I have a simple compromise for the Obama and McCain feudalcrats who will to reward criminals invading America and it is simple...........
There are 40 million border busters being rewarded in slave labor and overthrow of America, so this blog demands the importation of 40 million Christians from Europe and Asia, who will actually work, take care of their children and not be welfare trash.
In the Age of Obama, Christians in the Middle East are being slaughtered. I say like Joseph Farah, that America imports these millions of Egyptian and Syrians to America as they are Christians who will better George Washington's Christian America.
The reality is there is a great martyrdom coming to the world according to the Bible and all the policies Obama has engaged in across the world. It behooves those Christians, who are Catholics too in Europe, who will be turned against by the false pope and the anti Christ, that they should be spared and brought to America now.
If Obama wants his ilk, then Americans should demand more of the Christians who founded America from Eurasia to offset the Obama trash.
It is a humane policy that America should become a refuge before the storm for all these Christians in saving them as an Ark of the modern Covenant, floating upon the shores of two oceans.
See that is the feudalcrat problem in they never have any challenge their assinine policies meant to destroy the west. When they want Mexican trash for slave labor, there should be imported millions more productive people who are from South Asia and central Europe for the good of America.
Liberals demand disarming America. Well let them have their disarming of America in their CITIES and equal that with free guns and ammunition to rural states to offset that lunacy.
The American is always expected to give up everything for nothing in return. That is the fraud game in this, and it is never challenged save this blog with real policies.
I do not want a Newt Gingrich appealing to God damned trash Nigs and Beaners. That is getting a VD disease when being chaste is the only cure for their liberal crotch rot.
I want Christians imported who will work, be armed, mind their children, be moral, vote American and pray to God, in the first order. That is the answer to this, and I want guns handed out with ammunition like welfare freely to the masses who desire them.
That is America, and that is the Continentalist Party which is the Lame Cherry. It solves everything in checks and balances. It is the first step in someone with actual Inspiration dealing with the issues and not waiting around for more fraud elections to dig the Obama Abyss deeper.
nuff said