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Hell's Willing


I have two earthly sisters or demonic tormentors named Brunhilda and Barabarosa. They did not start out life as Adolf Hitler's lairs, but they grew into it.

They both think my Mom and I are going to hell, having been told I was crazy and relishing the trials I have with God.
One actually phoned up as the Pope and forgave me for all I had done to her. That was nice of her as it was not me who was the sinner, but sinful consciences need to blame others and that is the state of affairs with these two that I study.

I do study them in they honestly can not admit they are wrong or that they are sinful. They sit in pews at Sunday and pretend they are going to heaven and have told me that God does not speak to me.
Their method of salvation is not Jesus, but one thinks that Catholic creed of "communion of saints" means that if you do not take communion you are not saved and the other things that "communion of saints" means that the dead are there with you when you take communion. How that saves one I do not understand and they have no clue either, but it is their religion and how they curse my Mom and myself to hell.

What is interesting to me, is I study the influences of will, spiking and demonic energies, as that is what takes place constantly in this world. I actually did something wicked in a cousin of mine lives by the Tiger Lily, and I deliberately had this relative meet TL and took Mom for a visit this past year.
I knew in the grapevine that word would reach back and the demonic sisters would hear of it and it would stick it to them, as I will never let TL anywhere near these people and Mom has nothing to do with these daughters whose idea of being daughters was putting her on a shelf and calling her for a few minutes ever few weeks with "instructions" on how to live her life.

So I initiated my wickedness and smiled over it all............smiled until in February Mom and I got two cards in the mail from my cousin.
Mine was something about my sister said "I used to be a sweet child" and my cousin was sad she never knew me when I was younger...........followed by a Bible verse of doing the good thing or something.
Mom got the same preaching.
I read that thing twice and the more I really got pissed off about it, in the USED TO part and getting preached at by people who the Holy Ghost has me running circles around in their being so ignorant of Scripture.
I once had a Pastor relative try and save me too.............that was until I informed him of the Lord's work through me and what God was doing.......he shut up and left me alone.

satan works through allot of pew and pulpit sitters to inflict on me.

I knew immediately that my sibling had been spiking this cousin, who knows exactly the person my sister is. That is what is fascinating in this, in my sister literally has a demon with here which she can put a "spiritual drunk" on a person and make them do things which are just obnoxious.
My cousin is a nice person, but what she did was just horrid. She though had no idea she was being made to jump through hoops, as was reacting to a force she chose to be seduced by.

Mind you, my cousin is devout, goes to a Pentecostal worship, and I would trust her a hell of allot further than I would the Hitlter sisters. The point though is, how deceptive this all was, just like the Obama voters being spiked for Obama and what is taking place with this last pope in Rome.

Consider that reality in a moral person, who thinks they are protected from satan, and yet, that influence guised in "healing family wounds" which only created a deeper slash in the soul with those condescending Bible verses and the "used to be" line is all of the devil and nothing of God.
I know my cousin had absolutely no clue she was being manipulated nor used by the devil, as most people have no clue when things are put to them "to do something good", but she was put up to acting out and readily did it.
Yes this is about her family in it is disconnected, so she thinks if she heals what is here, that this will not all be lost for her. That is spiritual predation by my sister on someone vulnerable.

I do not give my manipulative sisters credit for being masterminds in things, as they are not. They are just natural predators who learned that from my dad. They see opportunities to advance their fraud and con others to do the dirty work as they are too pristine to simply say they are asses and apologize.

What is interesting in this, is my parents never pulled anything like this. They were always straight shooters, no damn drama or games. Yet these two girls are both up to shit all the time, in being damn cowards.
The other one phoned a few weeks ago, and by afternoon, her daughter called here and left a message with her number to call back.

That was the first time we had heard from her in 2 years, and that call was a manipulation by my sister to gain contact with Mom.
FYI, Mom actually two years ago asked my sister for her daughter's number, and she did not give it to her.

It is this kind of misbehavior which just spiked when Mom almost died two years ago and all of the siblings fled in not wanting to be stuck with the bills or the rehabilitation, and left it all to me when I was not in the best of health.

I wonder of this though, as TL and I live the Life God gives for His Glory, in how much we are affected by people associated with, family and just demoniacs who have will for sin and are constantly trying to inflict that will on others.
From cause and effect in destruction that takes place here, amplified by this Godless Obama Age, I conclude the majority of this planet is a gigantic wound of pain and selfishness, and it is billions of satanic souls poking pointy sticks into each other's wounds non stop.
It is the love of many waxing cold as the Bible predicted for the end times.

