I'm amused as I once was a "weather lord". By this, I have always had an ability to control the weather. Provided I'm not interfered with, I have made winters warm and dry and made summers wet.
I also taxed God a great deal in praying impossible things like, "no destruction" during summer storms, which was a real test for God as every rain drop does destroy something in reality, and for years I hampered rainfall in my region by praying that. My reason was I once in liking rain, saw a shower building and I of course spiked the thing.
Well, it turned into a ball buster storm that really terrified my Mom as if we had been bombed. See I ramped that storm up by blessing it, and we got baseball sized hail.
Did all kinds of things like breaking windows out, stripped paint off the buildings and the neighbor's cows went nuts being pelted by that storm.
I learned slowly that thinking one was a weather lord, really only exposed that it is really a tough job doing things correctly, as too much rain spoils things like too little.
America in her Christian settled period had a God Who regulated storms so they did not strike cities and produced just enough rain and dry to make bushels of food to feed the world. A Christian America fed the world.
America in removing Christ from the throne at 1600 Penn Avenue for a Birther, embarked upon a sinful curse activation as in the Old Testament. So droughts were to engulf America, but the "other" weatherlons are now busy trying to avert a global disaster in HAARP manipulating weather, not on scales to make it snow in killing people and things on the plains for wild rivers, but for averting an Obama sized drought of the Dirty 30's scope.
Only this blog has been tracking any of this. It is amazing that when it was Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, that the internet was alive with HAARP stories in the Art Bell era, but suddenly under Obama, none of the former glam stories can ever be found. Mockingbird has shut everything down but pre era puke.
Let us though focus on the known facts of HAARP in what they figured out to do was roll the atmosphere so it was warm in the Arctic and the colder air was killing things this spring in the plains in keeping things too cold. This manifested in HYPOTHERMIC WOMBS in livestock as animals were so cold, they were birthing babies 3 degrees cooler than normal and the babies were dying and one kid I have actually keeps contracting pneumonia as things born sick stay sick. So America you have a great deal of problems in dead things you eat which have not manifested yet.
Yes that was a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter............and the little blonde pissers who are messing with the inquiry, know that the information you are rigging here is going to come and be a problem just like HAARP is as you are blowing the system again just like Birther did in 2012.
Meanwhile back at the orchestra, HAARP has shown ability to .........stall Lo pressure systems to dump a great deal of rain on areas.
This first manifested over the Dakotas and Minnesota in middle May. Currently, the bright weatherlons have been busy making a mess of things in the central plains.
Iowa at one juncture was flooding in the north and dust was flying in the south all through Missouri. As of the end of May, HAARP now with stupid people praying, satan and the weatherlons who control it all, have created a massive swamp in Iowa.
Iowa farmers are going to most likely have to replant corn and soybeans as they raise those crops there, as I have explained away Mark Levin rants about wheat production in his idiocy thinking all farm ground is interchangeable.
The good thing is as this blog had noted exclusively is these farmers were already in financial stress in last years predicted drought, and now having to spend hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of dollars more to replant the Monsanto Round Up frankenfood crops, will place them all into dire bankruptcy status.
See even with treatment of anti fungals, crop seed still needs WARM and not flooded conditions in order to germinate. This entire region is one of too wet now, and crops did not sprout and a great deal of farmland is not even planted yet, and it must be, as the farther north one goes, the growing season shortens by weeks.
A disaster is building silently and only the farm community is aware of it, as the Chicago traders have orders to not focus on this calamity.
If the weatherlons and the feudal lords had just taken God's punishment in that drought, it would have been dry, but some crops would have produced. A simple USDA banning of foreclosures would have kept the farms viable. Now though, the farmers are double dipping as Kansas winter wheat farmers had to as their crops did not germinate last autumn, and it is the more expensive lands and crops going into Iowa.
Instead of dry seed in the ground not sprouting, now it is moldy seed in the ground too cold and more seed going into this cold ground.
Yes one can sprout potatoes and radishes well enough, but those are COLD climate crops like the Dutch raised in the signature American gardens of cool wet Europe which transformed into the American northeast, so one got cabbages, carrots in Mr. McGregor's garden for Bunny Rabbit to come and eat.
You get crops up, cereal grains, in cool wet weather, and you get disease like rust and smut. That reduces yields and it spoils the harvest. Put that into rye and you all go nuts eating it, as it produces an LSD type poison, that is what was behind the Salem Witch Trials.
