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Where does one begin when Andrew Breitbart and other Diaspora are dead, murdered on contract orders like Phillip Marshall to silence them from the damning information they held.

What is not reported in this world is the "flow". The springs of America's best, becoming a creek of elite in groups like Delta Force and the SEALS, who after hard service, are "pastured out" to the corporate para military structures of this world in the "war on terror", to contract for all sorts of services where a quasi meld of CIA assassination teams meld with DOD intelligence teams, in each feeding intelligence to the "cheap" operations run of these groups one no long hears about under Birther Obama, but were the devil's own in Blackwater and Haliburton under George W. Bush.

There are supposed regulation and numerous checks on this conglomilitare which costs hundreds of billions of dollars to the United States taxpayers, and yet no one has real idea what in this world is taking place, how many people are being killed or murdered and just where this organized para military is operating at the behest of what has become Obama assassination policy.

Mali explodes from Obama exploding Libya, when Libyan arms unsecured deliberately by the Obama operatives in Libya from al Qaeda to these para military types, answering to CIA overt control with DOD spying, and while the French are "pegged" as the force operational in Mali Africa, there in the shadows are these broken down military special operations people earning very high wages, running operations in this war........which is a war, and America is paying for, deeply involved in, and yet Congress has declared no war at all.

The selling point is drones and this para military can operate more cheaply and efficiently. It is always that fine line of the hired guns acting the same way in Somalia as they do in South Carolina.
The history of this in E. Howard Hunt running G. Gordon Liddy in the Ellsberg and Watergate burglaries which brought down President Richard Nixon in a coup, point to the bigger problems of the Bay of Pigs being a sound operation, but the Grassy Knoll in Dallas being an unsound operation.

Someone murdered  Robert Kennedy and Martin King in the late 1960's and it was not the Oswald stooges who were blamed.

Someone ran Helter Skelter in Charlie Manson and they have never been tried.

Someone ran Oklahoma City, Ruby Ridge and Waco, just like someone ran Hutatree in being "operatives" employed by BATF and whatever groups, who were not government agents, but those reporting the government.

In every event in the past Obama 2012 election theft cycle from Gabrielle Giffords, the Sikh shootings, the Colorado Joker and Sandy Hook, have one absolute pattern, and that is in every case, the chatter coming in on dispatch all pointed to second shooters who were never apprehended, just like the Christmas Condom Bomber had a "Indian" shepherding him, and the Indian was released from custody and left the country.
There are people hovering around these major events, and as they are disappearing, they are the intelligence fringe and para military fringe, which is contracted for by the DOD and Homeland. There is absolutely no question or doubt about any of this.

Look at Christopher Dorner in this black man was lynched and burned, and the black controls like Al Sharpton were under orders to keep their mouths shut.
It was proven here that Dorner had at least two people assisting him, and those people have disappeared, and the government knew who they were. One was working with Dorner on the Mexican border and one was in Washington state for that relay phone call that Dorner made to the Asian officer who Dorner shot this officer's daughter.

There is far more going on with Chris Dorner than will ever be revealed, and the same fringe is burying that reality so it is never looked into like Andrew Breitbart.

Sandy Hook is a reality where the government has done nothing but lie. CBS reported the 223 rifle of the shooter was locked in a car. The infamous green car had entrance and exit bullet holes meaning gun fight. Bullets do not go through bricks. Forensic experts stated the bullets were fragable bullets, meaning they would never shoot through anything but flesh, and the trajectories were all wrong.

So just as Obama used the BATF to create a "white threat" in two moon children who were picked up for vote manipulation in 2008, there is an incessant pattern of political minders in government agencies linking up with political operatives and the para military operatives trained by the government in special operations, to all create Oliver Stone's Murder Incorporated.

When this Murder Incoporated is turned outward against United States enemies, so America is kept safe, allies are promoted and trade prospers, then that is a "good" thing.
When though this Murder Incorporated is running the opium and coke trade, setting up al Qaeda to be an extension of this Obama operation and this CONGLOMILITARE is assassinating Andrew Breitbart, then the problem is it is preying upon the very people it should be protecting.

What you do not see though nor witness is the reality in this, that this is Delta and SEALS in their put out to pasture members, but they in turn are associating and running select groups of foreign operatives trained and not trained by Americans.
These third level assassins are the torture squad, the thug squad the assassination squad. They have no problems with going in and murdering Americans who are a problem in what they know, no more than they have problems with going and murdering Khadaffi as he is the wrong kind of Muslim to their kind of Islam.

