The following is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter...........
This deals with the "black bag" as inquiry was necessitated as things did not add up to a logical conclusion these these Kings of Chechnya not acting normal at the bombing and yet not acting the part of terrorists after the bombing in they were protecting civilians in not taking opportunities to murder them.
As stated, the basis for the Boston bombings was the Obama regime through the Holder cell recruiting 4 North Korean nationals posing as business men in espionage work to carry out an attack in America to be blamed on Kim Jong Un.
There freelancers were recruited at an Obama fundraiser in California and flew to Boston to plant these devices provided to them, and then feel America to West Africa and "home", for a 5 PM news fanfare in the bombs found, the people rescued, and of course fuel to pass the gun grabber legislation Obama was posing during that week, with further grabs on powders for reloading.
The NK's as explained double crossed the regime and detonated the bombs to return heroes to Kim Jong Un, who does not know these 4 are not loyal to him, but were working their own agenda in the new regime, and not trusting Obama would place them in power when Kim was dead.
The problem is the human mind deals only with single dimensional thought and it is deceived by such things then when multiple events take place.
The Kings of Chechnya were recruited by the CIA with promises of power in the phased disrupting of the Putin regime and Chechnya being a free state. They were trained in the sophisticated arts by the American intelligence. The military arts were completed in Obama training offshore in trips out of the country.
The black bag is explained as follows.
The day of the Boston marathon was one in which the Chechens were to rendevous with their contact in the government who was BATFE who was building the bombs for them. These bombs were never meant to harm Americans or to be deployed in America.
These bombs were meant to be shipped to the Caucasus region to be deployed in future Russian events.
I kept finding as source a reference to a kid in inquire placing a bomb there at the site. That bomb was part of an exchange where the Chechens were providing bomb making materials to their contact, who then would construct these bombs.
What was taking place was an exchange that day at that very trash can as the drop off and pick up point.
When the elder brother placed his bag off at the trash can, he moved off for it to be picked up by the contact who was then placing the bomb made for them, by the trash can.
The contact was injured in the blast which followed.
When the North Korean bomb detonated, the Chechens thought it was their bomb that had gone off, and they reacted exactly as someone who had been trained in warfare and knew it was a bomb they were to pick up had gone off, in they ran from the scene.
The first logical assumption it was their contact's bomb had gone off. As time progressed, and they could not make contact with their agent, they started to suspect that they either had a hit put out on them, or they were about to become the fall guys for the numerous bombs which suddenly appeared at those locations.
When the government contacts all went cold, and they saw the authorities were clearly going after them, they reacted as was assessed in desperation in trying to obtain funds to get out of the country and find a way to the Caucasus region where they deemed they would blend in and be safe from their termination which they knew which was being arranged.
The day of the marathon, two different intelligence operations were taking place. One by the regime with the North Koreans, and one overlapping from an operative making an exchange with the Chechens. Neither were aware of the other event. It was not until the cover up was initiated to keep the lid on the North Korean freelance operation conducted by the Holder cell and Obama's "blame the tax protestors" fizzled out as everyone in the loop of law enforcement knew this was painted offshore as the NK's intended to place the leads away from Kim Jong Un, that the "sift" came upon the miracle cover, in two Oswald type operatives who were involved in something completely different, just happened to be the source with the government of a bomb that showed up.
Knowing the explosive nature, no pun intended, of too many in law enforcement wondering why different bombs were appearing in numbers 2 to 5 and the authorities were lying about location and numbers of bombs, it was deemed necessary to blame the Chechen to silence them and to not have the reality that a regime group was making explosives to be shipped for staging operations in Asia aimed at the Russian regime.
That is the source of the black bag spoken of, and the only remedy in why Chechens were there and acting guilty, when afterwards they did all they could to protect civilians they came into contact with.
The Chechens had a Burn Notice placed on them and were caught flat footed like Lee Harvey Oswald in not being prepared to be cut loose by the people they trusted.
nuff said
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