It was shortly after 9/11, maybe that following Friday, when the planes were all still grounded, and I was sitting after midnight on our 3 season porch with the skylights. Happened to glance up to see something never seen before, which consisted of a sharply defined beam of something stretching from the eastern all the way to the western horizon, luminescently light green. It was relatively wide for the distance it appeared to be away, and when I stepped out onto the deck to look, all the above was confirmed. I didn’t know what it could be.........
This is what it could be.
THE TRUTH ABOUT COMPACT FLUORESCENT LIGHTS 16, 2010 – Evidence shows the compact fluorescent light is an energy hog and is one of the most dangerous .... more energy sometimes creating more green house gases than before we made the switch. ...... Did a rocket, HAARP or ET/UFOs cause the June 5, 2010 Australian spiral light?... Expand Your Horizon...
Spiral green light in Australia, matching the green spiral light Norway?
Yes indeed.
United States UFO: Neon Green Beam Of Light Came From The Sky... 17, 2013 – Labels: beam, florida, George, green, Gulf, island, light, neon, sky, st. ...Sky Lights Up Fluorescent Blue/Green And Seen Over... Sky Lit Up A ...
So we have been having a distinct pattern, across the globe for over a decade in high altitude lights, some seeming earth generated in spirals and some horizon to horizon in scope in beams, all being shadow signatures of the Aurora Lights caused by solar flares, which when at their most intense and concentrated, they are in the green wave length spectrum of energy.
Singapore: Strange Green Lights in the Sky· Global Voices 7, 2007 – The first one was fluorescent green and had clear red, yellow and .... It looks like a beam of light and it appears to be stationary for last 3-4 hrs.
A natural phenomenia being mimicked by a man made event.
If you do not know what it is Mr. Spock tell me what it isn't.
As in the Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusives, the subject event that took place in the week after 9 11, when Bush and Cheney were in the nuclear bunkers, had more to do than just what this blog wrote of then in at least two nuclear devices were located and confiscated in these United States proper.
As was recorded, two Muslim males were incarcerated in New York and died of radiation poisoning in this KGB type prepositioning of atomic devices in America.
For the record, there was not just anthrax in a biological attack, but a series of attack waves which the Bush Administration did thwart after the Twin Towers were pulled down.
One must understand the "green glow beam" in what it was in electromagnetic and low microwave radiation as it does indeed heat things up, like a microwave, but ask yourself the obvious in McGiver microwaves with a flammable chemical and a steel wool pad become a bomb as this program revealed.
See it is possible to detonate a nuclear bomb coming into America by utilizing HAARP by inducing an electrical charge, in the same way the radar wave bursts can trigger car alarms or sweep your computer and download your hard drive and change the contents.
As detonating a nuclear device in the upper atmosphere would create an electro magnetic pulse this would wipe out the civilian electronic grid, and actually as the above event eludes to, there was a sea launched nuclear missile in the Atlantic in this period as one of the many punches which was initiated to destroy the United States to the stone ages.
That ship I was informed was taken out by US military after the fact, but in the arc projectile picked up by NORAD, HAARP was activated to interdict this nuclear warhead as it was incoming and designed to create an EMP.
What took place was HAARP in this "beam" of it's early phase produced a heating curtain for layman's explanation and this melted or fried the missile components. Tragectory was off New York in the Atlantic, It was designed at altitude to detonate above the central North American zone.
The warhead though was melted in the components and the device then fell on descending arc in the western United States where the components were recovered.
I will not be any more specific in this to area in generalities in the east west New York arc which was witnessed.
HAARP can be spheres in the sky, it can be beams, it can be spirals, it can be curtains which are close to form of the Aurora which is natural.
It appears green in most instances, because that is the spectrum at which it operates at in the natural generation interacting with nature. HAARP is used for many things, from good to things not good. It does not need to be stopped completely, but it does require a better understanding as Peking and Moscow know fully well of HAARP as it being turned on after 9 11 and succeeding was a show of force.
It is what is behind Obama's nuclear disarmanent and why the Eurasians are nattering non stop about US space weapons, as Star Wars and Skynet do exist. They are not foolproof and it is why Putin is prowling with his short range stealth nuclear submarines, as hypersonic cruise nuclear missiles are not high altitude and HAARP would not protect against such things.
It is about the polar and non polar and it's effects on the polar and non polar elements.
There are a number of things which are not known and will never be. Humans witness things and local authorities have no idea what is going on and dispatchers go meltdown in fear. Mockingbird just sweeps it away after a mention and the gophers go back to their holes as the sun shines again.
No sense in being concerned about things in if one is breathing the next day, then everything worked as it was supposed to as we have not reached the climax when mass populations are to be cropped.
The same things though that were used by George W. Bush for good, are now though being utilized for evil under B. Hussein Obama.
That is enough to digest on insider things.
agtG 245Y