups.

The American Afroid was bred to prosper the sultry South. It was then refined to become a herd animal to vote in mass in return for a welfare check. The European bred Mexican was bred to work the land and street under Catholic regulation by the padre in managed self determination. The Mexican breeder project by European empire is now the choice of the feudal state in the New World as it is a better revenue generator and not simply a pet which does not earn it's ghetto keep.

More requires to be taught in saying these realities, but in reality it is......

nuff said

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