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Mexican Monkey


I was honestly trying to figure out the psychopathy of the Google people in the artist and the owners who created the Cesar Chavez memorial on Easter in what they came up with as I do not know what genus or primate they were trying to make this Mexican look like.

I do not know if it is bias or the Chinese artist who used to do the Google art, or maybe it is Obama being mostly Chinese by his real birth Mum, but I only know that Cesar Chavez in his real picture, does not look like a different genus of primate than the Asian Spanish version called the Mexican.

Chavez was some socialist Jesuit backed communist revolutionary in that Kremlin Marx stuff and it seems that is what Google celebrating in Easter in some Vatican linked thing which apparently only made sense to non Christians........like saying a communist Ashkenaz in the Soviet military dying for totalitarianism was the same as some poor Sephardic Jew dying in a work to death camp like Auschwitz.

I remember in an old MASH episode of that comedy in Frank Burns hired a Korean artist to do a bust of the Col. Potter, which when finished looked like the Korean more than Potter and it was funny, but I do not quite get this "all looking the same stuff" when Martin King gets a memorial and looks like Chairman Mao and Obama claims to be black and is Chinese.

That is why when I look at Google Chavez, that I can not make up my mind if the artist was a racist, a race snob for their own race or just had a propensity for making Mexicans look like maybe where they came from.

It is a fact that Indians by bloodlines came from Asians. A NOVA program on PBS traced the lines to a remote Japanese mountain people now almost extinct. So I can see a bias for some Obama Marxist at Google drawing a Mexican to look more Asian than Mexican, but for some reason when the mix comes out it is like Malaysian or something and I do not see how that honors Chavez communism as he was not Malaysian.

If the artist was going Darwin in Scopes Trial, in going back the whole way to monkeys as Chavez's progenitors that seems a bit odd too, as that would get people in trouble for linking Obama to a monkey in his trying to be black, so linking Mexicans to monkeys should be equally offensive in saying they are sub human.

For me, Google just could have put a nice picture of Jesus, of course he probably would look maybe like something from the Planet of the Apes or like he was delivering Chinese take out, as Google seems to trend on creative primatism in honoring people.
In that, Google if they put up a cross it probably would look like a pair of chopsticks as everything has that oriental look to it.

Cesar Chavez was a handsome of enough man. Malaysians are handsome enough too. For that matter King Kong was handsome too, but when you combine them all they sort of just start looking odd.

I'm sure there were notable apes in Africa, probably had sex with Jane Goodall and stuff that Google could honor on some Christian holy day too. Probably are noted Asians too who have done stuff, but they probably did not do those things in Mexico as they were Asians. Google could probably honor them on Pentecost or something as Tongues of Fire would appear to Google like fireworks or something and who doesn't like a nice fireworks display around the 4th of July.

I just do not understand Google racism, as I know Google in how it operates in they have an artist who draws things badly and then they take it to the owners who look at things and sign off on it.....the owners being white guys or something like that who are liberal.

Odd in all of it, as for some reasons the white liberal owners of Google see Cesar Chavez, a Mexican in sort of a melded primate. Maybe it is this Obama Chinoid stuff in confusing the liberals who went black and got yellow instead.

I just know that Cesar Chavez at Google does not look like Cesar Chavez, not even Hugo Chavez alive or rotten.

In some liberal mind this all makes sense in those people all looking alike or wanting all those people to look like they see themselves.
None of that makes any sense to me, but then I never confuse primates with their maker.


Estabasinceramentetratando de averiguarlapsicopatíadel pueblode Google enel artistay los propietariosque crearon laCesar Chavezmemorialde Pascua,en lo quese les ocurrióque yono sé quégénero oprimateque estaban tratando dehacer que estemexicanogusta.

No sésies el sesgoo el artistachino queutiliza parahacerelartede Google,o tal vez esque Obama seasu mayor partechina porsumadrede nacimientoreal,perosólo sé queCesarChávez en suimagenreal,no pareceun génerodiferentedelos primatesdela versión en españolasiático llamadoel mexicano.

