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How to end Fairy Barry flits


Another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.

I have told people from Joseph Farah to Sol Sanders that the way to handle the world is by a Spiritual base and not to look at things as a physical structure.

I informed Mr. Farah that if one simply bound the moon demon allah which is the Islamist power base, then all of Islam would implode.
That is how the principalities, powers and evil in high places operate through human minions they empower, influence and posses and it al filters down. It is all simple, and if one cuts off the spiritual generating force, then one stops the Stalin or Obama moving the masses in the demon machine or orb.

As an exclusive in this, I have been reading Mr. B. Hussein. I have been to 1600 Penn Avenue and I know what lurks there. Mr. Obama is an extension of a demon field. I was puzzled by the depth of the evil which was resident there as little fairy barry flits about the American Throne of Christ.

I will not place a great deal of time in this in explaining, but simply do the details in what I moved through.

There is a malevolent black entity there which shrouds this demonic entity.When I probed this darkness, I came upon a group of demons which were stout or chubby sqaut little sexless, naked things which reminded me of maggot in color as they were thsi greyish off white translucent thing moving about inside this darkness.

I could feel something inside there though which they administer to, and it does seem to have a living presence of evil of it's own, but it is a gathering device I believe.

See some demons like allah have the moon crescent as their power initiator. You know this if you paid attention to the demon seed in things like Saturn, natural forces etc are initiators which help empower the forces. Think of it like lightning storms help ghosts appear due to the initator of the power charge.

That is what is at the center of this Obama power curve in it is a shard, a sort of rusted brittle thing that is not very big. I conclude by weight it is some how a fragment of a black hole core that somehow, I perhaps will be inspired to explain later, fractured and appeared on earth for this Obama voodoo zombie thing the world has going on.
This is the fragment which is the catalyst to this group of chub demons that are servicing the Obama power core. These fat little things are creepy and disgusting.

You can know what they are about by watching Obama. They are attracted to whores as his Secret Service fell victim to. They like bloody murder by violent force as bin Laden's corpse discovered and they feed off of the sacrafice of virgins like the American Virgin or little Sandyhookers.
David Letterman being a pervert fell victim to the Obama influence of these demons in his rancid attack upon Sarah Palin's daughters. This Obama craze in part is what was behind the Chin religion which created the ministers of murder in the Jokers for the victims on the alter of the sacrifice.

The way to deal with this would be a True Christians who have invested a great deal of energy and time in prayer and fasting as the Lord explained when the disciples had problems with a certain type of demon. If you think you can handle this, then just stop right now, as you have no idea what you are dealing with and you do not want this resident evil dislodged and showing up resident in your home. See you did not think what to do with them did you now.
Having had personal experience with dealing with house demons, I do know what to do, but have only commanded what this will be subject to by the Lord through me......meaning I do not know what God's plan is in this, but I do know that pulling the demonic plug on Barry's power curve would shut off gun control and all of this Obama stuff, and poor Jake Tapper would not have to look so bored on election theft eve knowing the crime was in, and he had to stand there playing a part for six hours pretending that Obama had not stolen the election.

One must in Christ, bind, paralyze and chain to never return, with no replacements allowed with this demon stuff. They also do not appreciate novices poking at them and will react to such things in giving some people some real problems to juggle so they get frightened enough to stay away.

I do not believe this is hanuman, Obama's monkey in his pants fag Indian demon. This is something else reticent of some demonic order administering I believe for the European oracles of the anti Christ which is to come.

I make this information available not for you to practice upon my children, for you are not up to the task. You may pray on this for God to have His will accomplished. I will listen on this as I listen now and I hear them of Obama in focusing on this information.....demons do not appreciate information about them being known. It is though information in how to deal with these things so one is not reacting, but dealing with source.
I get something about swine in this too......just the feel of these pork demons.


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