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Le Coup de Barack


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

Jeff Rense always preened his audience by telling them they were the most intelligent of people, while my experience was they were the most Ron Paul passionate and in need of manners. In that, Rush Limbaugh is frustrating in this, as the bad shepherd he is, keeps treating his sheep like a flock and makes them do silly jump over the stick which is not there games.

By this, I explain that Limbaugh was featured stating that there was a coup de tat in America, and then his exclusive was Obama was overthrowing the government........
What kind of the sun will rise in the east is that? Even Michelle Malkin figured that out in Czarland in Obama has brought change to America in the feudalocracy........she never put it that way though, but a coup de tat is a decapitation of a leadership, when the leadership in America is instead performed a, coup de corps  , the French of which will not be lost on the Ginsu who speaks Francais proper and not like Baby speaks French.

Where was I?

Yes the American leadership has cut itself off from the body of the electorate, and in that Limbaugh has deceived his listeners deliberately in not getting it wrong, but explaining the entire situation incorrectly on purpose.
The reason Rush Hudson Limbaugh AKA Elton Blonde is accomplishing this is because of Mockingbird. Mockingbird has sown coup de tat into your mindset so when it takes place, you are thinking coup de tat or decapitation, but not reasoning out who performed it, as you will be pleased you were saved from being detrunked from the head when a new Biden head is sown onto Frankenstein.

Obama has had a list of conditioning stories from ANALGATE Benghazi, the IRS, whatever, and now the cyber spying.......to the now leaked America is now a cyber terrorist.......just like it was not doing this in the STUXNET exclusive broken here in Jewish IT's, using German conduits to implant viruses into Iran for Obama.......
Yes someone is making naked Obama naked, and THAT IS THE STORY which has been focused on here.

LEAKED: Obama Ordered Cyber Attack Plans and Target List ...

7 hours ago – Obama orders US to draw up overseas target list for cyber-attacks Exclusive: Top-secret directive steps up offensive cyber capabilities to ...
Rush Limbaugh has a sort of Casey Associates division who pays him to entertain and who he answers to. It is why John McCain who looked at the books, put those barbs out about Limbaugh, as McCain knows Limbaugh is an asset and has his entire show scripted in being master puppeteer to keep the "soft Conservatives" in line.
Yeah I had to do that on Levin's SOFT TYRANNY......like a soft murder, as soft broken leg, a soft car crash, as soft earthquake......the mindspeak of these Stanford mind tormentors is so bizarre and it is all a large joke they enjoy playing in making the mob go Tim Russert Red State on the Reagan Blue States to manipulate people to bleat like sheep.

Where was I?

The real story in this is not the Casey Associates script for Limbaugh, but that Limbaugh was as in Bristol Palin has no TALENT chanting in a previous day before Sarah Palin sold out her knickers to save her life like Michele Bachmann......

I digress.......

So this le coup de Barack is what has been taking place and the latest hit was about the Obama regime trying to put the chopstick to China when President Peking 11 was looking over his American oil reserves.

What is taking place is the person designated as Control has been behind all of this in designing this, in arresting American direction from the disaster which is the Obama regime in domestic and foreign operations, meant to obliterate the America of yore.
Control was the factor in Chris Dorner in the peculiar nature of that black man lynched in a bizarre cover up and Obama and Holder taking it all.

There has been too much from Sandy Hook to what was the absolute point of no return in the Boston Blow Job. All of these conditioned releases exposing Obama crimes have been moving Americans to an understanding so when an event does take place, the American public will be in a mind frame of dulcet coma and not react.

As I have eluded to recently, there are more of these manifestations coming, and time is running to a point where the coup de tat will overtake the conditioning. Think of this as a fight in body blows are being engaged in against the regime, and when the body falls, the head falls.

It is not that Obama has terminated the American government system which is obvious in Limbaugh speak, but it is the reality that contracts have been engaged in with the feudal elite and a coup de tat is being engaged in against the Obama regime, and it is taking place with hit after hit in a definite movement as was recorded here exclusively.

That is the story, and now Limbaugh has been engaged in to perform a magic Rush hat trick to slight of hand keep the masses from contemplating what is behind all of this, but instead to focus upon the Obama obvious.

If this is a reality, something should take place within seven days, as has been written of here.

We will see what the equalizer can accomplish.

The Equalizer: All Control scenes: Season 1, part 1 - YouTube

Apr 20, 2012 - Uploaded by Redbear773
Just a mash up of all the scenes from The Equalizer that have Control (Robert Lansing) in them. I do not ...

Thee adults are in the building. We will see how they accomplish things.

agtG 296YY, front end load straight, power Y start, sixes one failing, full slate.

Lame Cherry

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Lame Cherry Hacked 2:44 PM

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Interesting in Baby says I'm right, and yet they are curbing the coup de tat.

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