You know this but John Rotten is a man you know just by looking at him that he would kill you, so you leave him in peace.
GOD SAVE THE QUEEN: Sex Pistol Johnny Rotten demands 'respect' for Thatcher...
Beaver bites man to death...
Like most non Disney watchers would leave a beaver at peace, but sometimes people get woman snatch confused with fur bearing animals, and well if it was Muchelle Obama, you could understand the fear that Birther Hussein has of her snatch in biting him to death.
Michelle O Compares Self to Murdered Teenager...
Biden criticizes non-hunting gun owners: 'They like the way it feels,' 'like driving a Ferrari'...
Then again, it is always good to know that Aaron Burr Biden equates guns like driving cars, in the feel, and we know when he is stroking his pump, like shifting his gears, that is code for Dr. Jill jacking him off.
I never did equate sex with cars, guns, motorcycles or most humans, as......well while I do want to lay my hands on most guns, I do not want to ride in most cars, put most bikes between my legs or have sex with most humans.
Then again maybe dyke Naps Napolitano should get a date night with old perv Joe, as she apparently likes blowing into things, while squeezing them hard with her legs....lot of butch there for Joe to drive and feel up and I would imagine Biden smells a great deal like a a musty old bag pipe as he makes similar sounds.
I totally agree with conservative Pat Tomey on gun control, because Joe Scarborough and Wolf Blitzer both agree with Tomey's gun grab.
Andy Dean had on another educational clip in Al Roker of NBC told the world that Ronald Reagan would be viewed as a liberal now, now that 58% of the people would vote for Reagan over Obama and that 3/4's of those polled know that the 80's were great compared to the Obama Super Depression.
Problem is the polls stated that 95% of people want background checks......yeah on the idea couched in psychos not getting guns.
NKOREA: 'Powerful striking means' on standby...
WATCHCON 2: Missile spotted in strike position...
US intelligence reveals launch zone...
No matter, let's disarm America of nukes too like Obama wants, as doing that has Kim pointing nukes at America and Putin just ordered bomber missions with nukes on US targets in Asia.
Disarming Americans is the thing to do, as al Jazeera has come out in favor of it.
Highway patrol gave feds 'entire list of Missouri concealed weapon permit holders'...
Senator: Background Checks Could Allow Holder to Create Gun Registry...
'The Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act'...
Deals, details and decisions...
Cruz: Obama 'Trying To Take Advantage' of Newtown...
Do not remember people that Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany both started out confiscating guns.
I wonder if Jane Fonda, the reason she looks all fake tree of life, is she ate dog when she was in North Vietnam, with that big anti aircraft gun rubbing on her cunny that was shooting Americans out of the sky.
I just have never found a good dog recipe, as the American Indian ate lots of dogs and dog is big in Vietnam.
Jane Fonda finally gets Ronald Reagan to give her a Happy Ending.
I wonder why Meryl Streep wanted to beat up 90 something Maggie Thatcher, who if it was not for Thatcher, John Paul and Ronald Reagan, there never would have been a Birther Hussein Obama, as the Eurasian communists would just have appointed a real communist who was white, who could do the job, and not have all this Designer Negro pretense in a Chinaman as a Nig.
Now faux tree of life Fonda is doing Ronald Reagan when there are lots of roles Jane could play like Meryl, like Muchelle Obama.....who wouldn't want that big sexy Birther Hussein sweating to the oldies between their legs.
I do not know Mr Rotten, but I honestly would prefer his unknown to the known of Obama, Cameron and whatever these other fags are bending over to Putin, Peking girls and Kim Jong Un.
With Margaret Thatcher you just knew you had a Lady that scared the enemy and you could always trust them, as much as you could Ronald Reagan.
In that, the west needs a Mr. Rotten in charge of the British Empire to face off all the evil despots of the world. Norway could put Anders Breivik in charge of Scandinavia too. I keep telling you children of soy milk faggery that you are going to need men to face these men in Eurasia before it is too late, but then maybe all these fags are looking forward to being raped by hordes of Asians before the Asians murder them and use their guts to lubricate their tank treads.
Let's be happy though as today I saw the chive posts photos of sexy mentally retarded girls.
.....and Hooters employs them too.
