The IRS Obama Mole Hill for the Mountain
As another exclusive in the Lame Cherry matter anti matter, and in due time to expose how Mockingbird all of the IRS "scandal" is, this blog asks the one question which has been prohibited:
How many other agencies in the United States regime of Birther Obama, with full cooperation and cover up from Rhinoid Congress and Rhinoid Justice were involved in being a stalking horse against Americans?
Do you really think this just was IRS and it stopped there?
Now that you are brightened up and thinking this is your idea, let us point out a few realities.
Do you really think all those mind altering narcotics which the VA dumped on Veterans just happened? No my children, there was an understanding that a collective genocide would take place beyond shooting Navy SEALS out of the Afghanistan sky who knew that bin Laden's corpse was murdered for an Obama re election count down.
See dead voters only vote for Birther Hussein, while dead Veterans murdered as regime policy do not vote nor rise up in revolution.
I can take you to BATF in the documentation from Hutatree to every person who "purchased too many guns". I can take you to the Border Patrol in Gun Runner direct hunting of those right wing agents. I can take you to the Medicare and Medicaid structures where red flags were involved to deny coverage to Conservatives, all of the purpose of putting them in the ground, by making it more difficult to impossible for them to treated for illnesses.
There was an entire weeding out process introduced across the board to make it hell for Americans in America.
You think the current price gouging by shutting down a Chicago oil refinery just happened, or was it engineered to deplete billions from the American interior which is right wing.
How about that Missouri River flooding, engineered with record snow falls and then the deluge was sent into those GOP states to wipe those people and place more stress on insurance companies, while the Obama Department of the Interior and Army Corp of Engineers cheered "wild river policy".
Does it dawn on you yet that the IRS is some sort of lone maniacal agency or that the sabotage of the Gulf Gusher was just one more US regime agency targeting not just individual Americans, but entire states and regions.
I can tell you absolutely that this was not just limited to the right either, as I will remind you on something only covered here, in the Department of the Interior in their first action, went after those wild nags in the American west for their removal.
Why would Obama and his Secretary of the Interior do that? Why it was Harry Reid of Nevada's political price for Obamacare passing, just like Tim Johnson of South Dakota got a federal attorney job for his son Brendan sippy cup Johnson, where Johnson let loose a pedophile to keep raping Sioux Indians on the reservation.
See PETA or Indians getting roughed up a little bit in the political machinations did not matter, no more than Eric Holder hosing downg that Black Muslim in Detroit as a "terrorist" as he was competition for the beloved Louis Farrakhan's government sponsored Muslim Negroid's in America.
This group shot Malcolm X for being a contender and blasting a Muslim Negroid contender who voted for Obama, but who was off the plantation, was just history repeating itself.
So liberal who laugh at the IRS and the other examples ONLY catalogued here, should know their kind have reached the end of the road too.
What about little Lara Logan getting finger raped in mass in Egypt to send a message to the liberal white girls to shut their mouths. How about the Secret Service parking white liberal reporters outside Louis Farrakhan's mansion where a riot by intimidation started as was scripted out while Obama bbq'd? How about that little poison carrier diplomat, that Jewish girl who introduced the biological cancer weapons to Hugo Chavez by one of Obama's Jesuits, and got herself assassinated in Afghanistan for figuring it out with the Mosaad?
Yes Andrew Breitbart is not the only one tits up in this as those liberals get a closer shave when it comes to Birther Hussein Obama's Murder Incorporated.
The same drone structure used from Day One to wipe out Nationalist Muslims and al Qaeda who would not make dope deals with Obama, is the same one that somehow now al Qaeda is taking over control of Yemen while drones are doing massive airstrikes.........yes the servants of the global regime never are hit, but the regime is busily picking off people across the globe in a genocide which targets specific numbers of people for extermination per annum.
Take the Veteran's numbers as your base.
Say one thousand Soldiers are murdered a year in wars where they can not shoot back and are put into fire pits where terrorists can murder them in their quarters. Multiply it out in Veterans given dope for suicide. Then the IRS taxing and stressing only those on the right causing 1000 more dead. The delays in medical processing and treatment adds another thousand per year. The numbers with hundreds of agencies suddenly leap to hundreds of thousands of people who are quietly being incorporated into the ground to fertilize the harvest of feudalism for this regime.
I will repeat that there is not one agency which has not been involved in this. This blog has had radar sweeps which ruptured veins in my eyes twice. This blog is daily detained several hours, which means several hours are wasted in my limited times and energies. It is all passive terrorism and murder of the public. The idiotry cheers as natural law the murder of Khadaffi, but is too ginsu ignorant to comprehend that the same Philadelphia abortion clinic murders are happening in ways people never dreamed.
Bought a new car? What are the odds that the known defective models are not cross referenced by government motors to get you into a car crash killing you or nickel and diming you to death?
You really think a Birther, according to Maxine Waters, who has a data base on every person, matched with intelligence data bases is not being utilized in every way possible to end your political discord?
You do not comprehend that a radar sweep might just sweep you and the same Obama euphoria to elect him, might have an opposite effect in any emotional disturbance that is designed to be generated.
You idiots who are stuck on Alex Jones talking points from the Al Cuppet days, never have made the quantum leap in they are not going to send out the genocide trains or put people into internment camps, as this blog has warned you, that the drone day will come when they assassinate you one by one in mass in a new mosquito pandemic in mechanical robotics injecting you with serin.
You have been allowed your guns and are distracted by high ammunition prices in shortages, as that was the design of another division in this to tax you and murder you in plain sight, that you are in the gulag as only has been exposed here, as you can not get out of America without a passport and you are locked behind your own doors for execution.
They will not come for you. The regime has already arrived and has been slaughtering you for years.
Run the numbers my children in 100,000 dead per annum in addition to the normal mortality rate, and already half a million more Americans on the right have disappeared, and each of you thought it was just "natural consequences"
They are picking off the weak and weakening each of you further by taking your money and your health. You can't vote if you are dead and you can not breed if you are under stress.
So for the rich who know it all, and have held onto your money so Obama can confiscate it, instead of donating it to the one Inspired leader who by God's Grace you will require, because each of you are so thoughtfully retarded and vain, that you think you can get out of this, you just review the above, agency by agency, and contemplate how something in plain sight, every single one of you missed it.
You could not find your ass with both hands.
I do not ask the poor to donate, as that is sinful to me, and poor people should keep the money God provided them and prepare the best they can. It really infuriates me though when there are a dozen people who could donate 50,000 dollars each and would not miss a penny of it as they are multi millionaires, and satan just has them clutching their money. If you go to a restaraunt, you would never dream of filling your faces and not paying, but for your arrogance you think you can come here and fill your minds with ideas, and then claim you dreamed it all up in theft.
I have tired of begging and tired of being a slave.
An old codger on Newsbusters sucking on Noel Sheppard's glam once told me that he had never come across anyone who wrote like me. No one ever will as I was constructed for this age by God's Inspiration as the Holy Ghost does the writing.
It is though an odd thing that the wealthy will not donate here in large sums to save themselves, but hold onto that fortune thinking it will save them.
I have a test for the rich..........
Put a million dollars to your ear and listen and see what it says. Put it before your eyes and read it and see what it says............
A million dollars is worthless compared to the scribe found here as a glowing path in the darkness.
You never miss light until you are in your own darkness.
Lame Cherry