This blog posts on every subject and in exclusives to magna opus, this arena is premier by God's Grace and Inspiration. What follows is a doctrinal thesis which should be kept, printed, republished and taught to all, for the reality is no one has ever examined the perpetual need in societies for the NECESSARY POOR.
Jesus infamous words of "the poor will always be with you", have done no service to this, in He did not mean it in the context of what Hebrew tradition and American traditions have evolved to that being rich is Godly and poor is a punishment of God, when God all through His Mosaic and Christ Law and Gospel always focused upon the poor as they are as necessary to the culture as the rich.
I will repeat that so it sticks in your minds, the poor are as necessary to any society as the rich are for both fulfill basic necessities of that culture to thrive.
I speak in this of the PRODUCTIVE POOR. By example in the Bible, it is revealed that the poor were dealt with in alms, in allowing provision in society for those who would glean and for slave or indentured status of 7 years labor to be husbanded by those who were well off.
I have always promoted the Biblical solutions to poverty, as they rose the poor to new status and never robbed them of dignity as it always involved work, unlike the cartel system of redistributed wealth, which takes from the productive in pretending it goes to the poor, but in reality the welfare funds go to landlords of the conglomerates in food, medicine, energy and communication.
The biggest disaster in America and attack on the poor was revealed only here in this blog, because this blogger is destitute. It was the Obama regime in "Cash for Clunkers".
The reality is that program attacked the poor in America, because the poor could not trade in a clunker for a new car as new cars are now priced out of the majority of American households. That was a rich person's welfare by Obama to reward union workers in auto plants and Asian car manufacturers of lower end Obama models and high end European models of the Obama cartel.
The end result was the 500 dollar junker disappeared which the American poor formerly would drive to work or for transportation. It put American poor on foot or a burden to communities. It put a price increase on next level cars as imported Mexicans were now in that market too competing with American poor for housing, jobs and used goods from cars to clothes.
The American poor have been destroyed by the Obama feudal regime and not one of these nation rapists in carnivore nor cannibal capitalists will speak of this crime as they both made huge sums off of it.
It was to destroy the poor American voting block from being independent and it succeeded.
The poor in Biblical times would be allowed into farmer fields to pick up the crops that would be left in order to feed themselves with their own labor. This was not all one sided, as that wheat if left in the field would become a weed the next year in sprouting when a lentil crop was sown, thereby causing huge problems for the farmer and reduced crops, that would mean less food for the entire nation.
So you see the poor did have a purpose, and were much better and healthier than using herbicide poisons which in America are funding more of the feudal conglomerates.
The necessary poor are the natural last use and recyclers of any society. The rich will donate clothes not good enough to wear as being washed too often, and the poor will in thrift stores buy these items and gain years of wear out of them.
The same holds true for pots to appliances in the poor will buy these things at a cheaper rate and employ them for years in self sufficiency as they can not afford new couches, beds, toasters or skillets.
They are under severe competition now in the millions of Mexicans that the feudalcrats are importing deliberately to destroy the native poor, but when the natural system in a nation is allowed to operate, the poor in a nation clean up the junk and use it until it is no longer possible to use, and this produces an economic cycle for the junk dealer and rag trade.
The poor use everything in a society as the old saying was in "Everything was used in the pig, except the squeal".
The poor classes employ so very much as it is their ingenuity in trying to beat the system or out of need trying to not be poor, invent all sorts of things and create a common sense and fertile mind that benefits entire societies.
Their mad money purchases gear entire economies as a poor person spends money when they get it and does not invest in stocks, as they need the things as treats to their validity like ipads, cell phones to new shoes.
All of this is the reality of the necessary poor for they are in mass of greater importance than the rich who are investing, buying first ticket items and spending money, because the poor invests liberally in consumption of treats, using up that which has been produced so nothing is wasted and they in mass consume all of those things in creating a greater and more thrifty gene pool, which the wealthy minority will not breed for wars nor for driving a market economy.
The poor should be heralded and not looked down upon, because in their secret place of disdain they have always been what was any economy or any nation. They have a worthwhile part which is immense to a healthy society.
As this blog has been the only champion of the poor, I will state again and you can quote me on this, the problem in this world and in America is not that there are not enough rich people, but the problem is there is not a healthy poor class who can operate in first time homes, first time cars, first time marriages, for the most part implementing old homes, old cars and moral families which is what has been deliberately deprived of America and the world to bring about this Obama Super Global Depression where the propaganda states that mediocre and lackluster economic and employment is now expected to be accepted.
The reality in this is the feudalcrats created vast amounts of wealth for themselves as the world has more wealth now than ever, but they also impoverished the majority and took from them their God given rights to progress.
The problem in all of this is an unhealthy poverty class not being allowed to freely live in their consumptive market without unhealthy competition.
Only until the time that America puts back into the provision the healthy manifestation of the poor in America and the world, remedying the feudal state, will only real prosperity take place for all.
In what is inflicted upon now, the fractal inflation of debt lending has made a millionaire middle class and when initiated to continue, it will make billionaires into the poor by that inflation.
It will either break down on it's own weight through revolution or war, but the gravity of it will remedy this as a system can not exist in an impoverished wealthy class and an enslaved poverty class.
The poor and rich are in symbiotic relationship. You can not have the rich without the poor operating in society in a healthy way and you can not maintain the rich without maintaining the profitability structure of a thriving poverty class.
This has been another of the greatest of teaching lessons from the Lame Cherry which you should be thankful for in your education.
nuff said
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