It is always interesting to me how the things of this blog are scoffed at, and yet when the same situation by CBS Sharyl Atkinsson is having her home computers turned off and on, and suddenly the same jerks who attack this blog accept what CBS says without any proof, other than that propagandists story.
Few people with a brain, and there are fewer of them, even know that for decades during the Cold War, the Soviet Union bombarded America from Siberia with low frequency radio waves out of massive antennae set up there.
Yes the Kremlin spent a fortune blasting low frequency radio waves no one could hear, directly into these United States, and yet that proof is not even assembled by the always experts as they only know what they are spoon fed while their heads up are their asses.
For those who care to know, the Supreme Court in overturning the Arizona voter qualification law, with of all people "Conservative" Anton Scalia composing a lunatic opinion which Justices Alito and Thomas said was without merit, did it due to radio waves which mind conditioned Scalia, Kennedy and Roberts.
Now that Glenn Beck has caught up with teasers that Roberts had been blackmailed on Obamacare, it is time to set the record straight on what Scalia was up to in the Arizona vote.
I have written of the radar waves in the algorithms which they bombard people with and computers to "change" their programming.
The details are simple in the program Satan's Whisper was piggybacked into this from the Holder cell at NSA in coordination with the leftist legal groups who were challenging the Arizona law to make it "legal" for foreigners to overturn elections.
The semblance of this is simple in these radio waves can target people from satellites, both military and civlian communication, off of microwave stations, off of military radar stations, and off of cell phones.
The basis of this is it uses the human body as a receptor. The metals that are initiated into the human body in amplified amounts create the antennae, to which these waves then resonate into a human mind, in the exact process of how demons put "thoughts" into a person's mind to do what they would not normally do.
That is what is behind the demon machine, a mechanical device meant to trigger individuals and masses of people to act out as suggested.
Scalia was conditioned by his cell phone. The process is 12 sessions of 8 hours length, with breaks in between as the resonance will tear apart tissues or grey matter if the process continues uninterrupted.
The waves will also trigger cancers over the long term, to headaches, fatigue, auto immune etc...
Scalia was conditioned while he slept and then at the Supreme Court during the hearings and discussions on this bill, along with Roberts and Kenney. This time no blackmail was involved.
Tests in this process have been carried out on individuals in the Supreme Court to have live field tests that this could actually work. Alito and Thomas were not targeted as a unanimous vote would set off even warning signals the brain dead always experts could figure out.
Leaving two Conservatives, never had these always expert idiots not even question what had taken place with Scalia writing a baseless opinion which went against his entire States Rights lifetime of findings and literally overthrew these United States in foreign voters.
The conditioning is based upon triggers. Everyone has an inner drive, and Scalias is to be intelligent and to sway thought. Basing a wave to trigger that, and then whispering to the Scalia mind that, "This is a way to validate that emotion" sets up the Arizona vote overthrow.
A simple thought like a song running in the mind completes the process. This process "sticks" in it is quite permanent as a life changing experience.
Weekly "touch ups" though in the waves keeps the new thought process on line.
In inquiry, members of Congress have been subjected to this wave processing, and it has all been effectual. The mass nuttery of Obama 2008 events was a measure of that in the triggers of soppy old sodden white women going for Obama to dirty themselves up sexually to the conditioning of years of Mexicans and blacks racism against whites, set the stage that Obama got within the vote flip 10 million votes, exactly as in 2012, and voila, the foreign agent Birther Hussein Obama was in office to set loose the very sciences and weapons of war upon the American people, being refined on Supreme Court targets.
Blackmail leaves tracks that the Lame Cherry exclusively exposes in matter and anti matter. Radar waves, leave no perceptible tracks except changes in forensic behaviors which should not occur like Scalia going liberal nuts in overthrowing the Constitution.
The fingerprint of the mind is altered in this conditioning and a receptor tuned to the frequency can expose the program being turned on, and yes it would play the message, but those are the things not thought of, as this has been used on numerous Americans starting out with hidden messages in elevator music, to pulses now coming through cell phones non stop to people.
That is the reality of the Scalia vote. It was radar waves conditioning his mind and run from the Holder cell at NSA.
nuff said
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