The lesson this week is on doors to Your home. Not the wooden doors nor even Your wooden homes which Your bodies dwell, but the Spiritual doors which open to the temple which each of You are and the place where God is supposed to dwell in You.
I would like for You to consider Your houses though for a few minutes as an example. What would happen if You left the door unlocked? A window open or even the door wide open for days on end?
This is the image I would like You keep in mind as we discuss what Your Spiritual Temple looks like in the spiritual world. If the doors are unlocked and open or if You are securely locked to all but God and His Holy Angels.
Each of us has a will and that is the important thing which opens doors easily. It is our thoughts or words put into action which decides what and who enters into our hearts and souls.
For most people, they think that simply declaring Jesus is Lord ends matters and they are safe….but the criminal spiritual forces of the devil and demons are always looking for ways in.
You do not have to go so far as to invite the devil in. He does not operate that way in most cases. Possession occurs over long periods of time and doors which are locked at first start being opened in various ways.
Here is an example.
Most of us think we can “handle” things, but how many of us have gotten into trouble when we were drinking? Everyone of us has come to the time when we were feeling pretty good that the devil decides to put a thought into our minds….and that huge clicking sound is us putting the key into the lock and testing it. Now we might not open that door….but it has been tested….and over time….the same situations arise and that door eventually comes open….and in walks the demon with some fun sin….which makes us feel terrible the next day.
The reason I picked on alcohol is that it is the most common thing most of us have experience with in getting us into trouble. The fact is demons hang around bars continually because their “hosts” are there and also that is where it is easiest to get at people when their defenses are down. Drunk and feeling good or drunk and feeling low opens lots of doors.
Demons though find any way to get at us. Look at David. He was home and on his roof minding his own business and there was the neighbor lady taking a bath….and David looked….and click the door came open…..and next thing he knew baby made 3.
You see it is not just channeling spirits like the witch at Endor for Saul, ouija boards in playtime, speed writing as an experiment or seances for information which open doors to demons, it is the common things that we would never give a thought too.
Did You know that the thing sitting in front of You is the greatest super highway for demons into You home?
I do mean that literally. Most people do not realize the symbiotic relationship computers have with the spiritual realm.
It is a proven fact that in “games” on computers that people can concentrate and effect outcomes. The computer is an electronic medium. It amplifies thoughts from people. See spirits are electrical beings….and we have it on both fronts since even our bodies are electro chemical driven. People actually interphase or connect with their computers….it is a door….and remember that.
If You have web cams or are in chat ……You are opening doors. See it is not just the people You are associating with that You are letting into Your homes….it is the demons they have in their homes who are getting access to You. It is a door being unlocked and opened.
This computer interaction puzzled me for quite some time until the Spirit started pointing things out to me. I was getting burned terribly by people on here. There were soul suckers (this is a name I coined for individuals who have the ability to feed off of others energy. This is not just a net thing….everyone has been around people who “drain” them and You feel exhausted…or gone to malls and felt wiped out when You got home…that is because these energy vampires hang out at malls. So remember that.) and there were “wolves in sheep’s clothing” being sent to me to open doors to get at me.
I have run into numerous people like me who have had similar experiences. The devil uses this medium to open doors and then attack people.
You even have to consider the daily wear and tear on Your Spirit too just from the nasty thoughts people direct toward You from flipping You off in traffic to just the person at work being jealous of You and wishing You evil. (and remember wishing is a spell….gee another door opened for the devil to operate through)
I would like though to give a real life example, so people do not just think it is all bars and computers.
I had a “friend” she had a lot of chaos in her life. I brought her in under my anointing and prayed things correct in her life by Jesus name. (this was before I learned better)
Things went very well for her. She got a new job. Her children came back to her home. She got promoted…..raises…..bonuses….in just a few months time.
I trusted her, but something never quite felt right in Spirit to me.
Then, her ex husband started filing suits in court. She started having problems on the job. Her children started getting into trouble…..and her house that she wanted to sell…..would not sell.
Now I had prayed on that house….and I KNOW God…..and I KNEW He would send a buyer….but He didn’t.
The Spirit started whispering to me….”There are dams, blockades and barriers.” So, I told this gal that.
The Spirit started telling me there was evil around her and I could literally feel it… sexual evil…..I told her that….she told me it was her ex husband….and of course I believed a “friend”….and this was taking place 2000 miles away… I had no way of knowing……all I had was trust in what she was saying.
Thankfully, the Holy Spirit told me one day it was not her ex….but a guy she swore she wasn’t seeing. She admitted to it when I confronted her…..and eventually she fled back to all that evil…..and things continue to get to worse on the downward slide.
The point is there was chaos erupting in her life in visible signs, because she was opening doors to this guy not only to her….but to her home….and the demons which were tagging along with him were causing all kinds of problems to her family and life.
See each of us is visible manifestations of what is going on in our lives and the doors we open each day or keep locked. If “all hell is breaking loose” around people, there is a guarantee that doors are open somewhere and need to be closed in Jesus name.
The reason I had been fooled by this “friend” was that I trusted her to be telling me the truth……because I know that when people try and come to God the devil attacks them. I figured it was an attack…..but I learned.
So be more than careful who You decide to let into Your life, because is it not just people You let in, but the demons around them.
It is not accident that God continually warns us in the Bible to separate out from evil people.
Learning is the lesson today. In how each of us has doors into our lives in which people and spirits operate in if we allow them.
Jesus our Lord and Brother is thee Door. Each of us is responsible to close and lock our doors daily in Jesus name and authority to the devil, demons, evil people and situations.
We are also to go on the offensive and paralyze or bind the evil against us so we, our families and friends will be safe, in health and at peace under Jesus’ Guardian policy for our home’s protection.
It is the time to consider keeping Your spirituals homes as safe and cared for as You do Your literal homes from robbery and normal wear and tear of life.
Care for Yourselves in reading the Bible and let that Word be Your protection in Jesus name for a happy, healthy, safe and peaceful life. Amen
God empower all of You.
All Glory to God. Amen