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All the Prescott's Mein


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter......

Whom Prescott giveth, Prescott taketh away

Lame Cherry
The reality is America, that the overthrow of John Kennedy and Richard Nixon were the same event, with the same characters playing diametrical roles in each case, in the "interests" of Prescott Bush were behind both machinations for the expressed purpose of the overthrow of America in the Lyndon Johnson Great Society and Vietnam War bankrupting American wealth generated in World War II from Europeans, and the retaliation for Richard Nixon setting back the Marxist gulag enslavement of America decades.

President Richard Nixon like John Kennedy never saw the ambush coming. It was a intricate plan involving all parties of Kennedy's, Democrats, Repubicans and feudalcrats to one day install not just the Rockefeller nominee, but a perpetual line of Prescott feudal lords.
The Joe Kennedy dream, became the Prescott Bush reality, and it all started in the election and set up of Richard Nixon, by the very players who were involved in the Bay of Pigs and Kennedy assasinations.

Richard Nixon was the equal of Lyndon Johnson as every democrat like Hubert Humphrey in it was legal to take huge sums of cash from Howard Hughs and other Americans. Nixon though was whispered to that the Kennedy's had information about money from Nixon's friend, Bebe Robozo, and other Hughes funds.

Being helpful, the feudalcrats plotting to impeach Nixon, sent out the Plumbers which Nixon had sanctioned, but not for the acts they were carrying out in bugging Watergate Democrat headquarters, to be turned in by a mysterious phone call as G. Gordon Liddy, confessed to it all in demanding charges be dropped as it was a White House operation.

Nixon went into Nixon mode in trying to save himself as he could not figure out what on earth had taken place, as it was all tied to him.

It was a classic intelligence operation in German precision as all these operations were melded with Operation Paperclip importees. In Kennedy's case, it was dirty the right as Johnson types got their hands dirty while JFK got burned by the very groups inside who were hijacked so everyone was guilty and the guilty were never looked at.
Richard Nixon was the mirror of this. It was using the same Operation 40 Group contacts inside the Committee to Elect the President, work in Nixon rightful paranoia, but feeding intelligence to Kennedy operatives sore over what JFK and RFK just got murdered over, touch in the Prescott intelligence network of Naval mole Bob Woodward and the Washington Post Mockingbird, and Richard Nixon was destroyed and he never spoke in public over the coup as he knew like Elizabeth Custer the penalty for exposing operations.

For the reality, the very same Prescott Bush operatives in Karl Rove, literally have been destroying key Conservatives who would defeat the Bush children. It is why all of them have been wiped out, from Sarah Palin to George Allen. It has been a methodical feudal lord match of George H. W. moving the right, Bill Clinton the left, George W. moving the right and now Obama the left, into this massive overthrow of America as each side of the coin raping America and enslaving her, take their seat at the table of power.
The elections and the strawmen have been chosen in all of this since HW in who would rise and who would fall.

A fact in this, is the Prescott men almost got the White House in the assassination of Ronald Reagan, which was interesting in H. W. engineered Iran Contra to destroy Reagan, so Bush would Gerald Ford his way to 1600 Penn Avenue for 14 years in office, but like Gabby Giffords, someone pulled the trigger on the Rockefeller side of Plamegate associates pinning this all to the Bush family who knew they had been slapped a round.
Bush HW. in turn was deposed by the Rockefeller competitors, but they in turn took the election from Al Gore and then stole the election from John Kerry in Karl Rove vote flipping, which is what Obama's benefactors learned and Karl Rove assissted in in 2008 in stealing the election from John McCain by disappearing 10 million GOP votes.

Free elections are done. Done as Richard Nixon was destroyed by this Rockefeller and Bush feudal group dividing up America for the Rothschild financiers who are the bag men for the central European aristocracy behind all of this.

Prescott Bush - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Prescott Sheldon Bush (May 15, 1895 – October 8, 1972) was an American banker and politician. He was a Wall Street executive banker and a United States ...

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power | World news ...

www.guardian.co.uk › World news
Sep 25, 2004 – Prescott Bush, a 6ft 4in charmer with a rich singing voice, was the founder of the Bush political dynasty and was once considered a potential ...

BBC: Bush's Grandfather Planned Fascist Coup In America

Jul 24, 2007 – New investigation sheds light on clique of powerbrokers, including Prescott Bush, who sought to overthrow U.S. government and implement ...

"They" got Richard Nixon by framing him. The communists retaliated for Nixon destroying their operations in America. The fascists in Bush got Nixon for the process of installing George W. Bush, but Ronald Reagan set the time line back.

Richard Nixon is an American Patriot. He had no idea for all his genius what had been unleashed against him, until it was years later, but he kept his silence as two young daughters, grandchildren and a wife were going to be penalized if the President talked.
If only Richard had at least hinted, his delusional daughter would not have backed B. Hussein Obama, as it was the cruelest of things.......for Richard Nixon helped Ronald Reagan in every way, and helped Bill Clinton in every way, but he never went near H.W. Bush.

Why do you think that is?

Junior Reagan detested George W. Bush as a fraud. The little liberal dog show judge has a great deal of little boy psychopathy still rolling about in his belfrey, but he was right about his girly gut instinct.
I voted for HW twice and I voted for W. twice, as that is all there was. Voted for Pat Robertson in the primaries though as that was the right thing to do. I know what the Bush family is and what they have in their enclave been doing in treachery in assisting the Obama feudalcrats for their own promises of dictatorial power in Jeb as the story has already been composed in the ledger.

I will not vote for them again, and my dead lion of Richard Nixon, I will not allowed to be kicked around again, as Gen. Nelson Appleton Miles stated concerning General George Armstrong Custer, another one of my pet Americans destroyed by this group of carnivores and capitalists.

Stop viewing this as Republicans and Democrats. This is about the feudal lords and the feudalcratic gulag they have shackled the world with in their "new world orders". Every person in power is either a traitor, a coward or an idiot. Every group is infiltrated and controlled by the feudalists. Everything has been turned upon the free peoples of God to wipe them out and the process has started.
They control everything and in inflation are making you all poverty slaves by design.

There will not be another Ronald Reagan, elected to office as that is impossible in these fraudulent elections.

It is all in part Prescott's Mein, the overthrow of the German Lutheran state in Europe and the overthrow of Protestant America in the USA.

Prescott Bush is not the head of this, but his branch is the working cause of all of this. This is not Wall Street, Military, Intelligence, Banking or anything. It is a mechanism of olde that uses those vital point like media, politics, medicine and education to sway populations and their governments to accomplish the process which is being concluded.
Mr. Bush was once a bag man for the Rothschild contractors in America. They now deem themselves more than pawns on the board as they move and destroy other pawns.

Richard Nixon deserves his name cleared and Mockingbird called off in smearing him, for an operation generated by the same cartel who shot Lincoln and installed their native son Barry Obama Chin into 1600 Penn Avenue.

It is past time that Laura Ingraham earn her Mockingbird wage and do more than being puked on by a spoiled brat son in need of a daddy, in repaying her boss who started her out, in stating that President Richard Nixon was destroyed for delaying the communist overthrow of America.

It is time.

agtG 252

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