Ain't America a great nation or what, eh!!!!!!
GOD SAVE THE QUEEN: Sex Pistol Johnny Rotten demands 'respect' for Thatcher...
Beaver bites man to death...
Like most non Disney watchers would leave a beaver at peace, but sometimes people get woman snatch confused with fur bearing animals, and well if it was Muchelle Obama, you could understand the fear that Birther Hussein has of her snatch in biting him to death.
Michelle O Compares Self to Murdered Teenager...
Biden criticizes non-hunting gun owners: 'They like the way it feels,' 'like driving a Ferrari'...
Then again, it is always good to know that Aaron Burr Biden equates guns like driving cars, in the feel, and we know when he is stroking his pump, like shifting his gears, that is code for Dr. Jill jacking him off.
I never did equate sex with cars, guns, motorcycles or most humans, as......well while I do want to lay my hands on most guns, I do not want to ride in most cars, put most bikes between my legs or have sex with most humans.
Then again maybe dyke Naps Napolitano should get a date night with old perv Joe, as she apparently likes blowing into things, while squeezing them hard with her legs....lot of butch there for Joe to drive and feel up and I would imagine Biden smells a great deal like a a musty old bag pipe as he makes similar sounds.
I totally agree with conservative Pat Tomey on gun control, because Joe Scarborough and Wolf Blitzer both agree with Tomey's gun grab.
Andy Dean had on another educational clip in Al Roker of NBC told the world that Ronald Reagan would be viewed as a liberal now, now that 58% of the people would vote for Reagan over Obama and that 3/4's of those polled know that the 80's were great compared to the Obama Super Depression.
Problem is the polls stated that 95% of people want background checks......yeah on the idea couched in psychos not getting guns.
NKOREA: 'Powerful striking means' on standby...
WATCHCON 2: Missile spotted in strike position...
US intelligence reveals launch zone...
No matter, let's disarm America of nukes too like Obama wants, as doing that has Kim pointing nukes at America and Putin just ordered bomber missions with nukes on US targets in Asia.
Disarming Americans is the thing to do, as al Jazeera has come out in favor of it.
Highway patrol gave feds 'entire list of Missouri concealed weapon permit holders'...
Senator: Background Checks Could Allow Holder to Create Gun Registry...
'The Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act'...
Deals, details and decisions...
Cruz: Obama 'Trying To Take Advantage' of Newtown...
Do not remember people that Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany both started out confiscating guns.
I wonder if Jane Fonda, the reason she looks all fake tree of life, is she ate dog when she was in North Vietnam, with that big anti aircraft gun rubbing on her cunny that was shooting Americans out of the sky.
I just have never found a good dog recipe, as the American Indian ate lots of dogs and dog is big in Vietnam.
Jane Fonda finally gets Ronald Reagan to give her a Happy Ending.
I wonder why Meryl Streep wanted to beat up 90 something Maggie Thatcher, who if it was not for Thatcher, John Paul and Ronald Reagan, there never would have been a Birther Hussein Obama, as the Eurasian communists would just have appointed a real communist who was white, who could do the job, and not have all this Designer Negro pretense in a Chinaman as a Nig.
Now faux tree of life Fonda is doing Ronald Reagan when there are lots of roles Jane could play like Meryl, like Muchelle Obama.....who wouldn't want that big sexy Birther Hussein sweating to the oldies between their legs.
I do not know Mr Rotten, but I honestly would prefer his unknown to the known of Obama, Cameron and whatever these other fags are bending over to Putin, Peking girls and Kim Jong Un.
With Margaret Thatcher you just knew you had a Lady that scared the enemy and you could always trust them, as much as you could Ronald Reagan.
In that, the west needs a Mr. Rotten in charge of the British Empire to face off all the evil despots of the world. Norway could put Anders Breivik in charge of Scandinavia too. I keep telling you children of soy milk faggery that you are going to need men to face these men in Eurasia before it is too late, but then maybe all these fags are looking forward to being raped by hordes of Asians before the Asians murder them and use their guts to lubricate their tank treads.
Let's be happy though as today I saw the chive posts photos of sexy mentally retarded girls.
.....and Hooters employs them too.
Ain't America a great nation or what, eh!!!!!!