As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
My purpose in writing this expose' is not about Ted Cruz cheating on his wife, but to expose all of you to the reality of how the game works in how Ted Cruz was picked and played, because he is a weak male who in delusion believes he is more intelligent than anyone else in this world.
I ask you to remember what I told you about the Kennedy assassination, in those behind it made certain that everyone who thought they were so smart, were dirtied up and guilty, that those behind it got away with it.
This is about what started this latest attack on the family of Donald Trump in the "Make America Awesome" Pac which obtained for Ted Cruz the GQ photos of Mrs. Trump to use in an attack ad, as cover, so when Mr. Cruz stole the Mormon vote in Utah, it would be deemed this ad was the reason for the victory, instead of the vote fraud again.
MAA is a small group, but it is a group which has some interesting supporters, such as a woman, Ann Shefer, who supports Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Then there is Liz Maher. You remember her right? She was the consultant that was fired in 48 hours from the Scott Walker campaign, in the sabotage that ruined him from front to last in a few months. Liz Maher I believe pops up on the Amanda Carpenter Twitter feed, and Ms. Maher was posting things about "death threats" and how everyone has to hire security to keep them safe from the Trump supporters.
Liz Maher is associated with the Hanlon family, who just so happen to be cozy with............wait for it......
keep waiting as the Hanlon's funded the "end Scott Walker" campaign............wait for it......the Hanlons who Liz Maher really answers to own Rand Paul.
Huh? Yes I warned all of you children and brats, that the Paul family have been nothing but stooges, in minding libertarians for years, in order to DESTROY CONSERVATIVES, as that is exactly what Ron Paul did for Mitt Romney in wiping out Fred Thompson in 2012.
Wait for it, you might have missed this in your Paultard memory banks in Fred Thompson's wife was savaged by Joe Scarborough as a "pole dancer"...........same motive of operation in now going after Mrs. Trump in this Make America Awesome pac which was working with the Ted Cruz camp...........and I will tell you again, exactly as the Lame Cherry broke this story in HEIDI CRUZ IS BEHIND ALL OF THIS in directing it. Heidi Cruz is the Val-erie Jarrett of the Cruz campaign.
Am I stating that the Paul group is behind this? Not in the least, as they are this layer which is protecting the layers in this, as the Paul group has been minding the libertarians for George HW Bush's suboperational groups, and this is about that work, coordinated with the Hillary Clinton campaign in order to elect here, exactly as the GOPliters have told you they intend.
Is Ted Cruz an insider? Yes, but not in the insider insider group. Cruz was purchased because he is flawed. He had one purpose, and that was to sucker Bible thumpers and Tea Party types in the Jeb Bush balkanized GOP, and his job was to neutralize Donald Trump. Once Ted Cruz accomplishes Heidi is a Bush operative, he will be destroyed, and blamed for the defeat of the GOP in November so the GOPlites will lie again and say it is all the Conservatives fault and we need more Romney types.
Ted Cruz is a tampon, and when he gets bloody enough, he will be disposed of.
So you should be able to see the layers, even if Red State was putting out lying Ted Cruz propaganda that Donald Trump was actually behind everything which has been taking place. That is what Mockingbird does as it sows deception to people not too bright and leads them away from the source.
What I am trying to get through your grey matter is, Hillary Clinton and HW Bush are setting behind a chessboard. The Ted Cruz pieces are disposable and what you are missing in the operational propaganda of "look at Roger Stone" is whose hands are moving these pieces as there is not one degree of separation politically between the Bush and Clinton family, and when you start seeing the Paul operatives in this horrid act of attacking Mrs. Trump, and getting the go ahead by Ted and Heidi Cruz, you see the political operations in process of exactly what you have been warned of, in this is about taking Donald Trump down, and using Ted Cruz to do it, and then blaming this idiot intellectual with his Tea Party for causing all of this.
Gee, sort of like the same thing I was warning all of the boogers of in Ted Cruz was sent in to hijack the Tea Party from Sarah Palin, and then to destroy the Tea Party with defeats in his Green Eggs and Ham.
You do not find it bizarre that a Ted Cock who had horrendous body odor and needed to get dressed up as a girl in college to be around women, now is hammering scores of if someone with a great deal of money was paying whores and political operatives to spread their legs for Ted Cruz, in order to gain leverage over him, and that now as this implodes the Cruz campaign and all Conservatives of that order, all that is left standing is the Bill Krystol types of former communists now in control of the HW GOPliters who are putting Hillary into 1600 Penn Avenue?
Amanda Carpenter and Liz Maher are Twitter friends.Yes all of this political ilk knows each other, but there is a far cry from knowing each other at the bar, and being Twitter advocates all attacking Donald Trump, and being the catalysts who are causing these Cruz revelations to manifest.
They knew Donald Trump would react as he did to defend his wife. I only hope that some day Erick Erickson's wife and daughters have whore shots plastered all over the internet, and then all of his Mark Levin ilk can sit there and be attacked and told to take it.
That is your insider look at all of this, including the Bush folks now inside the Cruz camp leaking information confirming that Ted Cruz is an adulterer, being broadcast in Georgia and featured on the Gateway Pundit.
Here are your links........and once again, you sinful backstabbing E LINT cowering around at Conservative Treehouse GET OFF THIS SITE as you are nothing but thieves and slugs for this troll operation to destroy America. Cursed be you in your own sins multiplied in Jesus Name Amen and Amen
Cruz Campaign Confirms Cheating.
Make America Awesome
The Provocateurs of Political Porn
Another Tentacle of the Cruz Octopussy