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To the Good


There are good people in this world and I do so worry over them. As I type this, a Lady mentioned to me about the Dinar revaluing, so this is for Allison and her wonderful daughter.

My cousin is invested in the currencies and tried repeatedly to get me to put something into them, but in reviewing all the information, it appeared to me as another matter of things promised like I could purchase an Army jeep for 100 dollars, so all of us signed up for one, and in the end no jeeps ever arrived. Thankfully I never put 100 dollars down, just my name.

My great Grandfather was a homesteader immigrant. He loved bananas, and one day a person from  Texas came through his part of the country, "selling shares in a banana plantation in Texas"
Grandfather was all for it, but Gram told him, "NO YOU ARE NOT".
Turned out it was one of those hustlers who just took people's money and ran for the border.

I have not inquired Allison if any of this will revalue. I sincerely hope that it does for you and you become very wealthy. I worry about good people like you who have donated to this blog in always saying you would liked to have been able to give more. You are someone who has already donated too much in what you have given like the Viking or others who have children.
I ponder these things in if I was rich, I would try and find ways to get not rationed 1000 dollars like Dinesh D'Souza was bragging about giving to George Obama, who he made millions off of, because what is that but a slow death and it is always odd to me how people who have large sums of money, always think the poor would blow it on stupid things, when they blow it on the same kinds of stupid.

When I was a child, my 5th grade  teacher read us the the Little House books. I never forgot Almanzo Wilder as a child at the fair. He wanted a glass of lemonade which was 5 dollars. He asked his dad for the money which I suppose would be like asking for a car now, as pigs are only 200 bucks in price.
The other men thought old man Wilder mad in handing Almanzo the money, but the old man said, "Almanzo, you can go buy that lemonade and it will be gone, or you can take that 5 dollars and go buy that piglet over there and raise it for a profit".
Almanzo bought the pig.

I have always tried to buy things that would not break and that I could hold. Yes I have some stupid purchases like books and Wedgwood I picked up at penny prices that could burn or break, but the thing is, unless George Soros or Warren Buffett bought things, I doubt any profits will ever be. Soros dumped gold and seems to have disappeared. Buffett bought ketchup and plastic pipe. Most corporations seem to be hanging onto their cash, preparing for some type of 1929 crash to buy things up for pennies on the dollar.

I only know I never have had any spare cash to invest in anything and when I bought the lottery to rob me, I regretted it.

The thing is Allison, is you find excuses to apologize for not being able to give more. Rich people find excuses without apology for their reasoning in not giving more. Allison, you are part of the good and I pray for each and every one of you to be blessed physically and Spiritually. I actually have prayed that God would make people rich, so they could donate large sums, but as of yet that has not materialized.

People like you though touch TL and my heart, for how good you are, and in days when ringtones change, backgrounds are changed and of course some pervert is thinking if they can knock me around, that will validate them, it is the things you represent and are which makes me smile inside.

It has been a rough day. I do not expect you Allison ever to give more. I would that I had to give to you. Today is one of those exhausting days that I feel I can not do this any more, as I care for Mom, am building a shed out of waste lumber for a sick doe, who has run me into the ground as I have to get her up several  times a day and am checking her at 6 until midnight, plus this listening to God, doing the blog and assorted other things that require doing.
I do not know if I can do this blog as am exhausted. I have posts into mid July, but it is the devil's work when I get hammered by these asses online, the satanic attacks non stop, and it takes time to recover and deal with this stuff, as people are not meant to operate at the levels I do.
It is worse with this Jinn thing, in I honestly thought the surveillance would leave me in peace, but it only became worse in new forms of monitoring, before backing off today for the moment.

I do not know what to do from the dangers in all of this as the asses think this is some game to hide behind screens and be rude. Frankly, in begging, I would that I was like Oral Roberts in saying he needed a million dollars or God would take him out.....and then some millionaire was leveraged into donating the money to save face. I would that I could be away from all of this, and then just in having the funds, focus on God, and then start a private blog, email the people who donated where it was, tell them to never share it, and just do things that way in posts when God brought them, instead of striving even in sleep for one more revelation.

TL tells me I should quit and just tell the rich, no more blog until each of you come through with the big donation. Let them try and figure it out blind.

You, Allison are perfect in who you are. You have treasure in a daughter and like so many others, you are a light in God shining through you in this dark world. I never have the time to reply to everyone who writes or would like to have coffee, but each of your good blessings is cherished and honestly my children are all good children who are on this blog.

God bless each and every one of you.

There is always tomorrow for dreams to come true.....and tomorrow can not be far away.

I apologize but I have a doe to get up as she is down again.


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