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Societal Infuction


Obama voter Bill O'Reilly and terror raiser Laura Ingraham had some political intercourse as one being a dumb dick and the other a twit twat, were arguing over O'Bama using the term Bible Thumper in this sodomite destruction of marriage issue from the cartel, which pays both of these people's salaries via Mockingbird.

O'Reilly was making the point, and one which is coming from even that  Tea Party Mainwaring in trying to be fag in the talking points, in that the Bible does not belong in secular debates as one will never reach the mass.
You can also hear the chimes of "separation of church and state" by the uninformed, in Jefferson never advocated such a thing in moral religion not having a place in American politics, but instead was about Congress, Executive or Legislative ever establishing a national religion like England or Europe.
Jefferson used public money to build a Church, so let us not even go there in ignorance.

Where the Lame Cherry will proceed is asking are O'Reilly and Ingraham stupid or are they shills for the cartel, as it is elementary in knowing where the Bible rests in any secular debate.

So for teaching purposes, in matter anti matter, this blog again educates all.

First, I will ask, where does all law come from?

Think about that and think about the first "laws" that really mattered to aborignal man.

Picture the "world" as it was in caves, huts, clubs, hoes and fire from wood gathered, and fire was the big technology in just getting it started and keeping it burning.

What laws developed which were not laws then, but simply matters to survive?

Could someone do anything they wanted as laying around all day in making others do the work and be fed, or did everyone have to work, fight, defend and tend, daily the food stores and the enclave?
Those who violated that had a law imposed on them, in either being driven out of the camp with weapons or killed, because people could not have dead weight in a community as everyone had to do their share in providing food and protection for the group.

That is what law is based upon, it is SOCIETAL LAW as has only been explored here.

Now consider sex. Sex was enjoyable, but if you had one strong man raping or taking all the women for his fun, and drove off all the other males, would not the other males group together and then kill the strong man, and then divide up the females?
Strong men soon learned that one woman was all they could handle, and the benefit was that they had other males to fight and protect all he had too in a equality law.

One must understand in this too, that women gained no benefit in being impregnated by one man, as all the children were soon inbreds and inferior. One person having all the sex and others being expected to work, brought death to all, so sexual laws to protect society developed.

Examine this now closely in, you live in a camp of 10 families. In that group, there are two males or females who decide they are going to have sex with each other as a couple.
The other 9 families soon see that their wives are being burned out in raising children and the men are being worked to death raising those children, while the homosexuals or sodomites do not have to provide for the children of the community, and have leisure time in taking more out of that community than others.

Progress this then to a homosexual male wants children and impregnates a woman for that child or, for that matter, a lesbian couple become impregnated and have children.

That child grows up without the opposite sex parent as an example, and does not learn the basic interactions to raise children, or in women figures to create food and clothing which was all important, or in  boys not learnnig manly arts of fighting.

What happens if homosexuality was allowed to spread? The few normal families would have the complete burden of raising children to protect and feed the enclave when the queers got old, and that stress would be too much for the young, and the entire enclave would be in danger.
The same case in same sex couples, in not teaching the correct role models would have boys who could not fight and girls who could not clothe and feed the people. The net result was the village was weaker, and it would naturally die from not putting up crop stores or being overtaken by a stronger village which had a vital normal family population.

That is the basis of law, all law is about protecting the enclave, the society from immediate threat or long term threat, so all that work and fighting done, would be passed onto the next generation which was stable morally and mentally.

That law was always based in a spiritual nature of mankind. The Phalic has always been the main symbol as much as the sun for that phalic and the earth for the fertility or womb.
In Christianity, that penis was God the Father, and He is a set of Laws which protected all the families from self destruction of community destruction by not allowing those selfish traits people have that would destroy the entire society.

Nimrod and his wife supplanted God and set themselves up as gods in sun and feritlity as people require that in being soulful beings to worship and be led. People do not notice those traits now, but television is your sun and sports balls are you idols you worship in stadium services, if one is not a Christian.
There are rules in those services or events to worship and praise at.

