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The Blow Job


By indications of the Mockingbird talking points, it would appear that the deception is being sown by Tom Horn to pave the way for the anti Christ to be some sort of alien hybrid.

This is indicated by an appearance on the George Nouri Coast to Coast AM on the Monday, March 25th program.

It was interesting that Nouri, who received a Barack Obama award on air as a surprise gift, deliberately did not bring up certain things such as Tom Horn with Chris Putnam pointed to a coming pope named Peter, and pointed to the two Peter's in one from Europe and the other from Africa being the next pope.
Horn indicated that Napoleon or Appolyon (the destroyer) would rise in Europe in 2012. Horn has been wrong on everything, but focused upon the "prediction the pope would resign" which apparently according to Horn was due to a codex by a Catholic scholar predicting the event over 60 years ago by calculations.

Appolyon means DESTROYER and is the demonic entity arising from the pages of Revelation and is termed Abaddon in different dialect. I have stated that things have not come to fruition yet in Judas not being entered into, and posted that exclusively.

Apollyon is not Rising in 2012. You are being Hornswoggled.

May 31, 2012 – Dr. Cathy Burns points out many of the problems in her critique of Tom's Horn's Apollyon Rising: 2012. In addition to most of what Dr. Burns ...

The reality is that anyone can predict a great earthquake or that Obama will resign, but most prognosication is wrong, but if someone does say something that by random chance does come to be, they will "forget" the thousand other things wrong and just champion the one right thing in saying, "Wow I got that right".

As an experiment, each of you could write down 50 things that would happen in the next year. Chances are you are going to get something right just by chance.

The reality is in Tom Horn's own words, is the only thing he got "right" was due to an obscure codex and even that time line is not exactly correct.

As though, this blog did predict by human nature, it was posted here that Tom Horn would return, forgetting all his lies, and bring new tidings about the new things he has now evolved to.

Horn is part of that Steve Quayle demon sex make giants programme. As this blog proved by Jesus own words. Angels do not produce sperm nor egg, so they can not produce children with humans. They are not married or given in marriage as they are spirit as dead people will be.

Those realities are though not promoted as Quayle couches his rantings in Charlie Daniels religious music. Quayle is someone during the Bush bashing days, went wild with Capitol Hill Blue propaganda one day saying the entire Bush Administration was about to be arrested, all from George Soros funding sources.
Quayle also as example was so ignorant that he kept referring to Valerie Plame as Valerie Plah MAY as if it was French or something. He could not ever bother as a silver seller turn on a radio and listen to the news once a day to be that informed.

I have heard the co author in Chris Putnam speak. He seems genuine and knowledgeable. What it appears is he is the genius behind the Petrus Romanus and got Tom Horn's connections and name to give him footing.
Horn though with George Nouri, who I will repeat was someone who is Lebanese, like Obama's trader Arab roots that seem to be located now in Petra as that is where he visited, before the Osseiran merchants took over Lebanon, was promoting the "uprising" in Egypt as an absolutely wonderful thing.
This was Obama generated Marxist Islam and Nouri promoted it.

Listeners in Nouri accused him often of being a Naval intelligence operative, as he is a career Navy man. I will point out that no arena in America from the NRA, John Birch, Tea Party to Coast to Coast is not a conduit of Mockingbird in having stooges, and that includes the GOP which is full of them in this overthrow of America.
Nouri immediately got that award from Obama after the first election theft for delivering the Coast to Coast audience in not informing them of the reality of Obama. Now in archives anyone can listen to George Nouri covering up the failings of Tom Horn and shifting the message to what the cartel is focusing upon.

You can notice Huffington Post is even graduated to people having sex with aliens. Tom Horn with Nouri are now focusing upon the Vatican and aliens. They are focusing on Vatican observatories and the information of things such as "alien fleets observed in outer space".

Focus on that for a moment in what Horn informed Nouri of, in apparently in deep space these Vatican observers are seeing alien space fleets. Before you bite on this, know that to just get glimpses of planets the sizes of stars, they have to be huge.......yet it is being reported that some kind of mothership fleet is out in space and it is common.
Yes it sounds like Louis Farrakhan in his mother ship beaming people up and all of that nonsense, but this is what Mockingbird is sowing into the fringe psyche by Nouri and Horn.

Nouri is focsuing on "Wormwood" the star which plunges to earth and turns the waters bitters as the Bible speaks of, but Horn is fixated again on aliens and the Vatican.

