El Shadday Adonay, be with my children who You have placed in my care, for the threshold of worries has come upon them. They fear and are uncertain for the evil which has come upon this world afflicts their sensitive spirits as Your Holy Spirit abides within them.
You know what is to come. You know that there can never be enough preparation for this tribulation. You know also that You are the Way, the Truth and the Life and that they can do all things with Christ to strengthen them.
They were yours first. They are yours now. They will be yours at the last. I bless them in the Name of the Lord, YW. I commit them into Your Care and Keeping. Let not the destroyer harm them nor defeat them for Your Son has won the victory for them already. Hold them close.
Surround them with Your Light, Your Love, Your Comfort. Instill in them Your Wisdom and Understanding. Bless them who bless them and rain Your fury and wrath down upon them that curse them. Let them be the Light of Your Eye and the Delight of Your Heart.
Suffer them not to be moved. Move the world that they will be delivered by Your Will.
They will escape with their lives. Let them know that the Crown of Life awaits for them.
Let their eyes behold the end of their enemies. Let the soles of their feet trample their enemies into dust.
Uplift them for I lift them up to You. Uphold them for I hold them to You.
Be Shield of protection and be Sword of offense for them.
Call Your Holy Angels to attend to them with earnestness and fervor for they are Your chosen. They have heard Your calling. Hear their pleas.
You are their Spiritual Father and they are born to You. Let Your Light so shine through them to be Your Light unto the darkness of this world.
Heal and recover, Restore and Renew them, every day in the Word of the Lord. Mercy, Grace and Loving Kindness be Your overflowing Gift to them.
Give them the Peace that passes understanding. Bring them into Your Rest.
They have heard Your Voice here and come. Reward them for their Faithfulness to You and their checed unto me in their staff of teaching.
You are God. We are Yours. Delight in Us and Draw nigh to Us, for You have Loved Us first and beckoned Us from the beginning. We confess We are Yours. We profess that Jesus is Our Lord.
Hear me Our Lord, not for my righteousness sake, but for Your being Our Loving God Who always does right for His children.
Act and do for Us. Defer not. Delay not. Manifest for Us Your active presence in every part of Our Lives for We dedicate Our Lives completely to serve You.
Come Lord Christ. Come quickly for You are the First and the Last, the Beginning and the Completion. You are Our God. Rule over Us now in Spirit and rule over Us in Your coming to establish the Kingdom prepared.
In the Name of God the Father, in the Name of God the Son and our Savior, and in the Name of the Holy Ghost, We in expectant Hope receive this prayer done, with Holy Angels as witnesses to evermore Glorify God along with Us, His Saints, Amen and Amen
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