As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Here is some advice for former president, George W. Twat. "Mr. Twat, if you can not control your librarian wife in public, then get a shock collar on her, and your daughters, before they finish off the entire Bush legacy which your brother Jeb, has ruined."
This advice comes as Mrs. Twat was at a forum for liberals, and was joined by her daughters, Clitorius and Virginia, and decided to take a swipe at Donald Trump, in telling the audience that they would vote for Hillary Clinton, over anyone in the GOP, including Jeb and Neil's favorite Cuban, Ted Cruz.
The illogic of Mrs. Twat was based upon she wanted someone who would look after the women in Afghanistan, and that of course would be Hillary Hamrod Clinton.
For a review in this, it is Hillary Clinton who sits on Huma Wiener's face, exploiting this Mideast female.
It was under Hillary Clinton that rapes, assaults, murders rose a thousand fold all across the Mideast, as her leadership, had mass murders from Libya to Syrian genocide to Pakistan, including Christians being attacked.
Then again, why should Mrs. Twat, whose family fortunes rest entirely on Muslim terror oil money, in keeping the bin Laden family safe after 9 11, care about what American women are going through or for that matter the mass rapes of European women by Muslims, as the Bush slogan is, "Islam lives Matter".
So George W. Twat, if you can't keep your wife under control, at least for your legacy sake, point out that the Mrs. just destroyed the last of the right wing protection which was your wall of governance at 30%. That is all gone now, including this blog cutting you any slack.
Your legacy George W. Bush has been destroyed by the 3 burkahs in your own house, because you were too fag to get them under control, as a husband, a father and a man, would have done.
You do not see that kind of spite coming out of any of the Trump women, because they are not pretending they are Conservatives.
Rule #1: Former first ladies should be seen and not heard.
Take a page from Nancy Reagan, Jackie Kennedy, Lady Byrd Johnson, Mamie Eisenhower, and Pat Nixon.
Nuff Said