All peoples worship in some way and all people are seeking to be some type of god.

Once that reality sets in, the high priests like O'Reilly embark upon a Nimrod type worship, and seek a secular argument on sodomite destruction of marriage when ignorant or traitors of the feudal cartel, because no one is intelligent enough to challenge in the realities that in nature, natural law is the same in animals, plants etc... where in the struggle for life, it must be a secure garden to grow in, to incubate a seed to produce it, and that always involves the first protections of food, water and sexual intercourse in a stable environment.

Nature abhores homosexuality as much as out specie cross breeding and kills it off in that life cycle. Natural environment has standards of what is immoral, based on what progenates the specie. It is what societal laws are all based upon and is what God's Law is all defined as. There is no separation of this law structure as all law is based upon what protects society from the genetic robbers who would feed off of it, and put undue stress on those who are living by that law naturally.

That reality refutes homosexuality, and for those who think that in a modern age things can be skewed, the world is currently going through a baby decline due to 53 millon dead children in America alone. One can not violate sexual laws and then end the life in that violation without premature births later which tax the society more or breast cancers from those aborticides.
The same is the fact about divorced or one parent homes, in the disaster this causes in national debt, due to violations of societal laws.

America on the simple things of family violations in sex and marriage, has already reached a shatter point as a culture. When sodomy is involved, it will further add to the irresponsibility in which the moral few are going to be expected to pay with work, money and life force, for the self centered actions of those involved in this.

For this reason, those who back sodomy are absolutely ignorant as most are on all subjects of sociology and psychology.

Bill O'Reilly speaking of Bible Thumpers reveals he is either a stooge of the cartel or an ignorant and Laura Ingraham not able to respond adequately to O'Reilly reveals she is either a stooge of the cartel or an ignorant as ALL Law is based in God or His Nature, and violating that law, based upon thousands of years of comprehension that doing so murders you by either starvation, exposure or a club to your head when you are old by some other waring tribe as your warriors are all playing with dolls and your women can not grow beans, is what Societal Law is based upon and is so elementary to comprehend, any one can understand this.

There is therefore in reality no separation of Bible Thumpers or Natural Law as the two are the same law structure, and that law structure is what all secular law is based upon. The violation of that structure in removing God from the government, aborticide to sexual violations by making them  "legal" is as worthless as a Bill O'Reilly rant, because nature knows that violation exists and seeks to root it out, by immediately destroying that threat by killing off that societal violation.

Those are the realities in this in the Bible Thumper with a synopsis code called the Bible is a basic framework which is based on human realities in the natural realm, which can not be violated. Disregard the Bible Thumper and one gets what America is dying of in the 21st century in violating the principles of Biblical codes which are the natural law of this earth.

No one has the right to steal and as has been exclusively taught here in matter anti matter is that the 10 Commandments are all defined in Thou shalt not steal, for the first Commands are to not steal from God and the last Commands are to not steal from society. Only by that will stability reign.
Violate that, and that culture as has been proven from Assyria to Rome will be exterminated. America is facing extermination, and Bill O'Reilly joins Nimrod to Nero in fiddling while the nation burned with the deviant desires of delinquents.

I stop the witness there as I hate this constantly having to repeat myself in things I have settled here long ago. This blog is the greatest masterpiece of God's work outside the Holy Ghost work of St. Paul.

Do not take into account the synopsis of God in how to live, and you will die. Enough groups violate that law and entire nations die. There is no seperation between God Law, Natural Law and Societal Survival.

I would that it would be enough said, but there are always dumb societal infuctors like Bill O'Reilly who play faust and want to ignore Scripture and those like Laura Ingraham who wants to include Scripture, but does not state Scripture is based upon natural sciences in this Societal Infuction.
Ingraham violates the husband role and as one parent raises a 3 year old male tyrant. O'Reilly masturbates for Obama violating the racial codes and raises his own tyranny.

America's spiritual, physical, emotional and mental disease can be defined as Societal Infuction.

Lame Cherry

nuff said


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