I hope all these fine Americans patting themselves on their backs over their Twitter and Face Book one liners about praying for the people of Oklahoma do not break their arms in their fiction of delusion in how wonderful they are.
This blog will exclusively explain what took place in Oklahoma in matter anti matter, as I personally am quite disgusted in all of this victim watching and lamentations by these ghouls and then the statements of congratulations in how great Americans are for caring.
HAARP currently in direct challenge to God's drought for America, has parked over the central United States a massive LO PRESSURE system that is not going anywhere. It has been there 5 days, and dumped quite a great deal of rain. That is HAARP.
HAARP did not generate the pressure system, but it is stalling it there in an attempt to disrupt the drought in America which has been a disaster in the piles of dead livestock as "things are kept cold" to keep them from being hot.
Wheat is just sprouting in the Great Plains that should have sprouted around April 25th.
Added to Oklahoma is satan. satan when America dumps God by the side of the road, is allowed to conduct it's murderous intent.
I have alone written of the reality that America has had horrendous weather events like Oklahoma from the 1800's on in the wilderness, but when Americans constructed Churches and made God the God of America, then the weather stopped being so disastrous
Tornados never struck cities in the past, and in the two decades, tornadoes strike cities with a passion. That is satan, because satan is allowed to rule when Jesus is removed by Americans.
These .storms ramp up and intensify also when there are idiots playing God, who think they can in prayer overcome what God intends in Judgment. Idiots praying for a slow snow melt so it does not flood, forget that other people are and animals are being destroyed by their prayers in others are covered with snow too.
Idiots who do not see it raining, suddenly beg for rain, and it amplifies in the Midwest in a cold stalled system, that in the warming point of Oklahoma, produces these huge tornadoes that get people dead.
So Oklahoma was HAARP, satan and idiots praying in trying to overcome God. Of course, none of this would happen if the American majority had Jesus overseeing 1600 Penn Avenue, instead of a false Birther messiah, but no mic head is going to be bothered with that, as we are all so wonderful in posting one liners about prayer on Twitter and of course they gave 10 bucks to the Red Cross.
You want to stop Oklahoma and worse events which are coming? REPENT. REMOVE THE FALSE RELIGIONS and PUT JESUS BACK INTO CONTROL OF AMERICA.
SEEK JUSTICE AND DO GOOD, and then God will reconsider His Righteous Judgment.
No one ever wants to face the fact their stupid ass praying for their little niche of the world, gets people murdered by satan. No more than people want to admit that everyone playing God only amplifies satan's destructive effects.
Those are the facts, like this storm system just shorted out my ignition in my pick up, and that is costing me something like 150 bucks, providing the used part works and that is what was wrong, as I was stuck with a Mom and cab full of baby goats this morning, as I was walking about town in the rain trying to find a Mr. Fix It.........and I will be back soon hopefully to get things done, if the loaner I was provided holds together.
Lord that shifter in that thing is like a bird flapping in a hurricane wind.
For those who cooked up the Oklahoma storm.....take a bow as satan did a murderous job, and it was based all in America being an immoral national sin.
nuff said