TL teaches me things like they purchase a mixing bowl. Now I have mixing bowls, lots of them. The flat bottom ones and one of them could have a tank run over it and dent the tank, as it is that thick................
So TL has this mixing bowl that is slanted like mixing bowls and not rounded like mine, and I think when I see it that it will tip over...........but TL lets me use it, and it does not tip over, in fact it was the best mixing bowl ever and I begin to lust after it and admire the prowess of TL in having such a magnificent mixing bowl.
I use it for making bread and pizza dough. The thing just is perfect in it is stable, the slanted sides keep the flour feeding into the dough ball, and I'm really impressed with this bowl as I was certain from past experience my bowls would be better, but mine are too dinky and this one is just genetically perfect.
So I start thinking that I should have a bowl like this. I see they are over 10 bucks and I think I should not have a bowl that I see like 5 of them for 12 bucks and I think that might be a deal, and then the shipping is more than the bowls and I think that is not something I need for that postal robbery.
So I forget about it, but God does not.
So I go into the junk store, and there on the shelf is this big ass mixing bowl that weighs like a big ass tank. I hand things to Mom and she about drops it as it weighs so much, as there is this big ass warming pan that I could put 2 bread loaves in and this sliding cake pan cover without the pan, but it has this name on it.
It is an Italian name of Copola. No doubt all this stuff is this old Italian gal or her Italian named husband's stuff, and I know the story in he croaks, they bury him, she does community things like taking food to Lutherans at Church, as Lutherans always take food places and write names on the kitchen stuff.
Lutherans are an odd lot in one of their main food groups is jello. The other is a hotdish with hamburger in it, and either cream of mushroom, celery or chicken soup. For some reason, Lutherans think those are the 4 food groups in jello, chicken, celery and mushroom soup on hamburger with macaroni in it.
They never have pasta, just macaroni and sometimes one of them goes wild and has egg noodles. Woman like that in Lutheranism probably wears short skirts too to Church.
So this old gal is old, and she like most women, for some reason does not slide the cake pan cover on the cake pan, so they always are separated. I pick it up, as I have this thing for cake pans with sliding covers, and not clip off covers as my Auntie Sal had one when I was a child and I thought it was better than the Space Shuttle in wonder in how cool it was.
Yes I have a fetish almost for metal pans.
So old gal gets old, and the kids or relatives sort through old gals stuff that is dumped into the junk store and she is dumped into the geezer home to die. God though remembers me and He puts this pan out there me and this other stuff.
The pan is like 1.40 cents. Someone must have been creative that day in pricing things as there were allot of strange that is my price range and I pick it up.
I have a barn lantern hanging over my sink. No I do not live in a barn thank you.
I got in the habbit of putting my price stickers on it, and now it is decorated with a myraid of 20 to 1.50 cent stickers. It looks like Christmas. It has no point, I'm just sharing that.
So I pick up the mixing bowl with beater marks in it for that pretty design, the sliding cake pan cover, the warming loaf pan and in back I find a toaster oven for TL, for a dollar. I laugh when I get home and am cussing about it, as it does not work, but then the Holy Ghost shows me that it must be plugged in......yeah I know electrical appliances need to be plugged in, but this has a magnetic switch for the toaster to work.....real high tech, and that is why it was a dollar and no one picked it up, as they all thought it was broke.
I figure this stuff was all the Italian named woman now in the geezer homes stuff, as it was all very good stuff and God decided to give it to me for under 5 bucks...........would be like........150 bucks otherwise in stores.
So I am thinking and grousing about my sliding cake pan and the Holy Ghost wakes me up and says JOY.
No the Holy Ghost is not telling me to be happy, but I have this pan I started out with, beat to hell in someone took a knife to it in cutting things frozen, and it had a sticker on it named JOY. I told you Lutherans do things like that as they always lose pans at funerals and things being kind.
So I get up and look through things as it was 6 o'clock when the Holy Ghost woke me up talking as He must have been highly concerned about this sliding cake pan lid too.
So I find the pan and I slide the cake pan lid on it.........and I bend it some as it takes it as it bulges out and it fits. Not all cake pans fit, but this one does. Joy's pan did not have a lid, like none of them do, but I like Joy as it was my first slider and at this moment I'm baking rolls for TL in it.
So the thing in this is, what I was writing about is bread bowls must have slanted sides, be large in about 8 inches deep and like 15 across and having a flat bottom, the bread almost kneads itself.
TL teaches me things and I really like that, being the smartest person in my county. I was told that once by an eye doctor who told it to someone else. The someone else did not know me from beans, but it is nice being the smartest person in my county, even if I find most of the people in my county are dumb as posts.
I though do not tell them that, as they most likely would take offense and that would not be very intelligent.
I think that is about it in the million dollar knowledge in telling you the correct pan to get for mixing things, especially bread.
Now all of you men can buy your wives these bowls for their birthdays and be proud in doing it knowing they now have the best bread bowl design to make things will probably get many frowns to as for some reason most women do not appreciate things like that for gifts. Perhaps you might even wear it. Make a pretty good hat too, or you could soak your feet in it.
I do not recommend the foot soaking though if you intend to use it for bread. Some people might not like the idea of things like that.
I always like pots and pans, especially nice used ones, so I do not have to worry about dinging them up. Am sorry about that old gal, but I did need a mixing bowl and she had one. I will take care of her stuff better than those who tossed it away and her to the geezer dome.
That is about it for this teaching.
God bless
Oh one more thing, I think if one dresses nicely when cooking that the food turns out better as it reflects the higher etiquette. Is why Betty Crocker's cakes always looked good as she looked good. Seems husbands who keep themselves washed too, pay more attention to wives who look good cooking. Lots of things raise then in yeast just works better for some reason.......
Nuff said