Yes what is in a name like Hassan Rouhani?
One only needs to know that his past was the nurtured Barack Hussein Obama intellectual fraud past of the Islamocommunist revolutionaries of the Turban Revolution, designed to overthrow the Middle East of the Anglo American directorship for one of the militant marxist muslim which is the hybrid of Islam in this Islamocommunism which only this blog has covered for years, while Mockingbird lied to you in calling it Islamofascism and Mark Levin not daring to be right, fudges things in Islamomarxism when these Muslims of the left are nothing of the sort in Marixsts, but a melding of French communism, German intellectualism and Muslim militantism.
Rouhani was the Trotsky of this revolution being mind conditioned in the west in Scotland, which had myriads of communist radicals freely indoctrinating him as they were protected in order to accomplish the first phase of Brzezinski lunatic Muslims installed under Jimmy Carter in removing the Shah of Iran in a peaceful state to the global nuttery of Islam under B. Hussein Obama's holocaust of Islamic nations.
Rouhani is a stooge of all things globalist and it is why his career was shepherded and brought to this point in the removal of President Amedihad at this nuclear juncture in Islam.
Rouhani was the person sent in by the original MI6 communist front to ensure the Iranian military was cleansed of all pro Iranian leadership, so nothing but communists remained which caused the disaster of the Iran Iraq War.
This "leader" would be in place for heading defense, being the stooge of Khomeini and Khameini, all the while working the details in creating and bringing about the Persian communist nuclear bombs.....yes multiple bombs, all in this disarming of Israel and Iran of nuclear weapons, so the globalists would not have to deal with nuclear Jews or Muslims in dictating to them how they should die.
That is the Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive in all of this is about feudalism, in the removal of Anglo American individual Muslims of peace for these globalist communist Islamists of war.
I know what Rouhani is. He is a gifted liar who puts the kinder and gentler face on nuclear holocaust. It is why he was put in as a diplomat, so Iran could lie it's way into a nuclear arsenal, with full support of the cartel, as that is what this globalist group has desired to use the Persian Shia against the Arab Sunni in a Mexican stand off with the Jew, as in amazing wonder the Chicoms control the mideast oil supply now, and Russia is the protector of the Muslim world, as this thing in the White House now, the Barry Jinn overseas the making of a global nuclear slaughter.
Rouhani is shrewd and he is a leader for the anti Christ age, as greater leaders form in this Hitler, Stalin, FDR, Tojo age of like tyrants need supporting like tyrants to thump the world into oblivion again.
Hassan Rouhani is Dr. Bomb, The Nuclear Death, bestowed upon the Middle East from the feudal lords of the European Empire looking for death in the Mideast to spawn their own Roman Empire reborn.
Rouhani is a manager of death. That is why he was groomed, why he was where he was in making Muslim nuclear bombs and why he was seated to lead Iran. This is no reformer. This is the form of death of the End Times.
agtG 262
Hassan Rouhani
The Swine at the Orwellian Table