Just a reminder my children as Rush Limbaugh was fondling his blondeberry and others were off falling into the abyss, that this blog exclusively while being deluged with TL under the duress of a bio plague weapon of Dr. Germ predicted by God's Grace that B. Hussein Obama AKA Barry Chin had executive orders cut to wipe out the Constitution over Gun Control.
Is what I do as conduit of the Almighty God.
'The president is going to act'...
Yes while others fondled this blog in the popular girl was proven right again in what was spoken of in the Obama bedchamber.
Why would the non watched CNN types know of the obscure Alex Jones type in what it would matter with?
I will answer you my children as none of you have this figured out yet even if it was posted in part here already.
CNN Host and Guests Discuss Shooting Alex Jones...
The entire gun control gambit has nothing to do with guns. It has to do with diversion from Obama stealing the 2012 election, the convincing liberals that debts will be paid for loyalty in their vote fraud and the reality of what has been spoken of here in a civil war is being instigated in order to bog down America in the near future, so it is fighting amongst itself and not the Eurasians making power grabs.
There is a current as only revealed here in a blood lust being instilled in Americans to prey upon each other.
You must comprehend this my wee ones. There is in the Obama fag file still the percolating maxims of scuffing this Peking boy in order to bring this gun grab to a head. There is a force generating in this, that is beyond what Obama did in his stealing the 2012 election and Obama is aware of it.
I can read Mr. Obama and he is quite arrogant now in his despotry. He has as this blog predicted become Stalin, and a new manifestation is coming to order in the "noble savage" or the " refined barbarian". Mr. Obama is operating in his own aura now, and his persona is gaining past the resident evil generating from the White House. This macabre spectre is one in which Barry Chin is the inferior clone of the evil he represents.
As was warned here, they of the cartel will consume or sacrafice their messiah and Obama does portend to that end willingly as he has been assured that the false tree of life will not fail him in the venture.
There are forces at work in this beyond all that has been experienced in this cycle. One jokes about shooting Alex Jones in order to appeal to the primal Jones archetype to retaliate on Mr. Obama, as is the full intention of this protocol being played out.
There are new epics being written as Mr. Obama has gone wild in his power curve he has projected. YOU MUST COMPREHEND that he being a foreshadow of the anti Christ, a precursor event. that Barry Chin has begun burning the darkness on both ends for a pale you do not understand........Mr. Obama is changing times and has changed them when Analgate ensued. He has wiped the time line of events and now the numbers do not matter in the flux of time and only the stories remain of the signature.
B. Hussein is wiping out the Bush Clinton dynasties as the reptilian in the adder's nest. He has changed the curve and things which were 2016 have become vanishing point as Mr. Obama attempts to rewrite all by his voracious power curve of consumption.
That photo of children between his legs is what Obama is. The 10 year old delighted with his toy children to look up to him as dragon master. You are getting glimpses of that son of perdition who is to appear in Europe, which is the real anti Christ and will expose Obama for the fallacy he is.
Do not be caught in the whirlpool of this emotional tide. You have been warned already of these things in XO and of other generating issues. B. Hussein has initiated the change of things, for his shadow signature of the darkness will accomplish so much more.
The BATF has already in motion operations to assist AKA Barry Chin in this. It will not be a Process church joker or hooker in what the fag file has detailed. The darkness has manifested an existence of it's own and no one in creating it, has given it a vanishing point, as it is now feeding itself by power absorption.
Another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.
agtG 240Y