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The Obama Panda Parade


The days of visitation and punishment have come, the days of recompense have come, England and America will know it. The Prophet is considered a crazed fool and the man who is Inspired is treated as mad or a fanatic, because of the abundance of your iniquity and because of the enmity, hostility, and persecution are great.

Hosea 9:7
Luke 21:22

That is for all of you brats, for as your progenitors in the 10 tribes of Israel chose sin and went after the good in your own people to destroy them, so have you, and your doom will come and your condemnation is written.

Israel before it's Judgment was a nation of perverts and assassins. Justice was injustice and good was called evil and evil was called good.
America has devolved to such a nation, and the Angles are the crown of this evil with the rest of the tribes of northwestern Europe.

Your land is littered with the murdered of the regime. Terrorists at Fort Hood now become the tormentors of those not murdered on witness stands. Andrew Breitbart and the Diaspora Dead are embalmed in graves, and your representatives perpetuate the fiction that nothing third world heinous could come from a Birther world.

Control has visited this, and was told of the Boston Blow Job before it took place by Mosaad on direct information from the Holder cell.
It was deemed to make lemonade out of this Birther lemon, and arrest the policy of the Nobel war prize to one of wars of a different order.

The geezer and the blonde in the race knew the bombs were there. They did not know they were to go off though. The minder who was to discover the bombs as they  ran by, was injured in the detonation.
They were not in over their heads, but were well trained for the talking points which followed.
Life long employees of a system so intertwined to the Americans that the head is the tail in college recruitment.
There were 7 intelligence groups domestic and foreign operational at the finish line, knowing an event was to take place.
No one though knew that the North Koreans had an early detonation point for the bombs. They just were pleased that someone else did the deed. Too many bombs, as the Japanese for their reasons did detonate the first, and it was that close that the second was radio signaled in to be detonated within moments. The timers were switched out for radio reception.

Big Foot messaged that the cell was about to expose the bombs, as was intended. Was that east coast news event time cycle, but it all went off early

The blonde was the signal to find the bombs and threw away the RFID as it was evidence which was indeed picked up.
There were 3 different bomb planters there. The Chechens overlaid on it all. The North Koreans and the Holder cell.

There was a murder among the murdered though in someone was there for a meeting which met a bomb blast instead. It was hidden among the dead and wounded.

The vileness of all of this has reached Heaven and God will visit this. America is not America, it is the United Satanic Assassins where the USA used to be.
Does not the entire nation now fear this regime from top to bottom from the intelligence to the lurking highway henchment stalking travelers, deeming the public is all a threat to be warred against.

ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CNN, all at the top received the talking points on this and knew the event was to take place. It was to generate as a "domestic" terror issue in tax protesters who had been assisted by North Koreans, exactly the way al Qaeda in the Philippines had been engineered to assist Terry Nichols in Oklahoma City while operative Tim McVeigh faced a mock execution.
There were two white couples who were fair tax advocates and Mark Levin followers who were to star in this before the Chechens got the burn notice.

If you can handle it, that older Chechen's death was faked. Yes the regime ran him over and shot him, but they saved him. That was a Mockingbird photo planted as cover. He is at a military hospital in Virginia and it is why the junior brother is telling his Mum not to worry about things as a deal has been reached.
Control has been shepherding this. The younger brother has been promised to be king again, and for their silence the elder will be given a new identity and help in the process. The regime burned them, but Control brought them in out of the cold.

There is still the second week June event as the silencer of Benghazi in the works on the regime's own people. Control does not know about Sgt. Pepper though.

It is vital that you speed readers slow down and get this reality explained now. These two events are horizon point, shifting to focal point events. They will either happen or not happen. That will have some ass smirking over it, but that is how this generates. The events appear, form and then either become history as vanishing points, but some events reform.

The silencer event of Benghazi will not reform as it's time will pass. The Sgt. Pepper event though will reform in a future cycle and build in strength.
If for example 3 people are to die in a car crash and it does not happen. A shadow signature of them is then present and they are in the matrix constructed as dead, and other events will appear to complete the process within a year's time for example as the destiny factor was involved, but the car wreck will not repeat as that moment has passed.

Look again at that dead Chechen photo, and see what no one else has, because someone signed that photo from Mockingbird. What is that "thing" on the Chechen's shoulder as it looks like a cigarette, but it is not. Such things might be placed into photos in plain sight to send informaton that someone knows something the regime was up to, and that container which might be designed to hold biological agents si a calling card for the regime to not take the next additional step when they would be implemented.
bin Laden's photos of his "death" were interesting photoshops. One wonders who was creating the above photo.

Interesting all the things going on in this that is not being covered.

Yes the fiction is the reality. Obama's Birth Abstract and all these interesting photos and events. Who would need Hollywood when so much theater is available in the magicians performing before the very eyes.

nuff said

agtG 360YY

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