As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
If I were to write 7 Mountains, would you know what that is?
How about if I listed the following names, would you recognize any of them?
John Hagee, David Barton, Jim Garlow, Richard Lee, Robert George and Stephen Broden.
You probably missed the gathering led by Glenn Beck on FOX, which included these religious leaders and their pronouncements, but it lays at the heart of what Ted Cruz had triggered for him, based upon Rafael Cruz sr. who has been funded by Big Koch, in tapping into this "mindset" which do not seem to have any association, but simply appear like a spectre and then disappear like a ghost.
All of this lies in the Dominionism or the 7 Mountains which was progressed by Lance Wallnau, who interestingly in this, after meeting Donald Trump, jumped off the reservation and is the source for the line of terming Donald Trump a Cyrus.....for the astute readers they may recall that it was this blog who defined Vladimir Putin as the Cyrus of this era if he remained with God and became the Christian protector in Eastern Europe.
Seven Mountains dominionism seeks to place Christians in control over the seven forces that shape and control our culture: (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion. The reason for this, as Lance Wallnau, the leading advocate for Seven Mountains theology, explained is that Jesus "doesn't come back until He's accomplished the dominion of nations." And the way "dominion of nations" is accomplished is by having Christians gain control of these "seven mountains" in order to install a "virtual theocracy" overseen by "true apostles" who will fight Satan and his Antichrist agenda.
Seven Mountains dominionism seeks to place Christians in control over the seven forces that shape and control our culture: (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion. The reason for this, as Lance Wallnau, the leading advocate for Seven Mountains theology, explained is that Jesus "doesn't come back until He's accomplished the dominion of nations." And the way "dominion of nations" is accomplished is by having Christians gain control of these "seven mountains" in order to install a "virtual theocracy" overseen by "true apostles" who will fight Satan and his Antichrist agenda. - See more at:
I desire that each of you read the bold part in the above again, as it is important, because you will hear the same things manifesting from Muslims in their Mahdi returning, and you will hear that from the Shabbatai Zvi or false messiahs, who teach that the "more people sin, the better it is, because that means the messiah will come to make things right".
In history, you will find this odd thread of "subhumans" occurring in the Babylonian Talmud, in Islam, and in Christian Identity in the "mud people".
Most of you never come across the "movement" as you either are never exposed to them or you sit in your mainstream CIA controlled religions, but do not make any mistake in this, when the GOPliters were busy trying to seize control of the Tea Party, there was just as much enthusiasm to seize control of domininionism.
You have to understand this group which Rafael Cruz sr. is a charismatic part of. They are leaders of what I call the "christian zombie". You know what I am speaking of in these odd looking people who look like they never are in the sun, have a great deal of "praise Jesus" non stop and "praise music", and have these blank stares.
In this group are the zombie and the lords of the manor, being wealthy and quasi intellectual.
To understand this group, I will use a Mark Twain quote on his historical work of Joan of Arc. Sam Clemens explained what Joan of Arc's mission was. The English had deposed the French king, and all that was left was the prince. Joan was moved with passion to get that prince crowned by the Catholic priests. The reason was that a prince was a prince, but once the Priest anointed the prince, that King then was vouched for by the most important people in France who led the nation, and those people were the local Priests.
If the local Father told the people that the Church crowned King Louis, then no one else, including a king in England was going to ever rule France.
Do you begin now to understand what is the undercurrent of the Cruz boogers? Why they seem to appear and vanish? Why they post the damnedest lies, believe the most blasphemous things about Cruz, and never question any of it?
It is because Big Koch and the fag billionaires, with the help of Rafael Cruz sr. have hijacked the dominion or 7 Mountains movement.
I am going to tell you some history of this which is going to surprise you. In the 1980's Ronald Reagan via Bill Casey, his CIA chief, began creating a network or networks. One was the religious right and the other was ABC Cap Cities in media.
Much of this in religion was funded by the Korean, Reverend Moon of the Moonies.
After Bill Casey "died", the entire networks were hijacked by George H. W. Bush, who constructed Sub Operational Groups, and a political assassination network which removed all contenders for Jeb Bush.