I will tell you now that there is no such  thing as an alien. These are demons in various grades of classes that sow deception and are part of an anti God plan to replace God with a race of immortals in league with them.
The Bible states plainly that "if it were possible the elect would be deceived". I have written of this, in the message coming out from conduits like Horn and Nouri indicates that "humans" are going to be told they are children of space aliens, and there never was a God. This would meld to the Bible stating that miracles will be performed by the unholy trinity, again as further proof that a superman genetics were involved......and the lie most likely will be if you take the mark, worship the beast, you too will awaken your "alien genetics" and become all powerful too.

You need to be aware of what is being cleverly sown by these people in guises of smiles and christian dogma. The question is about more than guest rotation, but why is George Nouri leading a group of hosts into a venue of a Vatican alien meld, when the very conduits from Steve Quayle and Tom Horn have proven absolute frauds time and again, and scrabble together chance "being right" to trumpet about how right they are in covering up all the fraud.

The logic is the lords and priests are conjuring in OPENING PORTS or windows to the occult. In real analogy, the crop circles appear by will in people asking of them, that is not alien, but a spiritual matrix context. That is demonic, and for this to work, Faith in God must be disrupted on a majority of will scale in a great deception, being sown by money hucksters and propagated in media deliberately to prepare a message that this Nouri group with Richard Hoagland have been initiating to the gullible for years.

Look Art Bell, the father of this, used to say, he never knew what was real, but it was fun. He was burned out by this and went native fleeing to Asia. What was sent in to take over though has been tearing at the world and America, while telling you with a smile it has been for America and the world.

An Obama award winner, who could not refuse that reward for services rendered in George Nouri, who deliberately misled people on Egypt and who deliberately has mislead people on the failings, lies and fabrications of Tom Horn and his ilk.
See this is clever in a Chris Putman who knows his message, gets it gravitated toward aliens and the Vatican. Horn then starts bragging about hiring private investigators and hosts of people to scan research material.

Ah who is paying for all of this in all these ghost researchers? Might be the same Mockingbird money flow that airs George Nouri and controls the segment of the fringe necessary in this.

You do not get this my children, in Ron Paul was a sell out. He was there to control a group of very patriotic and passionate people. A Ron Paul advocate was worth a million Oprah viewers, because Ron Paul people got off their asses and did things.
The same is for the fringe which is avowed with Alex Jones, Jeff Rense or George Nouri. Those people are people who scour the internet and are always chattering about things. They are emotional and they spread the message, just like the Ulsterman group did, before that group started waking up to the Insiders in what was really taking place there.

The blowing of the Tom Horn is George Nouri's job. If you can find the archives, just listen to the UFO builder from Australasia phoning into Art Bell after an "event" and telling him, he was coming home as the end was here. That was Stan Deyo, with his lovely wife Holly, who was involved with Steve Quayle web design and other fringe projects.

What the reality is, is what GeorgeAnn Hughes exposed a decade ago, in the media types get sponsors and haul in the cash fleecing all of you. Ms. Hughes had a poverty time of it as she would not sell out, but ask yourself WHY DO SOME PEOPLE GET THE SPONSORS and others do not get a dime?
That is the rub in this in the cartel is flowing money to those who are promoted before you, and they never seem to have any problems as this blog does in pages blown, grabbed, being logged out or having settings changed.

That Anonymous could hack Limbaugh in a few minutes, but they do not, because it is part of the game being directed. It all part of the mystery in the rites are playing every group for a pitch in this symphony to conjure the emotional effects to resonate the frequency they require.
Read that again and do not forget it.

This stops here now as it is enough to take in, but you my children have got to not dismiss the reality of what you are being conditioned with and start asking why are deceptions championed when fraud has been exposed?
Who and what in the cartel is using all of this which you are hearing and seeing, and why? That is the end answer and it is being formed at this moment to become more ingrained each day as you are distracted in a Stockholm Syndrome of being held hostage in the gulag.
My babies, the reason one takes guns, straight marriage and national identity in giving it to illegals if a final rape of the conscience, so in that emotional distress you will break down and cling to an authoritarian figure as your entire validation base is in upheaval, and what settles in then, is what you are told is the reality.

I get studied a great deal as like you, the cartel ponders what it is in people as us, who do not sign on to the propaganda nor the propaganda sources who are designed to be trusted in the right and the left. The condition is called God.

This is being generated now by dupes and Manchurians and controls.

Yeah I know it is George Noury by the talking points.

agtG 256Y

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