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The Homosexual Cure


I remember long ago Bill Cosby on the Cosby Show giving his son Theo a platform to pontificate on some subject of accepting Theo as a person in all the wrongs he did, and the audience cheered at such a speech........

Cosby's character replied with something about, "I brought you into this world son, and I will take you out of this world"......to which the punchline prevailed of actual responsibility for one's actions instead of the preponderance of "to make excuses for failings".

There is a pontification by a Doug Mainwaring on the sodomite destruction of marriage which is entitled with the lie and conditioning point of:

I'm Gay and I Oppose Same-Sex Marriage

That relates Mr. Doug's warped outlook in life as he makes excuses in stating he is gay, when he is nothing of the sort and never has been, and it is all revealed in the forensic psychological profile he bleeds upon the page in catharsis, trying to sound intellectual, when all he is, is giving ground to satan stating there are people born "gay".

Mainwaring gives this explanation for his sodomy. Here is his quote:

As a young man, I wasn’t strongly inclined toward marriage or fatherhood, because I knew only homosexual desire.

I first recognized my strong yearning for men at age eight, when my parents took me to see The Sound of Music. While others marveled at the splendor of the Swiss Alps displayed on the huge Cinerama screen, I marveled at the uniformed, blond-haired Rolfe, who was seventeen going on eighteen. That proclivity, once awakened, never faded.

To those who are ignorant, warped or deluded, the above sounds like the common passive plea of the sodomites in what has happened to them being born to it, but in what this blog will reveal in disecting this, it will reveal that this boy was a conditioned homosexual like all are.

He starts out with "as a young man" he never was included to marriage or fatherhood. Earth to the people, no young men are ever inclined to marriage or fatherhood, as their mindset is on in normal thought patterns of things that are empowering like fast horse to fast cars, big guns and big fights and a great deal of lust.
Males are wired this way, so the first Mr. Doug lie is about what males are that he jumps off to an intellectual excuse for being a sodomite.

Mainwaring, the concludes that at age 8 he was taken to the Sound of Music by his parents, and he was attracted to the blonde teenage boy in a uniform.
Once again earth to people, Mainwaring's parents did not take him to the Sound of Music. His domineering Mum took him and took his castrated intellectual father along, and this boy exposed to that, looked for a "savior" and saw it in the blonde white teenage boy he desired to be and "he was attracted" to that image, as a demon succubus stroked his little mind to when he started puberty it transformed to a conditioned sexual response which he developed as an attraction.

There is reason God scolded Cain before he murdered Abel about having emotions "couched" inside a person, as entertaining them and brooding them starts a process satan provides opportunity for to destroy that person and others.

So Doug Mainwaring by his own words, reveals he had no strong male role model, and having  a domineering female in his sphere, he got his wiring mixed up like all gays do as he probably was infused with soy milk which turns little boys effeminte, and the next thing Doug knew, he had heard he was gay from the Tavistock pedophile propaganda and he concluded he was one as he was a dupe.

Evidence of this is Mainwaring became a choir boy and found a woman who found him, as she did not want a man, but wanted a girlfriend, so Mainwaring married this woman, and they adopted children.
Perhaps it should have been something they should have HEARD in God was not letting them to procreate as they were both screwed up psychologically, but Mainwaring continued on in the psychopathy.

When he did adopt his reaction was  further evidence of his not having a male role model.

A great shock came the day after we brought our son home from the adoption agency. While driving home for lunch, I was suddenly overcome with such emotion that I had to pull the car off to the side of the road. Never in my life had I experienced such pure, distilled joy and sense of purpose. I kept repeating, “I’m a dad,” over and over again. Nothing else mattered. I knew exactly where I fit in within this huge universe.

Mainwaring reveals in the above, that he finally had found his place as a man, a man who had  been void in his entire existence of the gay farce. He had "fixed" himself finally in becoming the father he never had.
Yes.........and of course the wife with the husband girlfriend and the husband with the lack of father soon got a divorce, screwing up with two more children in this world.

Mainwaring then goes on a butt sex and dick sucking spree, which by wonder of wonders, that too does not fulfill him, as HE NEVER WAS HOMOSEXUAL in the first place like all of these created perverts.

He then with the ex wife get back together and co habitate, and raise the boys, as Mainwaring enjoys the tender relationship his son has with his mother in kissing her and hugging her, as it can not take place the same with men and sons.
Yes further proof that Mainwaring had a ball buster Mum and a wimp for a dad, which caused all of this, as there was not any essential role models for him to wire himself into in being normal as a child........a Sound of fricking Music is not what you take little boys to see.

Personally my dad was a brutal male. He bullied people, did all he could to mock me, never said he loved me once in my life and I'm thankful he is dead. In stating that, reality, I also made decisions as a child on role models, the chief of which was John Wayne and William Shatner in the characters they portrayed as strong Americans who always did the right thing.

I chose to emulate the strength in a positive way in men. I also when my wiring time came received my impulse too that I found women's legs highly attractive, sort of like the way walnut wood fits so prettily to blued steel in guns.

One can notice attributes in both sexes, but not become queer by fostering homosexual choices, because some incubus or succubus is firing on the things once triggered inside you. You instead foster yourself as drill instructors did young men in the military to not be f*cking everything that moved, but binding down those hormonal urges, the same way finishing schools did young ladies to not become whores.