The religious group was told to shut up and go away. George W. Bush later would resurrect the connection, and then fund it with his community projects, which the Obama regime is now using in regime money to import all of these terror invaders.
Into this mix, began the movement of dominionism. Sincerely, after you have watched the crackdown on the Bundy Patriots, and the history of the regime using moles to infiltrate every group in America, do you really think that someone is not minding the 7 Mountains, exactly like Jesse Jackson and later Birther Obama was minding the black movement for the FBI?
You have been reading these odd headlines on Drudge of Ted Cruz having the face of God, in Heidi Cruz telling people that, to Rafael Cruz sr. telling people that Ted is anointed. That is the Christian codex, and the reason this target group of militants is not screaming heretic, is because they are all hearing this from their Popes on earth in the above "movement" of the mixing of religion and politics.
Rafael Cruz sr. is paid for by Big Koch, like all this funding appears...........Newt Gingrich created Jim Garlow from the above list, who preaches freedom, faith and free markets.
If you want to hear that exact quote, it is all on oil soaked North Dakota, importing Muslims, about to be turned over to Saudi Muslims, in the media giant there led by Catholic Scott Hennen professing, FAITH, FREEDOM and FREE ENTERPRISE.
Do you get there is a scripted message in there from some place in the intelligence community, and that pattern has the core group of politicized religious leaders, propped up by the rich patrons, who then are vouching for Ted Cruz as the second coming of Christ.
Does this weirdo stuff coming out of Glenn Beck's Mormon mouth start making more sense as Beck is minder and he has been issuing marching orders to the Cruz boogers who are eating this stuff up, because their pulpit pounders are hearing it from the hierarchy.
You have to get this as it will be missed. This not like the Vatican, but it is a population of independent clergy in their own ministries, who are getting super church executive orders, funded by the billionaires, so all of these people believe the message is legitimate........and they follow it without question.
You will notice that leaders like Jerry Falwell jr., after hearing the Cruz apologistia present him, but then run as if running from Sodom, after meeting Donald Trump, because what they are hearing is not matching what they are witnessing.
Ted Cruz is not two faced, he has the 7 Faces of Ted Cruz, and his old man has hijacked with the billionaires an entire network of these charismatics. The Evangelicals who are a completely different mainstream group ran for their lives from this blasphemy of Cruz, as "there is One Lord, Jesus Christ". That is why Beck was out saying they will all go to hell for not voting for was the same herding propaganda the Jews use to keep Jews voting for Obama and Muslims use to keep the Brzezinski radical Islam viable. Beck was terrorizing these zombie christians to ignore the sins of Ted Cruz in vote fraud, because if they did not, the zombie were all going to hell.
What is most troubling about this is, this group of intellectual christians and zombie christians have been all over the internet posting lies and acting completely irrational. The very things they believe in the Bible about Truth and Love, have been buried and in their conditioning, they view everyone else as the devil and only Ted Cruz is right.
That is extremely dangerous and why I point out the Jonestown mirror image of this. Mike Huckabee was by design meant to mind these people, but what Ted Cruz has been engaged in with his Robert Mercer mind control is honestly doing to them what Zbigneiw Brzezinski did to Muslims in radicalizing them to be exploited by the cartel. These Americans have become militantized and it appears they are going to be radicalized.
I really want the Cruz boogers to think about this, as the horror of this is dawning on people not under the Cruz spell. Christians are already on terror watch lists, so what happens in a Muslim import America, when Ted Cruz in his vehemence in tearing down the Republican party, happens to trigger numbers of Cruz boogers to think their face of Ted is god speaking, and they think by being terrorists that they are doing the right thing?
How long before the FBI starts raiding all Christianity like in Oregon, after shooting up these 7 Mountain zealots who literally are sounding like they are initiating their own Sharia law and Ted Cruz is their Mohammed?
Ted Cruz by fact targeted people who were on, using a program to ascertain which minds he could trigger to be his robotic followers. That is proven and was written of here. This is an extreme threat to these zombie types, as their programming is being changed from Biblical to Cruz for the billionaires. They have ceased thinking and have become these rampaging brutes violating everything Christ warned them of.
This expose continues.