Channel: Lame Cherry
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Ted Cruz Investigating Melania Trump


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the current Ted Cruz Reverse Speech, this creep admits that he is tracing Melania Trump, as in on her background. They are attempting to find dirt on Melania Trump, apparently Ted Cruz has investigators in Europe violating her privacy.
This is beyond out of bounds and reveals what desperation there is in the lyin' Ted Cruz campaign.

Cruz on Trump complaining about voters...........I've been knowing this would over take him.

Cruz on Rubio getting out of the race.........Silly Trump should solve it.

On Rubio........We can't make it.

Roger Stone.........How far was he hit.

On Melania Trump...........Now we'll enable tracing

Cruz on Donald Trump and GOP uniting on behind Cruz..........Rience will believe that they're not.

Cruz on Gestapo tactics.........We're dead.

Apparently Priebus is not sucking the Cruz kook aid as the RNC chairman knows absolutely that NO ONE is uniting behind Ted Cruz.

The last admission is Donald Trump outing Ted Cruz using Gestapo tactics has put the death nail in the Cruz campaign........Ted Cruz knows that his campaign is over. He is beaten.


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