I can make myself pretty to torment you.....
I did not desire to deal with this subject as it is so muddled up that like all things now it has 12 different meanings and through those who conjecture their subjects to the Mockingbird propaganda, the reality of what is going on is lost as no one would believe what is the reality if they were informed of it.
Chemtrails have been stalking about for the revenue of several people for years. Where there chemtrail trials? Yes there were just like there were cloud seeding tests. One though has to comprehend certain realities though in "does one comprehend how many planes and fuel it would require to actually put the amount of metals and toxins into the upper atmosphere for what is being "spoken of".
There are not enough aircraft for this, even if they are now creating electronic money to pay the bills.
In that reality, there are things in tests taking place. Things though are so compartmentalized that one group does not know what it is doing or for whom.
I posted on yellow snow which fell in my locality and questioned what was taking place. What that was, was a hot spot or a pollution spot that filtered out from communist China and the air coughed up a big brown lung into America.
You will recall all that acid rain hysteria and with China burping out more toxins along with India, suddenly that is not a catch phrase any longer, because Mockingbird succeeded in driving most American industry to Asia and driving up energy prices to enslave Americans, so once the mission is complete there is no longer any need to fund stooge scientists to promote some fiction.
Look, there is weather modification. There is HAARP and other atmospheric heaters around the globe. The military thinks they are for defense and offense. The black ops are using them for weather modification and for Obama snows to flood out GOP states. There is though a reality in this too, that metals from Chinese plants in the upper atmosphere to perform certain polar and non polar assets to HAARP and other situations.
I will drop a Bible verse on you now that you of course never thought of as your mind never thinks of things like that as it is hindered and deceived in all of this great deception.
Luke 11:24
When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house whence I came out.
What does that have to do with chemtrails, HAARP and these odd events taking place and the concern about global warming?
Look at that odd reality in a demon by character does not seek Living Water as God. A demon after coming out of wet human, looks for REST and finds that rest in......dry places.
Ever notice that when satan arrived here a mist watered the earth, and as sin required being wiped out in a deluge that the resulting climate change was it started raining, and all of those wet places ever since as satan gained more power became expanding deserts?
The Promised Land flowed with milk and honey, and now most of that region is an inferno desert.
What are the three demons imprisoned in that are released in Revelation, but in the Euphrates......water.
The reptilians that the Sumerians recorded splashing down here, were of the oceans at first it seems, but a reality has come into context that the more demonic influence which takes over this planet, the drier it becomes as that is the state of the drought without the Word of God.
The earth is not heating up and if it was, it is the sun which would accomplish it. For the oddity in this, in the 1970's there was an ice age being predicted and that was the hysteria which suddenly became global warming which was about robbing Americans of wealth, so they would not be in the way of the order to come.
It will sound ass backwards, but all of this global warming propaganda was actually the study of how to attempt to heat the earth up, not because it was about heat, but this has always been about moisture in the need for "dry places".
What is being hidden in all of this propaganda is a drying out of the earth, so it will be a resting place for satan and demons.......and those behind this, are initiating a false tree of life, not built in God's Living Water principles, but an image of it more akin to satan's dry places. For the lords and priests to have their earthly resting place, they need a comfort zone of "dry places".
This is what is being hidden in all of these processes of "military" and the deceptions about chemtrails.
Chemtrails were created to bounce energy signals off of and in testing of high altitude jet stream manipulation.
The majority of chemicals being rigged now and they are rigged, are coming out of Asian smelters with specific metals being blown into the atmosphere, as yes the Chinese have been promised things too in cooperating with the shadowlands of immortality.
There are a number of "recipes" for moisture generation, and at different altitudes. There is testing in pressure gradients in how to make it snow above freezing and how to make dry rain Look as long as long as there is temperature on earth, moisture is going to freeze dry or evaporate and then have to be dumped somewhere.
There are comfort zones on this planet, and they are managed for demonic comfort.
This is not to say that God does not withhold rain to get people's attention, but there are influences in this world
I have stated that this stuff does not really interest me as there is nothing to be done about it, as metereoforming is hidden in all of this, and yes it is about wiping out the God breeding program of the Spiritual genes which Americans have from Joseph and Abraham linked back to the sons of God in Adam. The cartel has been altering American genetics in tests to see what makes that God gene tick so they can wipe out competitors of the illumination and steal the genetic secrets. Is why that Ashkenaz Rothschild bunc was busy line breeding and then started humping those in the lost 10 tribes to incorporate the DNA God designed.
Be allot easier just having Jesus as Savior, but they want to be God and the demons have provided the forbidden knowledge to do it.
Fire torments the demon. Heat torments the human in being too dry. They are mixing and matching this in trying to quench the human thirst will not agitating the demons with it being damp as this "cages" their abilities.
If people knew the correct dowse they could bind both groups with a little spinning of the cord.
I just told you something and the few who did get it, do not know how to accomplish it.
It is currently midnight. I'm tired as I'm reading non stop, and no I do not mean books. God entrusts me with more and more of the forbidden knowledge, the rites and arts, the practice and the magik, because here am I His, and I do not utilize the neutrals or the consumptive.
You are not ready for these things, so just pray your prayers to God in Jesus Name, for Jesus to establish His Father's Kingdom, and then He will sort all of this out.
Even for someone born to this, created for it, it requires a lifetime of existing on the edge of destruction to grow to this ability.
I need to go discipline myself some more in focusing on this, so the necessary refinement takes place.
I keep telling you this is about spiritual things as St. Paul said about principalities etc...
Earth is the spiritual incubator. The alchemy is the electro chemical reaction. The electricity of HAARP is the nerve pulse. It makes the atmosphere lung breathe in a different way and the earth perspires differently for a new body in man being formed.
You are missing the body electric, because you see only the parts and not the whole. This is all one unit operating for an immortal plan.
That is what satan has always been up to, since it noticed Jesus was making these little lower creatures who looked just like God the Father in His image. That drove Lucifer insane when it comprehended these creatures were going to be gifted a place it could never arise to in children of God.
I can make myself pretty to torment you, but I can not take the time to clean up my bathroom as it is unpretty as my inside making me put all my torment on you.
Stop watching the distractions and start watchingwhat you can not see.
nuff said
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