Just for the psychological record, any psychologist can take any human child, and by indoctrination and stimulation turn them into any sort of pervert, as first associations and stimulation in children attempting to find a base to validate themselves with, will create that perversion.

There are such people as psychopaths, and that means they have a brain dysfunction where the human part is gone. Sociopaths are created by sociological and psychological manipulations destroying that human part. Normalcy is indeed a product of environment assistance as is homosexuality, bestality, pedophilia, necromancy etc... by deviant demonic enhancement.

The problem with Doug Mainwaring is he will allow the Mike Gallagher intellectual types to couch all of this in terms to give this footing instead of addressing the deliberate problems sown into society by the elite to create these problems, as they want warped humans so they can make the world a child pedophile ring where it is all eventually legal and they can put leashes on them and rape them in the park and call it "love".

Doug Mainwaring never was a fag. He became one, because his Mum was over compensating for weaknesses in she married an egg head male, and dominated him, to which little Doug never had a father who would say, "I'm not taking my kid to some goddamned European fag singfest", and when the ball buster fumed, he just plopped on the couch and turned on something wholesome like Elvis Presley.

Now there is a genre that all little boys should be viewed with in fathers. Elvis turned out many fine movies like the one where I think it was Shelley Fabrese being pretty, and Elvis being a chemistry genius, put it all together to race boats which held together with his special epoxy......great stuff as Elvis sang and it all had a happy ending.

If little Doug would say, "Dad, that Elvis has nice hair", Dad scowls at the kid and says, "What are you a damn fag!!!! Look at Shelley as that is what men want".

Little Doug looks at Shelley in being rebuffed like that, and wanting Dad's respect, pictures Shelley in his mind, and pretty soon likes picturing Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island and Lt. Uhurah on Star Trek and when he develops would, he masturbates into a little pervert to which Mum finding his crusy undies beats his ass, hauls him to Church where the Parson beats his ass, and soon little Doug is looking for a nice girl he can remain faithful to as soon as possible to beat his meat and all turns out normal and society raises a new generation of stable boys to fight and die for America and stable girls to keep it all together.

Now that is the reality of world history, and it worked. It works until a majority of perverts starts sexing out of marriage in turning girls into whores, men into fags and the women have to become men........like Raquel Welch in Walks Far Woman in she had a fag Indian husband and had to go out and kill deer.
See another great movie for little girls and boys, as little girls are taught not to marry fags as they do not bring home the dead deer and little boys want Raquel Welch as their squaw as they can see better uses for Raquel than deer hunting.

You create normal children by not sanctioning their little hedon misbehavior, and you start it out right by having adults as parents who are not lazy men and shrew women. That turns out Doug Mainwaring and the Mrs. who both needed some Elvis and Raquel, mixed in with John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara........and William Shatner with Spoc and Bones to figure out people are mind and emotion......with the parents being moral and looking to a God Who will zap everyone for being a perv.

There is a reason John Wayne movies never turned out fags and Elvis turned out normal women like Shelley Fabares while other movies do.. Just like some families turn out fags and other families steer their demonic brooding fags into being normal.

Doug Mainwaring needed Clambake and Big Jake........just like all the other little girls like his wife needed that...........Shelley Fabares and Dawn Wells never turned out any dykes ball buster Mums either.

For those who think I make light of this, that is not the case as EVERY person in this world has some bat in their belfry they have to overcome in Christ or be destroyed in satan over. You stop entertaining sin young, and it does not manifest to  lifelong problems when you are an adult.
If that sounds hard, too bad as this is life and life is not a Sunday stroll most days as God made it that way to refine people into Spiritual children, ever hazardous step of the way in satan trying to be 10 ton millstone weight around your hips.

I will not though let Mr. & Mrs. Mainwaring set the tone in this in some pseudo intellectual level as their own words and actions manifest with a reality of weak people instead of fixing things in God, trying to plug the damn hole with some other 160 pound baggage called a spouse or a sodomite.
Doug Mainwaring is providing flawed data and satan will destroy more people with that false message. It requires being set right and not cheered.

There is a Way, a Truth and a Life. It only comes from that Son of God who took on a human persona to lay down His Life to redeem each person from hell. Jesus withstood every temptation, and that includes being queer to whatever else satan seduces the human mind with.
Jesus had a crappy home. His dad died before he was 30. His Mother Mary's brother, Joseph, was his step father. His siblings thought he was nuts and were jealous of him.

Jesus did what no one else did in not sinning ever and He paid for all sin. Every person must go to Jesus as Jesus will carry you through the flaws, and that includes trying to develop into a homosexual.

That is the reality and role models with a daily dose of the Bible in bringing a child up in that virtue, and they will not depart from it in old age...and in most cases they will be saved from all the seductions satan springs on every human.

You are not gay Doug Mainwaring, and an adult should have set you straight in this. You are a male who had his emotional wiring corrupted and then you hot wired it in your little boy mind trying to be the love you never received as a boy correctly from a father.

 You children have got to stop being so mind warped in 100 years ago America had a few screwed up people thinking they were homosexuals. Now after Tavistock mind control and environmental additions as soy milk, a preponderance of dupes think they are homosexual.

Duh that points to the reality it was created by methodology and now is being fosted in America for a nefarious purpose.

Those are the facts.

nuff said

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