Sometimes even with my worldly nature, I do become puzzled over things. A statement like this puzzles me in forensic psyhcology.
Before Thursday’s runway show Ricardo Oyarzun defended his ideas: “There is no pornography here, there’s no sex, there are no virgins menstruating or feeling each other up. This is artistic expression.”
I think this is some South American, Chilean designer, who I know was putting on a display of lots of tits or cleavage for a fashion show in model as the Virgin Mary.
Sure Catholics were upset, at least the ones who did not vote for Obama, but I wonder of things why priests should not have staffs and just go out and beat the bajesus out of idiots who violate Catholic dogma. They get throwed into prison, they can keep right on ministering to criminals.
Hell the pedophiles with a case of vaseline can join in or get strangled and it just seems like a win, that priests should just start going out and beating on sinners with a big shepherd stick.
Would end all that piss Christ artwork stuff.
Odd things though in Mel Gibson put Monica Bellucci in his Passion and she did porn. Monica was at one time the gorgeous gal of cinema Europa. She had a baby though being married and that is about the last I heard of her.
I think that Madonna in her taunts to God hopes that God will appear and strike her that way Madonna will at least have some contact with a God she lusts to have contact with.
Where was I?
Yeah this menstruating virgins. It is interesting in a fashion designer from South America lists depravity of porn, virgins, menstration and feeling each other up.
Maybe Ricardo was referring to this as it is South American:
Maya Religion women were considered impure because of their menstruation, they were not allowed to attend the ceremonies. An exception was made to the vestal virgins...
I really do not know why anyone would want to sit around and watch virgins menstruate. Sure I have a forensic conclusion as you know there are warped minds. Maybe Richard C. Hoagland of Coast to Coast AM saw some on his junket to the ruins.
I digress......
The vestal virgins could attend the fires in Mayan stuff, but the Mayans were pretty gruesome on the stuff they did like all cults in blood letting. No bleeding though and I do not think the Virgin Mary fashion show was lighting fires as of course I doubt any virgins were present.
It is interesting to me in how minds work in what is deemed degrading by some, is not degrading to others as long as perhaps money is involved.
Like this French artist who has the Last Supper and Judas is apparently the man in a sea of ugly French chics. Most men paint Judas as something satanic, but apparently lesbian women paint Judas as enticing in having plumbers butt crack.
Odd like bloody pussies are attractive to some, deemed horrid by the majority, just like butt cracks cause vomit in most homeowners in plumbers and yet to frog artists, that is what Judas real enticement is.
Sort of odd to that Judas looks Italian and the girl Jesus looks non French......apparently Italians are devil attractions and Anglos are Godly virtue to French artists
If all these self hating artists want to expose their psychopathy in laying in bed at night screaming for God to talk to them, by trying to get lightning to strike them in public, would just figure out that God really is not that affected by lone idiots who throw tantrums. He is God after all and when Obama is running around being an ass and only getting trees blown down, these artists who support Obama should get a clue that maybe a better way exists.
Like for example me. God has only talked to me once in voice. He told me PATIENCE. That was repeated and I never figured He was talking like numerous years. We all call and complain to God. I get Inspired by the Holy Ghost as I'm open to Him. I have to check things as that burst of zip files is complicated and it keeps me focused as it is supposed to be difficult for me.
God though really does not respond to bratty behavior. He does better with being humble and just telling Him what an idiot you are and you need His to show the way.
Does seem sex comes up a great deal in this artist stuff with genitals. Wonder how many of them call out "OH GOD, YES GOD", when they are self fornicating.......
Comes from somewhere.