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Mike Gallagher this day, was saying that Mike Bloomberg should have platoons of armed gaurds protecting him, because he is a rich and powerful man, and not because apparently he was Mayor of New York.

Now this confuses me as Mike Bloomberg, Mr. Sippy cup, Mr. Gun Grab, Mr. Obama Third Testicle, is a man who has billions of dollars, and everything he does has to do with this hording of wealth from the masses in tax confiscation and penalties on the poor, and then he says "redistributing" it.

From knowing all of this Obama and Pelosi policy in feudalism and "thc organized community raising the child and murdering the Muslim leaders", would it not be better if the god of their Darwin Law they worship in natural selection be allowed to roam free?
By this, should not in gun denial of rights, be aimed at Mike Bloomberg in denying them ownership and armed posse's protecting them in the very policies they advocate?

Think of it in some Afroid dope dealer and whore runner, shoots some black pimp in competition, and it really does nothing for the community, except in deying Bloomberg's chidlren from going downtown and buying a dime bag to get high on.

But, if in Bloomberg law, say all these billionaires were open season on, according to Obama laws which disarm all the black poor in America, all the poor latinos etc.... would not this then advocate the Obama Bloomberg policy of redistribution of wealth.

Look, Bloomberg has billions of dollars, and he doesn't give billioins of dollars to poor people who are Obama voters or regular Americans. Bloomberg hordes it all.
Would not in inhertnace, all of the Bloomberg illegally confiscated billions then go to state tax laws and all of his family, who then in being redistributed to, spend millions on whores, penthouses and cars?

Then think of it, in some shooter finds these inheritors and helps to redistribute the wealth again, and another shooter does it as Sandy Hook and Joker Colorado were MKULTRA minions made by the government, eventually put all that money into the say, 500,000 dollar bracket in redistributing wealth to the fringe poor who in Bloomberg's family he doesn't give a crap about.
You know like millionaire Obama having George Obama living in a shack in Kenya while Obama lives it up on private jets and constant vacations.

Now the Homeland folks make these MKULTRA people all the time. Hell Hutatree was unleashed by a Holder mole setting up those people for crimes they never committed. Could not this same thing that is murderernig American be utlized to implement Obama and Bloomberg redistribution of wealth policy?

Surely shooting children at Sandy Hook or Batman fans in Colorado does not do a great deal for this wealth thing, but if it was all of these trillionaires, billionaires and millionaires who would be candidates, you know targeted like, Phillip Marshall or Aaron Swartz or Andrew Breitbart......or like those Mexicans in Obama's Gun Runner........would not redistributing these concentrated sources of wealth be a whole lot better than just shooting the poor Afroid like in DC or Philly?

Should not his be looked at by loopy Governors like Connecticut signing gun laws, that Mike Bloomberg can not have armed people protecting him, and when certain rich people reach a threshold and do not give all their money away, then this Obama Drone thing activates on the lists he has and the government sanctions hits on these people like they did for John Kennedy, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan......and let's not forget that grendade thrown at George W. Bush.

John Kennedy's family worked out in that wealth redistributed in Jackie went tits up, John John, the  wife and John John John went into fish foods as Hillary and Obama were just eliminating John John from being President.

Let us just pause for a moment in stunned silence in thinking if America had had John Kennedy Jr. as President for the Obama years........John who started George magazine in common sense, was friends with Rush Limbaugh, loved by the gay left............yeah he probably would have had a Nobel Peace Prize in actually have brought peace and Americans would have 1 dollar a gallon gasoline and all able would have had good jobs.

Sort of chilling isn't it, when a bomb goes off in the tail of a plane and that redistribution of power and wealth all concentrates not in the people, but in the hands of feudalcrats like Bloomberg, Clinton and Obama.

This though is not about what could be in John John or John John John, the fetus grandchild of JFK, no this is about putting it into law the very policies that Mike Bloomberg has for Obama, and the reality of not allowing Mike Bloomberg to say that rich Jews in Ashkenazdom should be more protected than the American Nig in South Side Chicago.

So I agree with gun control in Connecticut and New York and New Jersey.........you know all the places for Obama, but let us not in this revolution stop there, but let us activate the EQUALITY of this as in sodomy, in having the rich be disarmed like the black poor and then instead making this all more efficienct in the government not aborting black babies in mass, but just doing post birth abortions on rich guys and gals, when a certain threshold takes place and they do not hand the money over to the poor.

All of this is already policy in America in poor people die in hospitals from disease that Ruth Bader Ginsburg in cancer recovers from. Let us not lie about any of this, but in the wake of gun control, make it pure Obama Marxism in disarming the rich and sending in Sandy Hookers to carry out Obama redistribution of wealth policy..........this time not to Wall Street tycoons, but the realy poor Ashkenaz family members first of Mike Bloomberg, and then work it all down.

The MK operations are already operating. Obama death lists are there. Mockingbird media is calling every murder accidental or a national pride thing........let's just have operating in the open all the things operating againt the poor, or Americans like Ronald Reagan and JFK, to get this concentrated money into the community organized spending groups.

Make it all legal and I suspect like Dancing with the Stars, there could be some reality television show like This is Your Life..........or This is Your Death...........have Bob Barker host it as he looks like a ghoul now, and how about live breaks of cutting out testicles of dogs and maybe even Planned Parenthood aborticides as that would be good television until someone greeted someone like Bloomberg like Publishers Clearing House.

Yes we could have had John Kennedy jr. as President now, with everything fixed, if that Kennedycide had not been undertaken by the elite to install more feudalcrats.

It is time for the NeoProgs to pass laws making the redistribution of wealth equal to black communities in disarming rich tycoons made richer by Birther Hussein Obama to match the laws they have sentenced poor Americans too.
Mike Bloomberg has piles of poor Ashkenaz relatives who would be most appreciative of an inheritance. Should not these poor Jews needs be worth more in the many than the needs of the billionaire few?

Would not all that money going to poor people who might be taking guns and shooting others, instead have them at home content watching a big screen television and thinking God loves them too as they have money in this capitalist culture which says such things?
Yes this definitely would stop crime, as poor people made rich would not be emotionally distraught looking for guns to vent with.....and of course if Sandy Hookers would be made public instead of MKULTRA triggered they would then not have to be silenced by brain shot from cops,. but could live on to follow some Obama drone orders for some other billionaire, to aire on This is Your Death with Bob Barker, complete with live time aborticides and dogs testicles cut out for prime time view.

This is America and what goes on behind Cheetos finger locked rooms, should all be made public to be enjoyed and not just viewed by the few.
Let's bring out that Lara Logan gang rape and the ANALGATE digitals of Chris Stevens taking it up the arse, why should Obama only get to loop stinky finger rape and snuff rape films.

Yes let us take this up in first denying all the wealthy armed platoons in protecting them, just like the poor are denied EQUALITY access.

Yes let us start there.

Let us call this the John F. Kennedy jr. Equality Amendment. Let us honor the two martyrs in JFK I and JFK II destroyed by the very system that got Richard Nixon in a coup.


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