Mark Levin smokes and smoulders a great deal as a Russian Ashkenaz molotov cocktail aflame with hiding in Ronald Reagan as he savages two of the top three Republicans in Richard Nixon and Theodore Roosevelt.
Levin is a Russian thug hiding in America. His brand like Michael Savage is what is ignorantly wrong with the body politic, for the simple reason Savage hires murderers to shoot black African poachers in worshiping pet dogs and Levin salivates over people being murdered like Chris Dorner who just happens to be black too.
For the record, Theodore Roosevelt and Richard Nixon both believed in 'Nesters'. Nesters were the term for Americans who were Pioneers and like chickens built nests in the wilderness which built America.
In reading Roosevelt, TR praised the pioneer from America to Africa. He had an affinity with them.
Roosevelt also scolded Andrew Jackson for the great harm Jackson did in breaking the central banking power, but Theodore Roosevelt would be the first now to be railing against the very Jekyl Island banking he established in America to produce commerce and finance for a world power America, because there is now not any check or balance and it is preying upon the very Americans Roosevelt championed as "that damn cowboy from the Dakotas".
Roosevelt understand checks and balances. He understood that Americans needed protection from industrial powers in their food and environment. Roosevelt also understood that the need for every Citizen to establish themselves as self providing in keeping the rewards of their labor and not being infringed on by the Government superceeded the cause he championed in building an American Super Power.
In this Richard Nixon in his price controls in attempting to diffuse the power of the central banks tried to protect the American consumer. His Silent Majority was Roosevelt's nesters and Richard Nixon was their champion.
Richard Nixon returned revenues to states in empowering the states. Richard Nixon prospered rural America in the agricultural trade by feeding the Soviet Union in depriving it of funds it used to purchase food.
Richard Nixon played nuclear Russia against nuclear China so nuclear America was not the focus of both.
In that Theodore Roosevelt built a modern armada and sailed it around the globe to announce that American superpower status had arrived upon the world stage.
Both of these Republicans maligned by Mark Levin is from pure ignornace or his being a pure agent of nefarious feudal benefactors who pay his high wages. Theodore Roosevelt was almost murdered by the cartel and Richard Nixon had a coup envelope him and remove him from office.
Mark Levin smoulders in providing a smoke screen for his benefactors to attack and impoverish Americans while his flames perform a holocaust upon the crematory America has become.
William F. Buckley, as a CIA conduit, rooted out and smeared the John Birch Society, as his Howard Baker group performed a coup de tat on Richard Nixon, and Americans have the same ghosts now in the mournal shrieks of Levin and Savage, smearing and performing coups on Americans like Theodore Roosevelt and Richard Nixon in USING THEM to smear people.
Ronald Reagan had an 11th Commandment of never speaking ill of another Republican. I never have on this blog, as this blog exposes every fraud in the GOP, Republicanism, Conservatives etc...
It is why I was Inspired as a Rugged Individual to create the Continentalist Party, for I define all she is and what she is in pure Americanism, and will never allow her to be bastardized or prostituted in someone putting on Reagan's skin and pretending they too are one of us.
Americans will not be smeared any longer by clever tricks from these flame throwers starting fires in the American parties to destroy them from within in depriving the People from their native and true leaders who gave all for these United States of America.
No more arsonists spreading infernos without that arsonist being wetted down with Truth.