So now HAARP has a problem. They rolled the atmosphere in making it snow, and the snow was freeze dried with no moisture. It was kept cold, so animals died and were stressed. Planting is behind weeks when time is run out. Now crops in the ground, are rotting and not sprouting from the cold and flooding, because HAARP geared up and started stalling weather fronts in place which are simply bizarre to sit under and observe.
America is now in a monsoon season, when America has no monsoon season, as God made things perfectly geared to cereal grain production in the American Midwest in just the right amount of rain to produce a crop and enough dry to keep it from rotting on the stalk.
I really do not know what the complete effects of this are, as it should be hot and dry, but instead it is cold and wet. That grows grass well for grazing animals, but it will also start growing more damn West Nile mosquitoes than you care to ever dream of.
Logic projects out that the entire ocean atmosphere has had a tsunami effect built into it which should wash back. The north is warm and the middle is cold. Imagine if you roiled a bath tub in surging the water on a continetal scale. That is what HAARP has completed, and this kind of titanic wave is going to have to wash back, and it has already affected the seasons.
If it washes back warm, it will be blistering hot, which will scorch crops used to the cold, and having no root structure will not produce yields. The ground will become like concrete and the crops will be in a bake oven from the brass atmosphere.
If it is rigged cold, then the crops will not mature.
Corn and soybeans require high humidity and heat. That again in the next coming months is a must. That again if one tampers with it, will mean too high humidity and heat, meaning a pressure cooker on crops which I catalogued several years ago when my plants were literally being cooked in my garden. Add to that cold air, and dry air, and you might just see something which my old weatherman explained long ago which almost killed me.
It was late in August and I had been fishing with my beloved Uncle, and a mix of high wind and a tornado had taken us off the lake. I observed this heinous grey cloud building and chasing us home. Being an idiot I continued on home and was caught in a storm which I saw swirling clouds of dirt rising into the clouds which were rolling on the ground.
It got my attention as rocks started pelting my vehicle and I started looking for Angels in the sky as I knew I was going to die.
I did not die, but I did go through a category 2 cyclone.
I will explain this as Mark Levin fill ins get this all wrong. A tornado is not a cyclone. A tornado is not a hurricane, but tornadoes occur in both weather events. What a cyclone is, is a hurricane on land. In the winter, a cyclone is called a blizzard.
What I ponder is, in HAARP having messed things up so terribly in all of this tampering is the reality that when things are turned off, or this wash builds, that there maybe several cyclones spawned in America, which only usually take place in the late August period. Imagine if these weatherlons have buggered this up and instead of monsoons, America finds cyclones in series pounding from California to New York.
Probably be lots of beach time walks for Christie and Birther to survey damages in that, what not eh.
I do not predict this as absolute. I do though make known that HAARP has buggered all of this up now in "stale weather patterns" which have these Lo Pressures dumping monsoon storms into areas not designed to handle this much rain.
It is now no secret that HAARP weather modification is a disaster. It is still being rigged though. So that means the reason Soros, Archers Daniels and Cargill were hording grain for the past year, was knowing a drought was coming, but it might mean, regime feudalists like the wild river saga flooding the Missouri, is being designed to ruin crops and GOP states in America for the purpose of the big 3 being the only people with grain as this year's crops move to a disaster.
We shall see, but the reality is this is all wrong now, and it is known what is being done is making the situation a disaster. The regime's benefactors hold all the grain crops, so they will be sitting on things worth more than life and being able to sell you a loaf of bread on Biblical prices of a days wages for a loaf of bread. That is Revelation prophecy and it will come about some day. The question is now in an atmospheric roll which has never been unnaturally produced, what will it do?
I deduce it will be a disaster, as it has been a disaster since they started this, as this world is designed to translate with bumpy buffers to temperate seaon changes. What is taking place now is abnormal and no data is available to know what happens when summer comes with a bang.
I do know in the Greenland records of ice, there is a dirt record of massive dirt storms, generated by 200 mph winds, carrying dust to the Atlantic is recorded. That would be after the Deluge of Noah and the devoided North America of grass cover, with the glaciers keeping things damp and cold so Vikings could sail about Minnesota as one big inland pond.
Of course, this will be denied, but in reality, these stooges in Congress should really be asking questions like, "Is this playing God with the weather or is this being satan's advocate to starve Americans in a takeover?"
I guess only the questions and information is available here for now, until ...........until all you rich folks are going to try to inquire and get no answers as God is not talking to you as He did to me.
nuff said
agtG 257yy
June hot and cyclonic storms
July through December hot and dry