It is embarrassing for me now personally to have to deal with this foolish wench named Sarah Palin, who once was such a promising leader, but thought she could jump into the trenches with the boys to mix it up, but she just is not cut out for fighting dirty as she is such a whiner.
This blog spanked Mrs. Big Gulp in her Big Gulp at the sodomite review of CPAC, in which she was exposed as missing the mark in a real American Conservative would have held up a firearm and said the immortal words of Charleton Heston, "From my cold dead hands!!!!!!".......and not a New York soft drink, which just made her look coastal, and when exposed by this blog, she looked inept.
Now Mrs. Big Gulp has weigned in again in wanting to retire the world RETARD as Bill Maher or someone used the word on Trig, and Big Gulp now says she can be politically raped, but not the beautiful innocent people like Trig in being called a retard.
This subject is dear to me as a friend who was in the trenches not so long ago when Lawrence Sinclair started all the sappers in the wire against Barry Chin, had a sister who was mentally handicapped.
Jeanniejo was thankful I was so protective of people with disabilities, and I have always tried to keep that in mind, when even using the word retardo.
A Retard is a person who can not help being retarded. Let me explain, a Retard is someone who via genetics, birth complications or environment has a learning disorder from perhaps too close of relatives, lack of oxygen, a woman having a child late in life and not properly filling the nutrition needs or perhaps eating paint.
Trig Palin is not a retard and there is no offense in calling him a retard, because he is Downs Syndrome or Mongolism, which is really a mutant condition brought on by women usually having a child during "her change" in life.
For the most part a Retard or Downs would not know if you called them a chicken, because that is a mind that is not capable of processing an insult. The people who are family or friends of them are the ones insulted and it is they who are hurt.
Of course, those with under develped mental capacity can feel emotional hurt, but in ignornace being bliss, they are some of the happiest people on the planet, because they do not know what asses Bill Maher types can be.
For the record, Bill Maher is a TWAT. This is an effeminite male. Trig Palin is a Mongolism mutant. I have written of the theory of this, in what if the Asian in their unique look, are the descendents of people like Trig Palin in the Ham and Japheth lines.
One would think the saber tooth cat would have eaten them, but instead in breeding to each other, they actually created a very energetic race, and if one measures the Asian brain, it is largr than the Negroid or Caucasoid races.
What if the Mongolism types, like people who have heart problems develop an enlarged heart to compensate for blood flow. What if Mongolism created Mongoloid as a race in larger brains to compensate for the first mental retardation like Trig Palin, but in subsequent breedings, that large brain met a normal gentics, just like dwarves will have normal sized children, and what took place was a mutation in not only did Asians get the bigger brain, but a mind to process it all.
Sarah Palin does not have a mentally retarded child. She has a Down's child. She has no business whining about Bill Maher ignorantly as a TWAT saying things about her child as he might has well as called Trig a person who was color blind, as it was the same type of ignorant label.
As Mrs. Big Gulp has sold out for a bag of silver, and without the Holy Ghost Inspiring her, she is just failing horridly like a Rovian.
Where is the MAMA GRIZZLY? Yes I have offered Mrs.Big Gulp some direction in assisting the choice of her battles, and in this, she is a mother who should be out protecting her child if she felt threatened for that child.
Sarah Palin should have picked up some brass knuckles or pepper spray and waited for Bill Maher if this was such an attack on her Trig, and then belted him in the mouth, knocking all of his teeth or pepper spraying Maher, and then kicking him in the balls, and when he went down, kicking his teeth out.
That would be what a real Conservative Mother would do. It would teach Bill Maher and others that saying things has consequences, and if this really mattered, Sarah Palin could face the results like FOX having to pay her lawyer fees as the public would find this good American entertainment.
That is what an American Mother would do.
I recall and old Art Bell program, in which a child who grew up with a murderous mother, said that he had gotten beat up by some bully. The mother hauled her son over to the house of the bully and his father, and then took a garden hose and beat the hell out of the sperm donor.
Retiring words like retard is like Nobel Peace Prizes for doing nothing. You end up with only wars as when you do not sock bullies in the mouth for little words, they turn around and start figuring they can slaughter entire peoples who do not think communist Muslim like they do.
There is too much of this wimp whiner Big Gulp stuff going on. Call a black a Nigger and they call themselves Niggers, because that is what groups of them are. The real insult is calling a white a nigger, as that is not what a white is.
Sarah Palin does not understand all of this once again. She is hiding behind laws which protect nothing, and it is only the sock in the mouth which gives any power to any law. She should have said, "My son Trig is not a retard, but a genetic mutation. My daughter got knocked up by a retard, so I know what a retard is, and Trig is not a retard."
Whining about things and hiding behind laws makes one weak. Handling situations with a big stick after walking softly is what makes one appear strong.
Ronald Reagan had that down, and only socked people in the mouth sparingly. George H. W. Bush socked a few and people got scared, but by Bill Clinton's time, it took George W. Bush to beat bamuhammed out of people to make the point.
Now with Obama's legacy he has been murdering so many folks that no one pays attention any more.
In all of that, Sarah Palin is the Jimmy Carter of inaction and all talk, and no one respects any of that.
Mrs. Palin just looks what she is, someone in over her head, and going liberal, because she does not have the ovaries to protect her children with fang and claw the way a Mama Grizzly would.
Sarah Palin, do you really think that if you busted Bill Maher with a tire thumper, that anyone would do anything about it? The fans on the left would just laugh as they only like this torturer for being an obnoxious TWAT. Those on the right would love it.
Win win situation and the way a leader would have handled it, if they had not kept their mouth shut looking like an ineffectual liberal wimp.
Grow a pair Mrs. Palin, because now you have to prove you are not all bluff in that Mama Griz garbage, because all you do is wimper. You could at least be a cunt and earn that Maher title that Hillary Clinton had the balls to be bitch enough to get called.
Geez Louise woman, Bill Maher is a TWAT. I would put money on Trig to beat Maher's ass as Maher is a TWAT.
You really need God and His Prophet Mrs. Palin, in repenting and not being down in sodom, as you are like the law man who is now the town drunk. Your reputatin is forgotten as a fighter and feeding moose meat to Joan Rivers makes you more of a joke.
That is about enough of this, as Sarah Palin, you are not worth the time to even expose any more in being so pathetic. I would tell you to get on your hind legs and be a woman, but your idea now of leadership is soda pop and sparring with perverts that 200,000 retards watch.
What comes next, bending over for the Jinn's dog?
Old mother Hubbard went to her cupboard
To get poor Rover a bone
But when she bent over
Rover took over
And gave her a bone of his own.
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