For someone who does not know shit according to intelligence minders, and for someone branded a traitor by mic heads like Andy Dean, it is amazing in all of this in Edward Snowden, how the reactions about him, only prove a reality that he is working for the Control and his mission is to tear down this leviathan which is a cancer upon humanity.
It was beyond lame to read the "intelligence minders" coming up with things like naughty Ed, used more of his gigs on his thumber and he did not return he was such a bad boy.Yeah he overused his access and didn't return the smoking gun, so sure we will all discount what naughty Ed is saying.It becomes worse in Snowden has had the minders trying to spin this, into, "Well he never had the clearance to do what he said could be done"....................Once again, that is about the worst denial in regime history, in it only proves what Snowden has been revealing in that Homeland is nothing but an electronic cock raping the people of this world in the privacy of their own communications.Yeah quote me on that.Snowden has revealed that Homeland is nothing but an electronic cock raping the people of this world in the privacy of their own communications.I can promise you this, that there are reams of digitals of good looking men and women, who were picked off in bumping into these minders and who were seen online, and they have been making jack off movies of them all. It is bogus to come out with the statements like Andy Dean bit into that " people have number files identifying them so any violations will be noted".That is for the people who are held by the short and curlies. There are now revealed corporations tapping into Homeland files for their business. Any regime is not that stupid to dial up NSA and ask them to spy on Michele Bachmann. Instead, everyone knows that "riders" are put into things to piggyback stooges like Eric Holder in his NSA cell that never shows it exists. Sure the main computers and geeks know damn well there is activity running on these computers, but they are ordered to disregard it all........and it falls back to the old reality that the English spy on Americans for Americans and Americans spy on the English when laws get in the is that same Cisco server hub proxies which in 2008 had Jeff Rense asking me what that email was I sent as it was shredded except for a big highlighted part in yellow from the Obama contractors.Foreign governments and cartel operatives have all the access codes to the network. It is how it all is set up so no one has to answer to a Congress now so blackmailed it is nothing but a treacherous mob assaulting the American population. Edward Snowden has proven all of this to be a violation of free people's rights everywhere and it has nothing to do with terrorism, as the terrorism is run out of 1600 Penn Avenue as al Qaeda answers to the regime.The entire thing is nothing but a blackmail racket for the conglomerates, financiers and aristocrats to leverage politicians at meetings and to keep all the stooges as stooges.For a reality check in this, when people do what Edward Snowden does, they are terminated like Chandra Levy or Ann Smedinghoof or Andrew Breitbart.Sarah Palin ran for the bushes like Michele Bachmann to survive.When a Snowden is out and about dealing the dirt, and is alive, he has cover from another structure as able to retaliate as the feudal structure.As this blog stated from the start, Snowden went to China, so the Chicoms would hack this entire leviathan and kill it. His par dux in exposing what is taking place at the summit, is about turning everyone against this serpent, so that these egg sacks lying to the public about how all of this is keeping them safe, will be silenced by a public which will start marching for their arrests and convictions.This is still early in the game, but this has traction and Control has more to juggle now with that Jinn in the White House and Syria going critical.Having been repeatedly electronically raped by this spy network, I state fully that this is a repulsive contraption which is the antithesis of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.This is all just starting, and America will either be saved in this from being martyred or join the Europeans when their cleansing comes. That is what is at stake here and it rides on Edward Snowden and the operatives who sent him on this mission and are providing him the cover.agtG