The shamelessness of the chive has now reached a point of not owning up to guilt in the shooting of Americans by Chris Dorner, but in posting photos of "having a beer" with more KCCO victims who Dorner gunned down.
It was interesting to see the guilt of the owners of the chive in attempting with a t shirt and a beer, to pacify a person whose life was shattered by their KCCO deviancy in the delingquents they foster.
Behind being pro military, pro good Samaritan, pro charity, the reality is Chris Dorner signed his manifesto KCCO and any California attorney or Attorney General could file civil and criminal suits against the chive.
Stupidly the chive in posting photos like this express "sorrow" which in legal defintions means responsibility.
What goes on at the chive is a moral deviancy that plagues America in showing a good side, covered up in lewdness. It is what appealed to Chris Dorner in picking and choosing on his judgmental terms what was good and what was evil, as he deemed himself arbitrator like Obama who should live and die and who was worthy of chive status and who was not.
The chive should really pull these photos down as they have now confessed to legal reponsibilty and if Eric Holder or that Jerry Brown outfit was moral, they would just like in Nazi "instigator" caess haul this group into federal court and prosecute them for instigating the Dorner violent acts.
All of the victims and the Dorner family has legal claim now in what the chive has confessed to in this show of guilt.
Yes the entire media would not cover this KCCO and in the end the chive actually is the site which covered itself and provided it's own rope.
Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter and proven correct again.
nuff said..
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