If the shadows do not pass, Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the Vice President of these United States under Joe Biden.
She will be a most interesting personage under a failed Biden Presidency, who will not seek re election in 2016, if the shadows do not pass.
Mrs. Clinton will be a centrist as was her husband, William Jefferson in her appeal to the voters. She will in fact in time be anti sodomite, pro life and pro Second Amendment.
Her time will be praising Ronald Reagan, blaming B. Hussein Obama, and her with the Mr. will invest time scorning the Birther who they will out as a foreigner.
This one is God's choice. It all should have been Sarah Palin to take up the yoke that the men have shirked in their responsibilty of leadership. What would have been a lessened blow under Madam President Palin, will now be a future of wrath poured out, as Mrs. Clinton will be a leader of wrath, for the sins of America. The blow will come twice under her.
She will lie to the right, but she will not persecute those on the right in hunting them as they are hunted now.
She will be more GOP than democrat, but not returning to her Barry Goldwater roots.
This most unpleasant woman will be there to fight fang and claw, for this is what is required. She will pour out weapons of mass destruction and kill millions. That is what her part will be.
It is wrath poured out and Judgment as she praises Reagan and scorns Obama, in blaming B. Hussein for the woes and stating that Obamacare was too much.
In flatter and deception of the right, she will rise up to defeat Jeb Bush, who will steal the GOP nomination. Of interest, Mrs. Clinton will not steal the primary nor the general. She will win it as this is destined.
John Kerry will be her choice as Vice President.
Jeb Bush though will steal the primary from Senator Cruz of Texas.
Marco Rubio is Bush's choice for Vice President.
The Stock Market will not plunge in new American leadership. It will be the wave which was to be in the sediments settling out.
This is the shadow of that which is to come if these focal points do not vanish.
It is necessary for wrath and Judgment upon America. It is necessary for war and destruction that this woman will arise.
nuff said
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