Chávezera unajesuitacomunista revolucionariosocialistaapoyadoen esas cosasKremlinMarxy parece quees lo que GooglecelebraenPascuaenalgovinculadoVaticanoque al parecersólotenía sentido paralos no cristianos........como decir que uncomunista enAshkenazlos militares soviéticosmueren porel totalitarismoera la misma quealgunosJudiosefardípobremoribundoen una obraal campo de exterminiocomoAuschwitz.

Recuerdo que enun viejoepisodiodeMASHque la comediade FrankBurnscontrató a unartistacoreanoque hacerun busto delcoronelPotter, que cuandoterminóparecía elmáscoreanodePotter yque era divertido,perono acabo deconseguir este "todos buscamoslas mismas cosas", cuandoMartin Kingobtiene unmemorialy se ve comoel Presidente Maoy Obamadice sernegroychino.

Es por eso quecuando me miroen GoogleChávez,que no puedodecidirmesi el artistaera un racista, unsnobcarrera porsu propia razao acaba de teneruna propensión ahacerlos mexicanosparecental vezde dónde vienen.

Es un hechoque los indiosporlíneas de sangreprovenía delos asiáticos.Un programa deNOVAenPBStrazó laslíneasde un pueblode montañaremotosjaponeses ahoracasiextintos.Así que puedoverunsesgo paraalgunosmarxistaObama enGoogledibujarun mexicanoque mirarmás asiáticoa la mexicana, pero por algunarazón, cuandola mezclaque salees comoMalasiao algo así yno veocómo esohonorescomunismode Chávezcomo estabanoMalasia.

Si el artistaibaDarwinen el juicioScopes,en volvertodo el caminoa los monoscomo progenitoresde Chávez de queparece un poco extrañodemasiado, ya que esoharía que la gentecon problemaspara vinculara Obama aun mono ensu intento deser negro, por lo quela vinculaciónmexicanosa los monosdeberían ser igualmenteofensivaal decirque son humanossub.

Para mí, Googlepodríahaber puesto unabonita imagen deJesús, por supuesto queprobablemente se veríacomo algo delo mejordel planeta de lossimiosocomo si estuvieraentregandochina para llevara cabo, ya que Googlepareceuna tendenciaenprimatismcreativa enhonor ala gente.

En eso,Googlesi ponenuna cruzprobablementese vería como unpar de palillos, ya que todotiene ese aspectoorientala la misma.
 CesarChávez era unhombreguapodelo suficiente.Malayos sonbastante guapotambién.Por lo demásKingKong erademasiadoguapo,pero cuando se combinantodos ellosque tipo desólocomenzar a mirarraro.

Estoyseguro de que hubonotablessimiosen África,probablementetuvo sexo conJaneGoodallycosasque Google podríahonraraalgún cristianosanto díatambién.Probablementese anotantambiénlos asiáticosque hanhecho cosas, pero probablementenohacemos las cosasen México,como lo fueronlos asiáticos.Google probablementepodríahonrarel día de Pentecostés, o algocomo lenguas de fuegoparecea Googlecomo fuegos artificialeso algo asíy que nole gustanlos fuegos artificialesagradablesmostraralrededor del4 de julio.

Yono entiendoel racismoGoogle,que yo sepaGoogle enla forma en queopera enellos tienenun artista quedibujalas cosas maly luegose lo llevana los propietariosque se venlas cosas yfirmar en él..... lospropietarios desertipos blancoso algoasí, queson liberales.

Oddentoda ella,comopor alguna razónlos propietarios blancosliberales deGoogle VerCésar Chávez,un mexicano enuna especie deprimatemelded.Tal vez seaestoChinoidObamaen confundirlos liberales quese volvió negroyamarillotienesu lugar.

Sólo sé queCesarChávez enGoogleno se parece aCésar Chávez, ni siquieraHugoChávezvivos opodrido.

Enalguna menteliberaltodo esto tiene sentidoen aquellas personasmirandotodopor igualo querera toda esa gentepara que parezca quese ven.

Nada de estotiene sentido paramí, peroyo nuncaconfundirprimatesconsu creador.

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