One must face this reality under Obama, as this started under Zbigniew Brzezinski in this distinct phase that the Muhajadeen as an anti Soviet weapon, worked under Ronald Reagan as freedom fighters. Under Bill Clinton in Kosovo this became a tool for war called al Qaeda, which was flipped by Putin and Zawahiri to make war on America in their proxy Sheik bin Laden, and Barack Hussein Obama flipped them back in wholesale murder by the US military in drone strikes and in paramiliatry assassinations, so al Qaeda now works for 1600 Penn Avenue, and as was exclusively reported here, is now with this Dr. Germ who turned loose the Obama West Nile Plague of 2012 on Americans, is turning the new bird flu germ warfare loose on the southeast Chinese border using the Muslim population as their operatives.

John Kennedy in order to subvert Congress let loose his para military, his CIA and his DOD, in an assassination war, that started with the murder of President Diem of South Vietnam and ended with the botched attempts on Fidel Castro, who was installed as a communist to run the dope and money laundering trade, not for the mafia, but the cartel.
Whenever one starts making assassination the prime directive, then disasters burgeon, as these assassins are off the books and never answer to anyone but other assassins.

This conglomilitare, is the problem as everyone needs a job and validation. Everyone needs someone to cut a corner, and the people who want corners cut, hire corner cutters who are washed out of other control systems. That is how a Phillip Marshall, his two children and family pet are slaughtered, because someone wants something not spoken of and someone who likes operations which no one else will take, does the contract.

The American people have a problem psychotic child working in this CONGLOMILITARE, as it is working in the shadows and it has groups of assassins which are losing employment and are then finding employment in murderous ways. They are foreign and domenstic. They are without oversight as they are among those who are above the law.

Several hundred special operations people can sign letters of protest demanding that Congress investigate ANALGATE, when it is a group of their own painted for death by an Obama fringe group, as that kind of thing just does not happen. It is why when DELTA rode and rode out fast, and within 5 days later a team of civilian and military assassins were sent in to clean up tap and double tap on key Libyans as only this blog reported, the inner circle takes care of their own to a point......except when it is SEALS in a fraud bin Laden corpse operation and then the SEALS are sanctioned by a higher order in the game.
Those special ops people though are not dense no more than CIA to DOD when it comes to Andrew Breitbart or any of these controlled assassination events as Gen. Wes Clarke burning up Branch Davidian children to hide the BATF facts of bullet holes going into that compound. Then the silence is complete as then it is "those people" who are not part of the group who are being slaughtered.

One will note that when Gen. George Patton was murdered, that this same group never said a word and they did nothing when Admiral Forestall was murdered either. Admiral Jeremy Bourda commits suicide by shooting himself several times with a long gun in his office as much as Vince Foster is murdered on the White House grounds and the body moved, and everyone knows what took place, but for some cowardly reason none of these insiders ever bothers to speak out covertly or to provide any evidence to all the heinous nature of what the real world operates as.

What was once a Military Industrial Complex protecting Americans as Americans had value as workers and soldiers has become under Obama this Socio Complex with a para military force murdering globally without any checks or balances, using the CIA and DOD as cover.

This mechanism is there, and the hirelings carrying out the orders of the feudalcrats, before they themselves are exterminated in time, is what gears this world terror state. There is though not a war on terror. There is a war of terrorization.

Make a list of the "terrorists" killed and then just ponder the list of dead Americans and those who were politically ruined, starting with Andrew Bretibart and Aaron Swartz to John Edwards and Sarah Palin, in one notices those on the right and the left are destroyed with equal mayhem, because this is about the feudal elite who are not right or left, but simply are.

If one notices, in this Age of Obama, the murder ability is becoming more refined and efficient in only slaughtering the masses for misdirection at Joker theaters as the real assassinations are carried out with high tech chemicals and radar waves. Those left to survive like a Sarah Palin are whored out to torment them as that is part of the entertainment.

What is taking place are the things of Stalin, Amin and Ho, but this type of cannibal rapine has never unleashed globally as it is now. There is an entire murder operation at large that all those who are supposed to reign this thing in are either agents of it, terrified of it or blackmailed by it......or worshiping Obama over it, as it murders all those contenders that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid do not want to deal with.

It simply hits play and it is Bill Ayers murdering people, and when he is done with his Chicago electric toy as it becomes too dangerous he just blows it up. If one notices, none of the elite are killing their assassins as the elite do not think none of this is too dangerous.

You do know there are Pentagon war games run at the war college in it is known how many Americans will be slaughtered in an uprising, and the scenarios include assassinating brains out on media for effect, sending in para military to exterminate local law enforcement and the use of shock effect miniature nukes to particle beams and bio weapons in the reason Obama is not interested in fighting a two front war, as the war the feudalists are focusing on is an on shore war against Americans and a deflectionary invasion war with an Alaska landing.

Probably have never read that one before or heard of such a thing from the files......at least not yet.

The Conglomilitare is indeed a reality and it is murderously growing to eat those who are supposed to control it.

agtG 232

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