I guess going after a Nazi geezer in Minnesota is the thing to do now that Elvis has left the White House. In reality though Obama is the same illegal really in he lied to get into America twice.........the first time was his "birthday" which was the day the Dunham's acquired this little Chinoid child from the Lederer Brothel breeding program.
So this Barry Chin lied, and he was directly connected to the Stalin programmes, which caused millions of death's worldwide, including tens of thousands of Americans. Yet Obama got to steal two elections and eat lots of cherry pie. This Minnesotan, or German, came here like thousands of others who installed Obama in Operation Paperclip, and this guy frankly looks like he lived a normal life in not raping children, not being a crook or murdering people.......not like he rounded up the Jews in Minnesota and marched them off to cattle cars.
This is probably one of the few good Nazi's who never harmed America. He probably never voted for Obama either, so apples to apples, this orange Nazi was a good deal of America, and he good deal for Minnesota.
Certainly has done more for America than 40 million beaner slaves from Mexico, and certainly never spent 15 trillion dollars like the Birther Obama did when he was on the fruited plain.
This Nazi should be heralded as a good thing for America. He never went Nidal Hassan nuts nor did he put on exploding condoms like Christmas Muslims.
So he stormed some village in Galacia and killed everyone for their murdering a Nazi officer. Hey that was German rule then, and it was German law....it was legal.
Not like it was FDR and Truman telling Stalin he could rape and perform genocide on Chechans for their backing the Nazi's in World War II as a cleansing project after the war.
I wonder of such things, like east German females gang raped and impregnated by the hordes of Stalin communists. I wonder about things like.......well you have the leader of al Qaeda or had the leader of al Qaeda at 1600 Penn Avenue who stormed that Libyan village, murdered like half a hundred Khadaffi supporters and then dragged the old boy around while beating him, and then got orders from the White House to shoot him, and then put him on display for the people to come in and spit on.
That is a real war crime by the Obama regime and everyone cheered and it was illegal, but what this Nazi did was not only legal, but it was expected...........I will remind all of you that George Patton would fire a howitzer into a German village to get the burgermeister's attention, and when he came out, George would say, "Listen you goddamned Nazi shit. You get home and hide under your beds, because if I get so much as a gun barrel pointed in my direction, I'm going to level your shit hole village".
Patton never had any problems really with Germans, as he fired into villages first.........see the Nazi was more civil in not firing first, and the locals then thought as communists that they could shoot German officers.......so examples had to be made.
These little malcontents who bite on stories like this and then want to burn a 90 year old geezer who was doing his job and then came to America and reformed, are pathetic. In war, Michael Karkoc burned one village in retaliation for a commie murdering a Nazi, and in peace Stalin slaughtered 60 million Ukrainians, and for some reason there is still not a "piss on Stalin's grave day" in the Ukraine.
Obama though turned over the Ukraine to Putin and put that pretty little blonde leader into prison..........so the question begs again, in Obama enslaved all of Ukraine and no on save this blog protested, and now piss ants are after this reformed Nazi who did the right thing just like Americans threatened and carried out in the war?
Yes for the Minnesotans wanting to burn this old geezer, your grandparents if they were not hiding in their urine stained undies, did the same things and worse in what was called war. By exposure you killed Germans after the war, and during the war your bombing blew up railways so food and medicines could not get to Jewish work camps.....and then you blamed the Nazi's for the holocaust and it was your military planning which caused a mountain of deaths which is a proven fact.
Americans did what they had to do to win a war that communist FDR got America into. The Germans got into that war by being pushed by the communists who were printing things about exterminating all of Germany, meaning a German holocaust.
The blame in this is all of these cartel feudalcrats, and not some 94 year old from Minneapolis.
Hell give this guy the Nobel Prize as he at least made something of his life without spending trillions and turning the world over to global communism.
The fact is when Barack Hussein Obama was in this world, that he and Governor Mark Dayton of Minnesota have killed more Jews in infanticide and set up a Jewish nuclear holocaust to murder more Jews in their globalist Jew hating policies than Michael Karkoc or the German Reich ever dreamed of.
.....and speaking of the "lesser kinds" what about those almost 100,000 confirmed Syrians who have been slaughtered in that Assad war instigated, armed, funded and directed by the once Barack Hussein Obama?
In a world of evil versus evil balance scales, this geezer Karkoc was a saint in coming to America, compared to the person formerly known as B. Hussein Obama.
nuff said.