It just is something puzzling to me, as I had always believed that God shielded me, but this age we are now in, is one where I take massive hits from work here, and it is a non stop Spiritual battle zone where I rarely have peace, as some dumb ass is spiking their "will" in my direction and satan is amplifying it to horrid results.

This past week, I got up from the desk here, and went to my bedroom. I had my slippers on, but for satan's reason, I hooked my little toe on the door frame. I was going at a good clip and it hurt, but shook it off as it did not feel that bad.
Reason it did not feel that bad, was apparently the nerves were all in shock as I almost broke the thing.
I apparently tore the webbing that connects the little toe from the toe next to it. It turned a pale shade of blue, and other purple and green colors to the toe by the big toe........and half way up my foot. Looked like a horse stomped on it.

My entire life, these things do not happen to me. Things would fall on me like horses and I would just get up unhurt. I do notice though spikes the past decade of things growing as Holy Angels used to protect me, but now things have gotten in that I get injured or something bad happens which is startling to me in this war.

I honestly just want God to work through me for His Glory, and to be left in Peace with TL. I do not want to rule the world, do not want to stick my nose into other people's pissy affairs and do not care what satanic things people are destroying themselves with as that is their ticket to hell. That though is not the case now, as my Mom's Pastor has been going through like matters in bad things happening to him in injury and insult.

The world though is no longer a matter of you being a Christian and all turning out fine. satan is employing love, doing good, clergy and those close to us for all kinds of upheaval and upset.
And for the record, the Holy Ghost told me to pray for these people several years ago to be child of God as that was what God willed. I did this and got all sorts of backstabbing which finally had me say, "ENOUGH".
That is why I do not associate with the Hitler girls, as I do not want all the demons that are attached to them, preying on me and mine. Yes numbers of the people around you have satan attached, and it is not just those drunks at the bar or the whores at a sports match. It all rubs off, and in energy aura, it all affects you and you trot that home with you for your household's upheaval.

Understand that psychics can pick up energies from people off of objects. You get letters to breaking bread with people and you are picking up and ingesting that evil. You are even more of a conduit as your aura starts vibrating at that frequency too.

All evil makes a frequency signature and you are affected by it. My siblings spiking so strangely like numbers of people are, is the same group showing up to John the Baptist in his calling them vipers in who warned them of the Judgment which was come.
That is what is behind this for Mom, TL and I on both sides of the family. You have people who are literally in a mania in if they can just "keep you" then it will give them the illusion they are not going to hell, because as a Christian, it is your God energy which is soothing them, like David and the harp for Saul when that demon was troubling him.

This collective group has destroyed my seed crops by rodent invasion and they have killed my livestock, in that consuming force satan, was unleashed against the Job, I mirror, in this trial I endure as Christ carries me.
I do not for a moment though think that I'm righteous and only trust in the righteousness of Christ. I do though non stop have people like were around Job telling him he is going to hell.

Perhaps, you will now recognize things that spike against you, and begin to separate from those things which satan is employing against you. For me this is a fight from the myriads here in the anti Christ and anti messiah group and their minions, demoniacs, these relatives I will nothing to do with as I will not allow a repeat process of destruction in their darkness to inflict on me or mine any more, and these satellites which appear out of nowhere......including these idiots who call for snow to bring moisture and never conclude the damn snow runs off the land and does no good...but it does evil in killing a baby calf I had birth unexpectedly in that storm.

See the world if overflowing now with satanic spiritual bastards who are impulsed in one thought, and then the collective chants it. It goes to those close to you in their selfish wills inflicting on you, in not what is best for you, but what is best for them.......you end up getting sick, getting hurt, getting into financial difficulties because someone thinks something and the devil exploits it.

As my one sibling said when Mom was injured, "I was praying to spend more time with Mom and now I can"..........maybe just get off your ass and take her to get her hair done or shopping would have been better instead of trying to kill your parent eh?

That is what the world is full of now though are these dumb asses with shit for brains, all self serving and not a one giving a care about others.

You have been warned, and I presume you are going to start seeing and experiencing things now that you have been informed. Close it up in Jesus Name and know that the worst is still coming in the Great Tribulation.

agtG 272Y

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