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All will be Quiet on the Western Front


There is a point  by definition that when one government turns to national suicide in aborting 53 million children, turns to disarming the Citizen when firearms are proven to save the Citizen's life and person from hundreds of thousands of rape, robbery and murder per year, and when that government knowingly rations death in Obamacare from an illegitimate foreigner named Birther Hussein Obama, that this is not as Mark Levin expounds upon in intellectual verbiage of soft tyranny to statis to some other foggy bottom Mockingbird to confuse the body politic, that this is not Treason against these United States in the deliberate destruction of marriage by sodomite executioners.

On the issues of Firearm Rights, Dr. Gary Kleck has submitted a preponderance of evidence that firearms are for the safety of the Citizen as simply producing a weapon, stops hundreds of thousands of rapes, robberies and murders each year, in the same measure that thousands of nuclear warheads kept Asian communist hordes from invading South Korea, Japan and Taiwan.
Again another treasonous measure by Birther Hussein Obama in being flexible in removing the nuclear safe deterrent America has been kept safely guarded by since 1945.

The reality is the Laws of America, are being utilized by a thugocracy of feudalcrats, to make criminals of Americans while giving license to criminals to slaughter the mass population as a prey.

The targets of this are defined by Janet Reno and Janet Napolitano dispatches to monitor Christians, Veterans, Constitutionalists, Gun Owners and Patriot, yes the very definition of being an American in exact living legend status of George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan in being Christian, Patriot, Soldiers and Constitutional Advocates defines them by the regime which has replaced the Government of America as terrorists.

There is protocol in this to keep leveraging the people down in compression as a spring, and await for it to unwind in defending itself from this despotry. This is the basis of Ruby Ridge to Hutatree. This is why select Americans like Gabrielle Giffords are rubber bullet shot to send messages to Sarah Palin to join the brothel or face the same latex solution.

The very apparatus of America is being used against her people in free elections become rigged electronic elections. Leaders who are across the board blackmailed or faustians into keeping silent in this complete overthrow of America.

Geithner and Bernanke for Mr. Obama have now committed the crime of the wholesale looting of America for the benefactors of global finance, and the resurrection of the Neo Roman Empire and the New Asian Empire at the debt slavery of America, all at the enforcement of al Qaeda terrorism for a new world order of feudalists, who are managed out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for this satanic order.

The very people who were trusted by Americans to safeguard all their blood which was spilled over responsible freedom are the traitors in the midst.

For those who think their unemployment, welfare and disability checks are their salvation, those looted moneys are the new opiate of the masses to intoxicate you to a stupor, so you do not revolt, and when you do awaken, it will be too late, and you will be executed as enemies of the state, as encumbering feeders upon the system.

Do not think yourself free of this on the left, as you keep silent as history proves the leftist comes for their own first in Rod Blagojevich, Jesse Jackson jr. Gabrielle Giffords, John Edwards, Charles Rangle in a mounting list of your early political prisoners following Lawrence Sinclair into the Obama Abyss.

You on the right, have passively sat by as you watched the Obama arm of Rovians destroy your Tea Party, destroy your Conservatives from George Allen and pay the whore fee for Sarah Palin, as your coin sided Limbaughs, Gallaghers, Ingrahams and Levins rage in the same tones of Matthews, Maddow, O'Donnell and Maher to keep all of you in herds pitted against each other for the final solution that will murder all.

You really think that imported Mexicans who do not want American Citizenship as it brings war drafts, bank debt drafts and drafts of incoming Russian and Chinese invaders who will rape, murder and pillage America are going to be any more than the Edomites let into Jerusalem in 70 AD for her defense and instead raped and murdered that city as Rome seiged from without in no escape.

You are locked in America. You are in the modern slave gulag. No person in this world can leave that visa fence now without being jailed or shot. You can not leave America and those border guards who do not keep invaders out, are there to keep you inside for the robbery you are enduring and the enslavement to be worked to death as you are rationed death.

Americans revolted over a tea tax. Americans now are thee most taxed slaves on the planet in real estate, gas, phone, electric, school, food, clothes, guns and their very work is taxed for income. Yet there is no revolt as all know the state police are hopefully waiting to make all of you a Chris Dorner they can hunt down and burn to a holocaust crisp as Gordon Kahl was made an example of as David Koresch was made an example of, so all of you are like the cloven footed fodder of the planes, hoping that the canine who ate your friend yesterday will not eat you today.

America is all treason. America is all treachery. Nothing can be done about it, and when a revolt does come, it is not going to come from you my Americans. It will come from the regime just as the Wall Street Protesters were a scheme. Yes the revolution will come from Janet Napolitano and Eric Holder, with their paid minders planting evidence on some James Holmes, and they will fire the guns and detonate the bombs, send in the police and military to disarm the public, and then snipe at the police and military to ramp them up, whereby they will then retaliate on the population in brutality, and the population will fight back then, for that American Civil War, staged in those Reagan Blue States flipped red by decomposing Tim Russert for Mockingbird to take the pinko label off the Obamite minions for the cartel.

By then the cartel, having paid for it with your own money and debt, will have their armed mosquitoes with serin nerve toxins to hunt all of you down in a new "epidemic" and all will be quiet on the Western Front.

Yes all will be quiet then, on the Western Front.

Dr. Gary Kleck (1997), a Criminologist at Florida State University, "Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year or 6,849 every day. Often the gun is never fired and no blood (including the criminal’s) is shed."  He further breaks this down, saying, "Every day 550 rapes, 1,100 murders, and 5,200 other violent crimes are prevented just by showing a gun. In less than 0.9% of these instances is the gun ever actually fire."  To further drive this point, though be it an older statistic (1994), The Bureau of Justice Statistics by the BATF found in their National Crime Victimization Survey that as guns supply increase, property crimes rates fell (see chart: Property Crime and Handgun Supply).  I have also found the following stats from FBI reports (Crime in the United States, 1998) for two other very contrasting areas. "Washington D.C. has essentially banned gun ownership since 1976 and has a murder rate of 56.9 per 100,000. Across the river in Arlington, Virginia, gun ownership is less restricted. There, the murder rate is just 1.6 per 100,000, less than three percent of the Washington, D.C. rate."


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