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I Heard it through the Fag Line


Mike Gallagher on April 9th, had a caller on who was trashing Mark Sanford, the GOP and all Christians for Sanford's repentance over past sins in now desiring to be a Representative in Congress.
I will not bring up the reality that Gov. Sandford was subject to that "Conservative Cleansing" as released by Karl Rove for the feudalcrats which has them acting out like they would not as Manchurians due to spiking their thought processes to clear the field for Barack Obama and Jeb Bush, but one will notice from Sarah Palin going sodom to Larry Craig being set up in Minneapolis in a sting was waiting for him........

Now just think of Larry Craig in one never hears of homosexual sting operations in Minnesota, as all hell would break loose from gays being targeted and yet, there in that bathroom was a cop waiting for gay men to arrest them on "toe tapping".

What I will to have readers consider though his Dominic, the Mike Gallagher caller, as I immediately knew he was a homosexual by "sound".

Ask yourself if someone is slurring their words if one thinks they are drunk or having a stroke as a brain impairment is revealed. So why is it when gays stand out in their lisps that no one ever asks what is the abnormal problem in their brain structure that has affected them to stand out and not sound normal?
What is going in their SOCIAL INTERACTIONS as babies do not sound gay when born, but are developed that way, which causes these sodomites and lesbians to actually develop a sound, a look and a way of being, that one can immediately note that person is as definitive as a lounge lizard or a prostitute.

This blog is interested in the Truth and that Truth is what matters and not these talking points that gays are born that way.Time again it has been proven that gays do not have proper role models, and when the time comes for the devil to whisper to them in some Sound of Music, they then start nurturing that isolation and believing sodomy is their calling when it is the soy milk genetics they are being fed along with mind conditioning by the cartel which produces this sodomite to be initiated by this sodom rape cult that operates unarrested in this world preying on people to initiate them.

Why this is never cracked down on is because it is government sponsored for the overthrow of America. The reason this Dominic sound queer, is because he is mimicking others like a parrot as he has chosen to be that way as a "sign" to attract other queers and also to let normal people know he is a faggot, because Dominic like all gays is terrified in phobia being around straight people as these homosexuals fight non stop about being turned on by the opposite sex.

They have to repress this natural attraction by feeding an unnatural lust burning in them due to environment.

Amazing in how gays are never made to answer legally for their crimes. Yes this blog proved how the internet is scrubbed of all major homosexual rapes and murders. The cartel is doing that for purpose, and when a Dominic goes on a hatefest against Christian and normal America, he is allowed, because no one will stand up and simply point out the facts of what homosexuality is in being a deviant choice in abnormal behavior which is torturing them and killing them by self suicide.

What gays need in the majority is what the "gays" say who are not homosexual relate in someone sat them down and told them this was not God's purpose for them, and to stop feeding that unreality. No one ever in media will feature gays who are now straight in having stopped their abnormal behavior as that would reveal that there really is no such thing as being gay.
One normally is designed for opposite sex attraction. That wiring is reprogrammed by normal parental associations, and then by peer groups.

What happens with sodomties is they have the wiring, but no interaction in proper parental models, then the peer group with soy milk infusions enforces the abnormal deviancy and the child allows themselves to be raped by a like sex group preying on them.

You will never hear a gay ever say, "Yes my first experience was with a gay who said, "Wow you are feeling bad and have been drinking, how about we take you to a Pastor to talk things over and see what you are really dealing with".

Nope, the stories are all about enabling someone who is confused to force them into something they are questioning about by lurkers just waiting to pounce like lounge lizards.
A lounge lizard is not born that way, nor are they a lizsexual. They are just a group of perverts who are acting out abnormal, because society allows it.

All of have sinned. Mark Sanford had help, but states he has stopped sinning. Dominic wants Christians to condone his sins because of the sins of Mark Sanford, and that is not going to happen no matter how many Mike Gallagher's coddle deviant sodomites as "he knows them".
One should ask what confessed normal person in Mike Gallagher is doing in having flocks of sodomites around him that he knows. Apparently Gallagher enables sodomites and they are attracted to him, instead of his in Christian morality making a stand in informing them that what they are doing is an abomination to God and they will answer for it as all in open rebellion do.

Reinforcing abnormal behavior is the last thing that homosexuals want. It is why they have the volume up in they want some adult in their family circle or friends to tell them to stop misbehaving. Yes they will throw a fit and call names, and most likely retreat into homophobia, but they need that boundary and are begging for it.

The idiocy of this is hating the sin and loving the sinner. One does not hate nor love sinners, as being stuck in emotions is what serves no purpose as one is reacting emotionally, instead of intelligently. Sin is an abhorrence and it is an abhorrence to not be saddened in emotion at people tormented in sex and wasting their lives to end up in hell.

Cheating on your wife is a sin as Mark Sanford accomplished with assistance. Stopping that ends the sin. Repeating it gets you into hell for being in rebellion against God. Condoning sexual sins is something even those not involved in it, will be something they will answer for. One does not need to get into cheaters faces or drag homosexuals from sodomy, but when the time comes for your answer, you do not slap them on the back and say go get it, as you are their friend and family.

If you are a practicing homosexual, you will be Judged by Christ on this and be sentenced to destruction, as sex is your chosen god, and sex does not exist in Heaven as no one is married there in it being sexless, so as sex ends, you will end.
Greater will be your imprisonment in the first hell of Sheol, in having hated and attacked Christians for standing for you in telling you that your sin is going to destroy you.

Every person is responsible for their choices and actions. There is not a person who is straight or normal, who has not gone through the crying out to God about something they are weak on and eventually overcoming it. I have been there, and in this homosexuals get no free pass at sin, because I and no straight person gets a free pass as a Christian at personal sins. All sin has to be overcome in Christ, and sin is being in acting out in things against what God says He will not accept.

Enough of this, but this deluge of sin is a symptom of the beginning of the end times as satan tormented Americans seek some personal narcotic to give some relief from that torment.

God is the only answer to bring Peace. Sex in any form brings nothing but more upheavals in the emotions when it is not as God designed in marriage between a husband and a wife.

nuff said, but it will never be enough said as the sinner always is screaming about in each generation demanding that their sin is to be an exception in not destroying them and the entire society like Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome..........


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